Page 16 - Southern Exposure - May '24
P. 16

Page 16, Southern Exposure

      Fundraising from page 15

      tuning into the virtual program, all participants dedicated
      the night to ending homelessness.
        Recognized as “the great equalizer,” this signature
      annual event unites people from diverse backgrounds,
      economics, cultures and circumstances to stand in
      solidarity with the thousands of men, women, and children
      in Palm Beach County who sleep out every night – not
      by choice but by circumstance.
        CEO of The Lord’s Place Diana Stanley echoed the
      same clear message that has been repeated for the last
      17 years, “Supportive housing is the key to ending                                                   Pamela McIver with Micah, Jamie and Aria Breitfeld-
      homelessness. We pledge to continue advocating for   Crosby, Anne, Ford and J.T. Noble               Futoran
      systemic reform, ensuring that housing is not a privilege,
      but a fundamental human right.”                                                                        While living at the William H. Mann Place for men
        Various clients told their stories of how the agency                                               in Boynton Beach, Phillips took advantage of all of the
      empowered them to reimagine their lives beyond the                                                   programs and services offered. Today, he is eight years clean
      streets, by equipping them with the tools for change,                                                and sober, works full-time at Publix, lives in The Lord’s
      including: street engagement, job training, clinical                                                 Place graduate housing, and gives back and helps others.
      services, reentry support and housing.                                                                 Phillips added, “My family is proud of me … my sisters
        57-year-old Richard Phillips disclosed his family history                                          have found strength in my journey. I’m the first person in
      of addiction, alcoholism and incarceration. With 33 felony                                           my family to break the mold. And I’m never going back
      convictions and a total of 17 years behind bars, Phillips cycled                                     to that life.”
      between incarceration and homelessness until he finally found                                          The reimagined program stayed true to The Lord’s
      long-term care and housing through The Lord’s Place.                                                 Place  mission  and  commitment  to  their  clients. While
        “I needed to unhomelessness myself, once and for all.                                              attendees did not spend the night at the actual event, all
      The pain of staying the same became greater than the                                                 were encouraged to step outside their comfort zone by
      pain of changing. And all of a sudden, the people of The                                             sleeping out somewhere other than their bed. Some chose
      Lord’s Place were there for me. And yes, they saved my                                               setting up a sleeping bag on the living room floor and
      life,” shared Phillips.                           Bill Proctor, Kerry Diaz, Michael Stevens          others slept in a tent in the backyard or on their porch.
                                                                                                           SleepOut is a symbolic effort to raise awareness of the
                                                                                                           estimated 3,000 men, women, and children without a home
                                                                                                           on any given night in Palm Beach County.
                                                                                                             Since 1979, The Lord’s Place has been finding solutions
                                                                                                           and providing services to take more people off the streets
                                                                                                           and into homes. For more information on The Lord’s Place
                                                                                                           or to make a donation to support the transformation of
                                                                                                           lives of the most vulnerable and neglected in Palm Beach
                                                                                                           County, visit:
                                                                                                             Top  sponsors  who  made  SleepOut  possible  include:
                                                                                                           The Honorable Ann Brown, Laraine and Michael Stevens,
                                                                                                           Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, PA, Carol
                                                                                                           and Will Browne, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office,
               Graduate client Richard Phillips, Chief Human Resources Officer Jan Phillips, CEO Diana Stanley,  Cornelia and Richard Thornburgh, Sally and Bob Gilbane
                        graduate client Michelle Longarzo Danaluk, during the candlelight ceremony         and OSCWebco.

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