Page 11 - Palm City Spotlight - May '24
P. 11

Palm City Spotlight, Page 11

                                                          kidS Corner

      How To Identify Hidden                              Your child may have stealth dyslexia if he or she is very   may also tell you your child is not failing enough to have
                                                        smart and can read but does not enjoy reading. Many of
                                                                                                           a  learning  disability.  Some  children  are  considered  2e
      Dyslexia                                          these children don’t read for pleasure. Below are warning   or  twice  exceptional  having  giftedness  and  a  learning
                                                        signs of stealth dyslexia and be concerned if you identify   disability. You need an evaluation to understand if it’s
      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.                              three or more when considering your child.         actually stealth dyslexia or something else so that your
        Stealth  dyslexia  is  a                          • Underachievement relative to intelligence      child is not punished for something they can’t help.
      lesser  known form  of                              • Inattention or apparent carelessness             The above warning signs of stealth dyslexia are often
      dyslexia  that  is  hidden                          • Strong oral expression but weaker written expression  in stark contrast to the gifts where these children excel.
      dyslexia. Individuals with                          • Weak at sounding out unfamiliar words          Children  with  stealth  dyslexia  are  often  great  LEGO
      stealth dyslexia are highly                         • Slower oral reading but stronger silent reading  builders  or  Roblox  and  Minecraft  designers  because
      intelligent and compensate                          • Difficulty with spelling in everyday writing (not on tests)  they  have  great  visual-spatial  abilities  and  strong  3-D
      for  their  dyslexia.  They                         • Messy penmanship                               mental  rotation.  These  children  see  the  big  picture.
      learn to rely upon their                            • Excessive worry                                They have language strengths with communication and
      outstanding visual memory,                          • Does not enjoy reading                         an extensive vocabulary. Children with stealth dyslexia
      intuition  and  ability  to                         Some people might dismiss your concerns and instead   are often interesting to talk to and can carry on a good
      use  the  book’s  context  to                     say your child is careless, not trying hard enough, or is   conversation because of their strong critical thinking and
      bypass their reading weaknesses. Stealth dyslexia often   an underachiever. School staff may say that your child   general knowledge.
      goes undetected until fourth grade or later.      is too smart to have a reading disability. The school staff     Call  (561)  625-4125  to  discuss  your  child  or  visit


                YOUR FIRST CHOICE                                                                             governMent

                                         FOR A                                                              Martin County Tax Collector

                                                                                                            Dear Taxpayers of Martin
                  SECOND                                                                                      Tax  collectors  are
                                                                                                            required to advertise the
                                                                                                            date when tax certificates
                                                                                                            will be sold at auction on
                                                                                                            all parcels of real property
                                                                                                            upon  which  taxes  are
                OPINION                                                                                     delinquent  [Section
                                                                                                            197.402, F.S.].
                                                                                                              The  advertisement
                                                                                                            must appear in the
                                                                                                            newspaper once each week for three consecutive weeks
                                                                                                            prior to the date announced for the tax certificate sale.
                                                                                                              This advertised information is required by Florida law
                                                                                                            and is not intended to be embarrassing or intimidating.
                                                                                                            The notice serves as a reminder to contact this office
                                                                                                            immediately for payment if your taxes have not been paid
                                                                                                            for the 2023 tax roll.
                                                                                                              April 30 at 4:30 p.m. is the last day to pay taxes to
                                                                                                            ensure you are not listed in the news.
                                                                                                              May 31 at 4:30 p.m. is the last day to pay taxes
                                                                                                            before a certificate will be sold!
                                                                                                              Current  law  provides  that  taxes  on  these  listed
                                CHOOSE A LEADER                                                             properties will be recovered through the sale of tax
                                                                                                            certificates. Tax certificates constitute first liens on parcels
                             IN CARDIAC SURGERY                                                             of real property. They make it possible for the owner(s)
                                                                                                            of real property to allow ad valorem property taxes to
                                                                                                            become delinquent and continue to use their property
                       Second opinions save lives. That’s why Cleveland Clinic                              for two years (or more) before actually paying the bill
                        Martin Health is your first choice for a second opinion                             (plus interest and costs). During this period, investors
                                                                                                            pay the delinquent tax bills at negotiated rates of interest
                         on cardiac surgery. With minimally invasive options                                lending the delinquent property owners’ money in order
                          and shortened recovery times, our heart surgeons                                  to continue using their property before paying the bill
                        provide world class care on the Treasure Coast. From                                or surrendering the title to the property. The payment
                                                                                                            of property taxes provides the county, school board and
                         pioneering research to cardiovascular surgery, trust                               municipalities with the revenue to provide necessary
                             our heart experts for every care in the world.                                 services for Martin County taxpayers. Tax certificates
                                                                                                            assist in funding the government’s expenses in the interim
                                                                                                            time taxes are delinquent.
                             Call 855.881.1972 to schedule an appointment.                                    The system for collecting delinquent ad valorem
                                                                                                            property taxes is defined in great detail in the Florida
                                                                                                            Statutes, Attorney General’s Opinions and Department
                                                                                                            of Revenue’s rules and regulations, per F.S. 197.122, F.S.
                                                           197.332, F.S. 197.343, F.S. 197.402, F.S. 197.403, F.S.
                                                                                                            197.432. Please help keep your cost and the cost of your
                                                                                                            government down by paying your property taxes on time.
                                                                                                                       Best Regards and Always at Your Service,
                                                                                                                                Honorable Ruth Pietruszewski,
                                                                                                                                  Martin County Tax Collector
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