Page 4 - Abacoa Community News - June '24
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Page 4, Abacoa

      Friday, June 14 Deuterman Productions Presents:

      Collie Buddz ‘Take It Easy’ Tour

      With Kash’d Out And Cloud9 Vibes – Jupiter

                                  Colin  Patrick  Harper   Buddz’s third full-length album. The album is fully produced   hooks and sing-along choruses, resonated with fans across the
                                hails from the tiny island   by Buddz and features two tracks with Russ, as well as tracks   country who have come out and supported the band in droves.
                                of Bermuda. In the music   with Tech N9ne, B Young, Stonebwoy, Dizzy Wright and   With a solid reputation as one of the hardest-working bands
                                industry, he is known as the   Johnny Cosmic. The first five songs on the album have been   in the reggae-rock scene, Kash’d Out continues to see their
                                reggae artist Collie Buddz.   released and highly praised as singles. FADER called Love &   numbers grow as they build a committed and loyal fanbase
                                Buddz was born on Aug. 21,   Reggae a “quintessential reggae jam,” and Billboard praised   in every city, show by show.
                                1984 in New Orleans, La.   Bank featuring Russ & B Young, claimed “Buddz effortlessly      This reggae rock act is making waves along the East Coast,
                                After graduating from high   [flowed] on the self-produced melody.” Meanwhile, Bounce   performing at major festivals and sharing the stage with big
                                schoo l, he attended Full Sail   It featuring Ghanian Grammy nominee Stonebwoy has gotten   names like 311 and Matisyahu. With a high-energy performance
                                University in Winter Park,   radio play around the world including on Sirius XM Pitbull’s   style and a knack for getting the crowd moving, they’re quickly
                                Fla., where he decided to   Globalization channel, and Buddz’s latest single Show Love   becoming a force to be reckoned with in the music scene.
      study studio engineering. Upon graduating from the top in his   has quickly earned radio play on Sirius
      class at Full Sail in 2006, Buddz began looking for work in   XM The Joint and was added to Spotify’s
      the recording industry as a performer or producer. One of his   elite New Music Friday playlist.
      first major gigs was working with recording star Shaggy on      Kash’d Out, straight out of Orlando,
      the single Mad Mad World from Shaggy’s new album at the   FL,  has  been  hitting  the  reggae/rock
      time entitled Intoxication, which was released in 2007. That   scene in full force since dropping their
      was the same year Buddz released his self-titled debut album   debut album in 2017, The Hookup. It
      with Sony Music with tracks such as Come Around and Blind   officially put them on the map and threw
      To You. The album was a success and well-received by critics.   them into the national touring circuit
      WWE (World Wrestling Enterprises) fans would immediately   while playing some the scene’s biggest
      recognize Buddz’s voice from the entrance theme (SOS) for   festivals. The Hookup, with its catchy
      WWE superstar wrestler Kofi Kingston, which was included
      next year, he would continue making guest appearances on  Country Singer-Songwriter
      on the 2008 compilation WWE The Music, Vol. 8. Over the
      the works of many other artists.
      selling out venue after venue on one of his many exhaustive  Jamey Johnson Launches

         When not working in the studio, Buddz finds himself
      tours. Now with new music being released and a good
      of the biggest reggae music festivals all across the world such  ‘What A View’ Tour With Ben Haggard
      reputation under his belt, Buddz finds himself playing at some
      as Reggae Rise Up, One Love New Zealand and California
      Roots Music Festival.                                                                                artists to include Charles Wesley Godwin, Whitey Morgan,
         At the end of the                                                                                 Drake White, Southall and Ben Haggard (the youngest of the
      decade, Buddz started                                                                                legendary Merle Haggard’s four sons, and for playing in his
      his  own  record  label                                                                              father’s band, The Strangers). You won’t want to miss this
      called Harper Digital.                                                                               country music star-studded night!
      In  2011,  he would                                                                                     Johnson, who has
      finally release his                                                                                  received 11 Grammy
      second album entitled                                The “What a View” tour begins on June 20 in St.   nom i na t i ons, i s
      Playback followed                                 Augustine, Fla., and Deuterman Productions will country   “one of the greatest
      shortly with the Blue                             rock us bringing the concert here to Abacoa on June 23   country singers of
      Dreamz EP. Buddz                                  featuring songs from his award-winning album catalog.   our time,” according
      would then go on to release his next album Good Life fully   Johnson is widely regarded as one of the best country   to  The Washington
      independently through Harper Digital with features from the   songwriters of his generation and is known for songs such   Post. He has received
      likes of Snoop Dogg, Jody Highroller and the Bay Area’s   as The Guitar Song, which received a gold certification and   tremendous praise
      very own, P-Lo.                                   Give It Away and In Color, which won two Song of the Year   from  The New York
         More recently, he has finished up his fully self-produced   trophies (both from the Academy of Country Music and the
      album Hybrid which came out in the spring of 2019. Hybrid is   Country Music Association). Joining Johnson are support   Country Singer-Songwriter Jamey Johnson on page 6

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