Page 14 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - May '24
P. 14

Page 14, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League Shares The Importance

      Of TNVR And How To Help This ‘Kitten Season’

        Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League takes care of hundreds   can put a significant strain on the time, money, and resources   separated from their mother,
      of animals at any given time, and now that it is “kitten season,”   required for around-the-clock care. To address this issue, there’s a   their chances of survival
      the leading animal organization in Palm Beach County is sharing   program called TNVR, which stands for Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate   drop dramatically. Check out
      the importance of TNVR (Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return) as an   and Return. In this program, community cats are humanely   resources at
      effective solution to help control the population of outdoor cats.  trapped, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and then   found-kitten-resources before
        During the spring and summer months, female outdoor cats   released back to their outdoor homes.   determining how to intervene
      experience their breeding cycle, resulting in litters of kittens.     “TNVR is an extremely effective method,” explained   when finding kittens.
      This phase is known as “kitten season,” and it lasts for more   Alyssa Dazza, admissions and TNVR manager, “It works by     Currently, Peggy Adams
      than half of the year. Female cats that roam freely outdoors can   immediately stabilizing the cat colony’s size by eliminating   has neonatal kittens who
      sometimes give birth to multiple litters in one season, which   new litters. This reduces nuisance behaviors such as yowling,   require foster care. As a neonatal kitten foster, you would take
                                                         fighting and marking territories with urine. Returning the cat to   on the responsibility of bottle-feeding some of our smallest
                                                                                                           orphaned residents every few hours during their critical first
                                                         its original location prevents new intact cats from moving in and
        It’s The Law!                                    restarting the cycle of overpopulation. As a result, it helps reduce   few weeks of life. Peggy Adams will provide volunteers with
                                                         the number of kittens and cats flowing into local shelters, which
                                                                                                           comprehensive training, essential supplies and ongoing support,
                                                         in turn lowers euthanasia rates and increases the adoption of cats   and in return, you shower them with love! If you or someone
        Did You Know That, In                            already in animal shelters.”                      you know would like to help care for a neonatal foster or learn
                                                                                                           more, visit
                                                           Peggy  Adams Animal Rescue League offers residents of Palm
        Florida…                                         Beach County free trap loans with a refundable deposit during   About Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League
                                                         our hours of operation for TNVR. Peggy Adams loaned out over     Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is an independent
        By Adam S. Gumson,                               1,800 humane traps in 2023 and has a goal of 2,000 in 2024.   nonprofit organization operating continuously since 1925. Peggy
        Esq.                                               Note: Palm Beach County Ordinance 98-22 forbids trapping   Adams provides critical services to more than 35,000 animals
          Alimony  is  not                               cats for any other reason than for TNVR or vet care. To learn   each year and collaborates with local area organizations to
        determined via a state-                          more, visit                  expand the lifesaving work in Palm Beach County.
        sponsored alimony                                  Peggy Adams also reminds the community that if you find a     Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League has a 4-star rating
        guideline similar to the                         litter of kittens, your first reaction might be to bring them to your   from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity
        one used in child support                        local animal shelter. But chances are their mother is close by –   navigator. For more information and to donate, please visit
        cases and is not a one-size-                     and you may actually be “kit-napping” them. Once newborns are
        fits-all calculation. Florida
        provides a number of
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          Yuval Bibi, M.D., is board certified by the American Board of
                                                                                                           Dermatology Associates of the Palm Beaches is a group
          Dermatology, and is now providing care at our Palm Beach                                        practice of board-certified dermatologists and fellowship-
                                                                                                           trained Mohs surgeons providing general dermatology,
          Gardens and Delray Beach offices. Dr Bibi’s clinical practice                                   surgical dermatology, and cosmetic dermatology services.
                                                                                                         Our physicians are also recognized leaders in the diagnosis
          interests include general dermatology, surgical dermatology,                                              and treatment of skin cancer.
          as well as a special focus on genital dermatology, mucosal

          dermatosis, and scalp and nail disease. Dr Bibi sees both
          adults and children. He is a native of Jerusalem, Israel,
          where he earned his medical degree, as well as a PhD at Ben                                       Make an appointment to see Dr. Bibi

          Gurion University. He completed his residency training                                                    at one of these offices:
          at the combined Boston University-Tufts University                                                  Palm Beach Gardens        Delray Beach
                                                                                                               10335 N. Military Trail  2605 W. Atlantic Ave.
          Dermatology program. He looks forward to providing                                                         Suite A             Suite D 204
                                                                                                             Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Delray Beach, FL 33445
          you with excellent dermatology care.                                                                   (561) 622-6976        (561) 819-5822
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