Page 8 - Stuart Exposure - May '24
P. 8

Page 8, Stuart Exposure

                                             Tampa General news

                                                                                                             • Monthly body composition evaluation using a Tanita
                                                           “I wanted to strengthen
      Tampa General Offers A Safe                         my training and knowledge                          scale
                                                                                                             The use of medication, along with lifestyle improvements
      And Medically Supervised                          in prevention and nutrition,”                        in diet and exercise, results in weight loss that reduces the
                                                        said  Rothman.  “I  started
      Weight Loss Program                               integrating the concepts into                      risk of major coronary events, including heart attacks and
                                                        my practice.”                                      strokes, improves metabolic health and manages blood
         It’s no secret that the rate of adult obesity in the United      For  example,  she  will         glucose levels.
      States continues to rise. Recent figures from the Centers   review a patient’s overall                  You do not need to be a member of TGH Concierge
      for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 41.9   health and consider factors              Health to join the weight management program.
      percent of Americans are living with obesity, and medical   such as family history. “We’re              If you’re diagnosed with a chronic health condition,
      costs associated with the condition totaled nearly $173   looking at total health and                or are at risk, commencing a medically supervised weight
      billion in 2019.                                  well-being to find lifestyle                       management program offers you peace of mind, knowing
         According to the Trust for America’s Health, which   changes that are sustainable  Dr. Laurie Rothman  that the program is backed by the world-class care of TGH,
      tracks obesity rates across the country, 22 states now   for the long term.”                         Florida’s leading academic health system.
      report rates at or above 35 percent. At 31 percent, Florida’s      The Weight Management Program is structured as a      TGH  Concierge  Health,  a  service  of TGH  Primary
      obesity rate fairs slightly better, but there’s still cause for   membership with tiered pricing:    Care,  is  part  of TGH’s  commitment  to  connecting  the
      concern.                                             • $300/month for three months                   Palm Beach County and Treasure Coast communities to
         Obesity contributes to chronic health issues such      • $280/month for six months                world-class care. TGH Concierge Health patients receive
      as  high  blood  pressure,  diabetes,  high  cholesterol  and      Membership includes:              the highest level of primary care, with after-hours access
      cardiovascular disease. Plus, the noisy marketplace for      • Two visits per month with a physician who is board   and  personalized  care  plans. TGH  Concierge  Health
      weight loss remedies is daunting. How do you know which   certified in obesity medicine              includes same-day or next-day appointments, after-hours
      programs are reputable? If it involves medication, will      • Two visits per month with a registered nurse  communication with the concierge physician or staff, annual
      you need a physician’s input?                        • Weight loss strategy, counseling, nutrition support,   executive-level physical examinations and more.
         For those struggling with losing weight, or their weight   and psychological and social support      For more information about the weight management
      contributes to a chronic health condition, Tampa General      • Prescription medications, such as semaglutide and   program  offered  by  TGH  Concierge  Health,  please
      Hospital  (TGH)  Concierge  Health  offers  a  medically   tirzepatide,  will  be  prescribed  if  appropriate,  for  an   call  (561)  739-4TGH  (4844)  or  visit
      supervised, safe and effective weight management program   additional cost                           ConciergeHealth.
      available to Palm Beach and Treasure Coast residents.
         Individuals  will  work  one-on-one  with  Dr.  Laurie   Treasure Coast Outdoors
      Rothman, who is board certified in family medicine and
      obesity medicine, to develop a personalized, goal-oriented
      weight management strategy that may or may not include   Get Involved!                                  If there is something that you want to comment on,
      medication. Rothman has been practicing medicine for                                                 you can take a day trip, or email all of the commissioners
      nearly 25 years and has two decades of experience caring   By Jim Weix                               at
      for patients in Palm Beach County.                   Ever  wonder  how  that                         commissioners/.
         Rothman’s clinical focus is on preventative care,   goofy  regulation  suddenly                      You can also see who the commissioners are at https://
      wellness and metabolic health for adults and adolescents   became law? In many cases,      
      age 12 and up. She pursued board certification in obesity   it was the result of the                    In a perfect world, commissioners would be chosen by
      medicine  after  recognizing  trends  among  her  patients   Florida  Fish  and  Wildlife            the governor based on their vast experience in fish and
      with hypertension, heart disease, osteoarthritis and other   C om m i ssi o n  ( FW C) .             wildlife management. In the real world, it is based on
      chronic conditions.                               Sometimes  a  bad  idea  got                       their campaign contributions. In other words, they might
                                                        traction  because  nobody                          be clueless. That is where you come in.
                                                                                                             We are in the South Region, which is comprised of
                     Answer for                         spoke up.                                            Okeechobee,  St.  Lucie,  Glades,  Hendry,  Martin,  Palm

                                                           According  to  the
                Crossword Puzzle                        commission:  “Stakeholder                          Beach,  Collier,  Broward,  Monroe  and  Miami-Dade
                                                        input is an important part of the FWC commission meeting
                                                                                                           counties. See
                                                        process.  Because  of  this,  FWC  schedules  commission      Although it is tempting to not bother, you should keep
                                                        meetings at different locations across the state and offers   in mind that those opposed to fishing and hunting do take
                                                        individuals  the  opportunity  to  address  the  commission   the time to push their agendas. Florida’s lack of a badly
                                                        about  issues  under  consideration.  FWC  welcomes   needed bear hunt is a perfect example.
                                                        participation at these meetings from all stakeholders.”     Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler,
                                                           The “stakeholder” they are talking about is you.   conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is
                                                           In some states, it is easy to attend meetings of groups   included in the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s Hall of
                                                        like this, but Florida is a big state, so attending meetings   Fame for helping restore thousands of acres of wetlands.
                                                        is not always easy. You can get a schedule and planned   Jim is a broker associate with The Keyes Company. He
                                                        agenda  for  the  meetings  at  can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or by email: jimweix@

                                                           Dating from page 7

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