Page 13 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - May '24
P. 13

Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 13
      Marcello Family’s Generous Donation                                                                   How To Identify

      Of Over $1 Million Fuels Cardinal                                                                     Hidden Dyslexia

      Newman High School Renovation                                                                         By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.

      The North Academic Building Is                                                                          Stealth dyslexia is a
                                                                                                            lesser known form  of
      Named The Rocco A. Marcello                                                                           dyslexia that is hidden
                                                                                                            dyslexia. Individuals
      Family Academic Building                                                                              with stealth dyslexia
                                                                                                            are highly intelligent
        A transformative moment unfolded during the Newman Night                                            and compensate for
      2024 gala at the Kravis Center on March 9 as Cardinal Newman                                          their  dyslexia. They
      High School proudly announced the naming of its forthcoming                                           learn to rely upon their
      academic building as the Rocco A. Marcello Family Academic                                            outstanding visual
      Building. This unveiling comes in light of the Marcello family’s                                      memory,  intuition  and
      extraordinary donation exceeding $1 million, which will play a                                        ability to use the book’s context to bypass their reading
      pivotal role in completing the school’s renovation project.                                           weaknesses. Stealth dyslexia often goes undetected
        “Cardinal Newman High School is immensely grateful for the   Ed  Curtin,  Chuck  Stembler,  Jennifer  Marcello,  Rocco   until fourth grade or later.
      generous contribution of the Marcello family,” expressed Interim   Marcello, Emanuela Marcello, John Clarke    Your child may have stealth dyslexia if he or she is
      President John Clarke. “We are thrilled and deeply appreciative                                       very smart and can read but does not enjoy reading.
      of their generosity, which will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy   enrolling in a Catholic school. The dedication of the teachers   Many of these children don’t read for pleasure. Below
      benefiting generations of students to come.”       propelled me to excel, and I ultimately graduated at the top of   are warning signs of stealth dyslexia and be concerned if
        Scheduled to welcome students for the beginning of   my class,” said Rocco Marcello. “Our grandson Rocco’s decision   you identify three or more when considering your child.
      the 2024/25 academic year, the Rocco A. Marcello Family   to remain within the Catholic education system, despite other     • Underachievement relative to intelligence
      Academic Building represents a milestone in the school’s 63-  options, speaks volumes. Just as I benefited from this nurturing     • Inattention or apparent carelessness
      year legacy. With a focus on innovation and student-centered   environment, we are committed to ensuring future generations     •  Strong  oral  expression  but  weaker  written
      spaces, the endeavor will create a dynamic environment that   have access to the same transformative experience.”   expression
      fosters creativity, collaboration and academic achievement.     The Rocco A. Marcello Family Academic Building signifies     • Weak at sounding out unfamiliar words
      The renovation includes a new chapel and campus ministry   the initial phase of Cardinal Newman High School’s ambitious     • Slower oral reading but stronger silent reading
      center, a  welcome  center with  offices for admissions,   undertaking to establish a world-class Catholic college     • Difficulty with spelling in everyday writing (not
      college advising and  student services, state-of-the-art   preparatory education accessible to all. As the school and the   on tests)
      science facilities and laboratories, an innovation center and   Diocese of Palm Beach envision further enhancements, including     • Messy penmanship
      classrooms for mathematics.                        additional renovations and new buildings, the Marcello family’s     • Excessive worry
        The Marcello family, prominent residents of Palm Beach   philanthropic gesture sets a precedent for fostering excellence     • Does not enjoy reading
      and Canada, owns the iconic Cafe L’Europe in Palm Beach.   and Catholic education within the community.     Some people might dismiss your concerns and
      Notably, Rocco A. Marcello, founder, chairman and CEO of     As Cardinal Newman continues its fundraising efforts   instead  say your  child  is careless, not trying hard
      Toronto-based asset management firm Windsor Private Capital,   through the Shaping the Future appeal, the school reaffirms   enough, or is an underachiever. School staff may say
      along with his son Mark Marcello, a partner at Windsor Private   its commitment to operational excellence and delivering   that your child is too smart to have a reading disability.
      Capital, and their family, have demonstrated unwavering support   exceptional education to its students. For further information   The school staff may also tell you your child is not
      for Catholic education.                            and updates on the Shaping the Future Capital Campaign, please   failing enough to have a learning disability. Some
        “Catholic education altered the course of my life. After   visit or contact Mary.  children are considered 2e or twice exceptional having
      facing setbacks in the public school system, I flourished upon, (561) 619-7280.   giftedness  and  a  learning  disability. You  need  an
                                                                                                            evaluation to understand if it’s actually stealth dyslexia
                                                                                                            or something else so that your child is not punished
                                                                                                            for something they can’t help.
                                                                                                              The above warning signs of stealth dyslexia are
                                                                                                            often in stark contrast to the gifts where these children
                                                                                                            excel. Children with stealth dyslexia are often great
                                                                                                            LEGO builders or Roblox and Minecraft designers
                                                                                                            because they have great visual-spatial abilities and
                                                                                                            strong  3-D  mental  rotation. These  children  see  the
                                                                                                            big picture.  They have language strengths with
                                                                                                            communication and an extensive vocabulary. Children
                                                                                                            with stealth dyslexia are often interesting to talk to
                                                                                                            and can carry on a good conversation because of their
                                                                                                            strong critical thinking and general knowledge.
                                                                                                              Call (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child or visit

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