Page 12 - Palm City Spotlight - May '24
P. 12

Page 12, Palm City Spotlight

          ClevelAnd CliniC MArtin heAlth neWS

      Convenient, Specialized Care                      • Shortness of breath                                Most  patients are able

      For A Common Heart Valve                          • Fatigue                                          to resume their previous
                                                                                                           activities within a month
                                                        • Swelling
      Condition                                         • Vague chest discomfort                           after  surgery  with  few
                                                        • Decreased energy                                 complications. Most of
        The valves in your heart keep the blood flowing in     If  you  have  severe  mitral  leakage  even  without   these  procedures  can  be
      only one direction. When a heart valve isn’t working, the   symptoms, it’s important to see a physician who can   done  using  a  minimally
      blood flows in the wrong direction, making your heart   diagnose  the  problem  and  help  determine  if  the  valve   invasive approach, with
      work harder and reducing blood flow to your body.  should  be  watched  or  repaired.  Medications  are  often   smaller  incisions  and  less
        Mitral  and  aortic  valve  disorders  are  the  most   enough to protect your heart in the early stages of valve   blood loss allowing patients
      common valve diseases in the United States. Some can   disease. However, many patients eventually need to have   to get back to their routines
      be congenital, such as bicuspid aortic valve and mitral   the leaky valve repaired or replaced.      even more quickly.
      valve prolapse, while others are degenerative and develop     Diagnosis and treatment are based on conversations with     T o  schedule  an
      with age. Other causes include aortic aneurysms, bacterial   the patient, a physical examination and an echocardiogram.   appointment with Michael  Michael Howard, M.D.
      infection, rheumatic fever, chronic inflammatory diseases   Mitral valve repair treats:              Howard, M.D., or another
      such as lupus and connective tissue diseases like Marfan     • Mitral valve regurgitation – commonly known as a   cardiovascular specialist at Cleveland Clinic in Florida,
      syndrome. Some cancer treatments (radiation) can also   “leaky valve”                                call (877) 463-2010 or visit
      damage the aortic and mitral valves, as well.       • Mitral valve stenosis – the narrowing of a valve opening  Heart to learn more.
        At first, there may be no symptoms, but as the disease     • Mitral valve prolapse – the valve flaps are too floppy
      progresses, symptoms that may begin to appear are:  or stretchy
                                                           reAl eStAte

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                           The  media  has  been  predicting  things  like  a  real   or numerous properties with no obligation to that agent. A

      Report                                             estate  crash,  tens  of  thousands  of  real  estate  agents   thing called a buyer’s agent agreement will be the new norm.
                                                                                                             At the end of the day, I think that the only thing that
                                                         leaving the industry, sellers saving thousands of dollars
                                                         in commissions, and a dozen other scenarios. In other   might change is so many people getting a real estate
      How Will The Latest Court Ruling Affect            words, nobody knows what is going to happen.      license, just “for something to do.” Given the fact that
      Home Sales?                                          What I am certain of though, is that no agent is going   75 percent of newly licensed agents don’t last their first
                                                         to work for free and that most buyers are not going to   year, my guess is that most of these poor folks won’t even
      By Jim Weix                                        want to pay their agent a commission. Even if a buyer is   bother anymore.
        As many people know, a                           willing to pay a commission, they may have a problem     That is good news for everyone.
      huge lawsuit about sellers                         if they are getting financing.                      Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
      paying a buyer’s agent                               I  think  that  the  most  common  scenario  will  be  that   options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      a commission has been                              the buyer will make an offer and require that the seller
      settled. It still needs to be                      reimburse or give them credit for whatever they agreed     Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
      approved by the Department                         to pay their agent. One way or another, the seller will end   Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
      of Justice.                                        up paying.                                        estate full-time. If you have questions or want the services
        When a seller lists their                          Additionally, gone will be the days that a buyer can   of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-
      home, they normally agree                          contact an agent and expect them to show them a property,   2941 or
      to allow their agent to pay
      a portion of the commission
      to the agent who procured a buyer. The seller paid the
      total commission.
        For example, a seller lists their home and agrees to
      pay a 5 percent commission. If another agent procures a
      buyer, the seller and listing agent agree to pay that agent
      half of that commission or 2.5 percent. That buyer’s agent
      commission was included in the Multiple Listing Service
      (MLS), so buyer’s agents knew how much they would
      earn if they procured a buyer.
        This system worked well for decades, but sometime in
      July, it will be all gone. Sellers won’t have to pay buyer’s
      agents and there will be no buyer’s agent commission
      listed in the MLS.

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