Page 1 - Abacoa Community News - June '24
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VOL. 25 NO. 6                                                                                  JUNE 2024

                            Outdoor Pickleball

                            Dedicated Courts At Abacoa

                            Community Park Now Open!

        Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports nationwide      The Abacoa Community Park is a 24-acre sports site with
      with more than 36 million players in 2023 according to   facilities for tennis, basketball and hockey, a playground and
      the Association of Pickleball Professionals. Amateur or   concessions and now Pickleball!
      professional it’s an all-ages-friendly game, finding itself      Here in Abacoa the town transformed one of the hockey
      somewhere between tennis, table tennis and badminton.   rinks at Abacoa Community Park into five pickleball courts.
      Pickleball has grown rapidly in popularity, and here in Abacoa   The five courts were constructed within a repurposed roller
      the Town of Jupiter has answered the call with dedicated   hockey rink and are now open for play. These are dedicated
      courts at both the Abacoa Community Park and Jupiter   courts with permanent lines and nets.
      Community Park.                                      The pickleball courts are free and players have access to food,
                                                        restrooms, lights and water. Reservations are not available.
                                                           Courts are open for play Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to
                                                        9:30 p.m. and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Lights turn off 10
                                                        minutes after the courts close. When courts are at capacity, all
                                                        play (singles and doubles) is limited to two consecutive games.
                                                           Abacoa Community Park is located at 1501 Frederick
                                                        Small Road, Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                           For more information visit

      Abacoa Community Park hockey rink and hockey rink
      transformed pickleball courts.                    See Pickleball Court Rules on page 7

                                                           Insect stings can cause serious problems. Be aware of
                                                        allergies and medications to resolve and know when to go
                                                        to the hospital. Use repellents safely, reading all instructions
                                                        in application and related age.
                                                           When temperatures rise, it’s time to slow down. In
                                                        extreme heat stay in the coolest place available.
                                                        In The Swim

                                                           Drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death
      Get Outside                                       among children ages 1 to 4. And it’s the third leading
        Use a broad-spectrum sunblock with UVA and UVB   cause of unintentional injury-related death among
      protection and/or dress in protective clothing when outdoors   children 19 and under.
      for prolonged periods of time, even on cloudy days.      Watch kids when they are in or around water, without
         Avoid dehydration by keeping available and drinking   being distracted. Taking turns, a responsible designated
      water or sports drinks.                           water watcher can help keep an eye on kids in the water
         Be sure everyone can identify dangerous plants, snakes   at all times. Responsible parties should learn CPR and
      and insects.                                      basic water rescue skills. Learning these skills may help
                                                                                 save a life.
                                                                                   Fun swimming aids such
                                                                                 as water wings or noodles
                                                                                 should  not  be  used  as
                                                                                 personal floatation devices.
                                                                                 (PFD). Be sure to use a U.S.
                                                                                 Coast  Guard-approved  life
                                                                                 jacket or PFD for your kids.

                                                                                 Stay Safe This Summer!
                                                                                 on page 7
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