Page 6 - Abacoa Community News - June '24
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Page 6, Abacoa

       aPoa news & activities

      From The Desk Of The Property Manager

                                     As summer arrives   a hot summer eye on our Abacoa                    early people had for the sky. From sunrise gatherings to
                                   so  have  the  Town   community calendars and Abacoa.                   midsummer festivals, the summer solstice is celebrated by
                                   of  Jupiter  Pickleball   com for block parties and music,              many cultures around the world with numerous traditions.
                                   Courts  at  Abacoa   street legal golf cart competitions                Celebrate this solstice, celebrate summer … we wish you a
                                   C o m m u n i t y  Pa r k   and parades. You’ll also find all the       bright and fun-filled one!
                                   we’ve all been waiting   fun details of Roger Dean Chevrolet               For all events and further information visit our website,
      for! Along with Abacoa’s beautiful community pools, trails   Stadiums Splash Days, Dog Days,, where you can also subscribe for the
      and shady oak-lined streets, great for biking and long summer   Ocean Nights, Casino Nights and      monthly events e-blast right to your email inbox. The monthly
      night strolls, it’s a great time to get outside and enjoy it all!   the Dean keeps the summer nights   event calendars can also be found posted at your community
      Abacoa summer events are in full swing. Be sure to keep   lit up with Fireworks Nights! Summer starts with a bang   clubhouse.
                                                        around here as Downtown Abacoa teams up with Roger Dean      To contact the APOA office call (561) 624-7788 or email
                                                        Chevrolet and the Town of Jupiter for a July Fourth weekend We are always here to
                Deadline for the next                   full of fun with the two-day Mega Bash and a Fourth of   assist.
                                                                                                             While summer fun is definitely on all of our agendas,
                  Abacoa newspaper                      July Block Party followed by the Town’s stunning evening     with the beginning of June also comes the six-month-long
                                                        fireworks show!
              is the 11th of the month.                    Summer Fun-Facts: Summer solstice for the Northern   Atlantic Hurricane Season, a very real threat for Florida.
             Submit articles/pictures to                Hemisphere will occur on June 20. The summer solstice   It cannot be stressed enough the importance of education
                                                        marks the official start of astronomical summer and the
                                                                                                           and understanding of hurricanes including all safety and                   “longest day” and “shortest night” of the year. A solstice   preparedness procedures and warnings for before, during and
                                                        isn’t a whole day, in actuality it’s a moment, when the sun is   after a storm. See Page 9, “Hurricane Preparedness” where
                                                        farthest north in our sky. In 2024, the solstice moment will   we’ve included noted storm advisory tips. See “Be Prepared”
                                                        fall at 20:51 UTC (3:51 p.m. CDT) and it’s noted the sun will   here, providing where to find Abacoa and Local Storm and
                                                        be directly overhead at noon. In the Northern Hemisphere,   Emergency information, links to National and State Storm
      Country Singer-Songwriter Jamey Johnson from page 4  with attention, you’ll notice the early dawns and late sunsets,   Advisory Sites, Radio Storm Broadcasting information, along
                                                        and the high arc of the sun across the sky each day. At   with Storm and Family Safety phone apps.
      Times, Rolling Stone, The Wall Street Journal and other   local noon the sun appears
      publications, many of which have hailed his albums as   high in the sky and a look at
      masterpieces. In 2012, the Alabama native released his   your noontime shadow will
      fifth studio album, a tribute project to late songwriter Hank   be your shortest noontime
      Cochran. The Grammy-nominated Living for a Song: A   shadow of the year.
      Tribute to Hank Cochran paired him with Willie Nelson,      Ancient  cultures  knew
      Alison Krauss, Emmylou Harris, Ray Price, Elvis Costello,   that the sun’s path across the
      George Strait, Vince Gill and Merle Haggard. In 2013,   sky, the length of daylight and
      the Nashville Scene’s 13th annual Country Music Critics’   the location of the sunrise and
      Poll named it the year’s best album. (Two years earlier, the   sunset all shifted in a regular
      same poll named Johnson’s The Guitar Song as the year’s   way throughout the year.
      best album, and Johnson himself as best male vocalist, best   They built monuments such
      songwriter and artist of the year.)               as the ones at Stonehenge
         While Johnson has spent the better part of more than two   in England and at Machu
      decades on the road, he took a break from touring much of   Picchu in Peru to follow the
      last year to focus on songwriting. The name of the tour came   sun’s yearly progress. Today,
      from one of the songs written during this burst of creativity.   we know that the solstice
      “It is the song that brought me back into writing songs,” he   is caused by Earth’s tilt on
      says. “It is the one that kicked off the desire to make new   its  axis and by its orbital
      music. You can expect to hear more new music in our shows   motion around the sun. The
      from now on.”                                     solstice is a time to recall the
         He is also known                               reverence and understanding
      for the breadth and
      depth  of  his  ever-
      changing set lists,                                  aPoa uPdate
      which include his
      hits, album cuts and
      covers  of  country                                             Abacoa POA Meeting Notices
      standards, as well as
      new songs, so fans
      never know what they can expect. Johnson says it’s the fans      Official notification is posted via the bulletin board outside the POA office as well as the Abacoa website.
      who make his shows unforgettable; “there’s a camaraderie there   Members may view and/or download Abacoa POA agendas and approved minutes from
      that we have had for a really long time.” It’s the connection   Notice of APOA Board of Directors Meeting – Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 11:30 a.m. – APOA office or Zoom
      with people who share country music as a passion. “It will be
      fun,” he says. “We will do a lot of the old stuff and a lot of the   Notice of Monthly CAC Meeting – Tuesday, June 25, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – APOA Office or Zoom
      new stuff; I love the connection with the audience.”             The deadline to submit CAC materials for review is one week prior to the CAC meeting.
         “I love my band,” he says. “I love how much attention they
      put into every song that we do. They still blow me away after                       All Meetings Subject to Change
      all of the years playing together. It is still something new every   All meetings to be held at the offices of the Abacoa POA, 1200 University Blvd.,
      night. In a way, it’s like we are all back in the studio again: It’s   Suite 102, Jupiter, FL. 33458 or via Zoom.US unless otherwise posted.
      our time to create this tonight and here is how it goes.”
      About Ben Haggard                                           Articles herein are the creation of the individual writers, and do not express the opinion of the APOA.
         The brilliant Ben                                  By printing an article herein, the APOA is not endorsing the writer, the article’s content, or any business referred to
      Haggard is a country                                           herein.  The APOA will not be responsible for errors contained herein, or related to, articles.
      music singer/songwriter
      and guitarist. He began
      playing with his father’s
      band, The Strangers,
      when he was 15 years
      old, and became their
      lead guitarist and
      performed with them
      for many years. He also
      formed his own career, and famously recorded a cover of Kris                      $                   $ 100 OFF                  $ 250
      Kristofferson’s Help Me Make It Through The Night and                               39Usually  95
      posted the video to his YouTube account in 2013. The video                      SERVICE CALL WITH           ANY NEW             UV LIGHT WITH ANY
      received over 170,000 views. After his father’s death in 2016,                    ANY A/C REPAIR          WATER HEATER          NEW INSTALLATION
                                                                                                                                         ( 750 Value)
      he and his musician brother, Noel, continued to perform with                   CALL FOR SERVICE       CALL FOR SERVICE       CALL FOR SERVICE
      The Strangers. His other two brothers, Marty and Scott, are                    561-741-2825           561-741-2825           561-741-2825
      also professional musicians.                                                  Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,
         Haggard regularly connects with his hundreds of thousands                  offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount
      of followers and fans through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,                per transaction. Expires 7/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 7/10/24.  per transaction. Expires: 7/10/24.
      posting pictures and comments about his musical life. He also
      has a dedicated YouTube channel, Ben Haggard.
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