Page 6 - Stuart Exposure - May '24
P. 6

Page 6, Stuart Exposure

          Cleveland CliniC Martin HealtH news

      Convenient, Specialized                           include aortic aneurysms, bacterial infection, rheumatic      Diagnosis and treatment are based on conversations with

      Care For A Common                                 fever, chronic inflammatory diseases such as lupus and   the patient, a physical examination and an echocardiogram.
                                                                                                           Mitral valve repair treats:
                                                        connective tissue diseases like Marfan syndrome. Some
      Heart Valve Condition                             cancer treatments (radiation) can also damage the aortic      • Mitral valve regurgitation – commonly known as a
                                                        and mitral valves, as well.                        “leaky valve”
         The valves in your heart                          At first, there may be no symptoms, but as the disease      • Mitral valve stenosis – the narrowing of a valve opening
      keep  the  blood  flowing  in                     progresses, symptoms that may begin to appear are:     • Mitral valve prolapse – the valve flaps are too floppy or
      only one direction. When a                        • Shortness of breath                              stretchy
      heart  valve isn’t  working,                      • Fatigue                                             Most patients are able to resume their previous activities
      the blood flows in the wrong                      • Swelling                                         within a month after surgery with few complications. Most
      direction, making your heart                      • Vague chest discomfort                           of these procedures can be done using a minimally invasive
      work  harder  and  reducing                       • Decreased energy                                 approach, with smaller incisions and less blood loss allowing
      blood flow to your body.                             If you have severe mitral leakage even without symptoms,   patients to get back to their routines even more quickly.
         Mitral and aortic valve                        it’s important to see a physician who can diagnose the problem      To schedule an appointment with Michael Howard, M.D.,
      disorders  are  the  most                         and help determine if the valve should be watched or repaired.   or another cardiovascular specialist at Cleveland Clinic in
      common valve diseases in                          Medications are often enough to protect your heart in the early   Florida, call (877) 463-2010 or visit ClevelandClinicFlorida.
      the  United  States.  Some                        stages of valve disease. However, many patients eventually   org/Heart to learn more.
      can be congenital, such as                        need to have the leaky valve repaired or replaced.
      bicuspid  aortic  valve  and  Michael Howard, M.D.
      mitral valve prolapse, while
      others are degenerative and develop with age. Other causes

      The Community Foundation from page 1

      Community Foundation Scholarship Recipient and Florida
      Atlantic University Class of 2025 student.
         The  Community  Foundation  is  a  not-for-profit
      organization  that  leads  partnerships  with  donors,
      nonprofits and community members to solve the region’s
      chronic and emerging issues.
                     Photos by Tracey Benson Photography

                                                        Bradley Hurlburt and Karen Hurlburt  Devin Krauss and Eileen Berman  Kelly Garvis and Nancy Marshall

      Eileen Berman, Devin Krauss, Dodlee Mosilme and Danita
      R. DeHaney

                                                        Maria Mamlouk and Michaela Kennedy Sheriann Namer and Nicholas Leone  Bradley Hurlburt and Anson Beard Jr.

                                                             Are You Ready                                                     Hurricane?

                                                               For The Next Storm?

                                                                                                                          No Air Conditioning?
                                                                                                                            No Refrigeration?
      Cynthia Williams, Sheree Davis Cunningham, Jeffrey Stoops                                               FREE
      and Susan Brockway                                                                                                           10% OFF
                                                                                                             7 Year Warranty
                                                                                                             on Select Air Cooled    Of A Service Call*
                                                                                                             Standby Generators*
                                                                                                                $ 350                    $ 1,000

                                                                                                                One-Time                 OFF
                                                                                                              Maintenance*                Install*
                                                                                                                               *Must show coupons. Call for details.

                                                                                                                  2271 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
                                                                                                                   West Palm Beach, FL 33409

      Joannie Danielides, Meredith Trim and Danita R. DeHaney
                                                                                         Licensed Electrical Contractor #EC 13010145
                                                          *Terms and Conditions: Offer only valid on purchases until 06/03/24, and when the Generac home standby generator is purchased directly from Generator Supercenter of
                                                          the Palm Beaches. Refurbished products are excluded from this promotion. This promotion is valid for all air cooled home standby generators in stock. Call for availability.
                                                          Generator must be installed and activated in order for the warranty to be applied. Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches reserves the right to rescind or change this
                                                                           offer at any time. For questions related to eligibility, please call Generator Supercenter of the Palm Beaches.
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