Page 7 - Martin Downs Bulletin - May '24
P. 7

Martin Downs, Page 7

          Cleveland CliniC Martin HealtH neWs

      Convenient, Specialized Care                        At first, there may be no symptoms, but as the disease     •  Mitral  valve  stenosis

      For A Common Heart Valve                          progresses, symptoms that may begin to appear are:  – the narrowing of a valve
                                                        • Shortness of breath
      Condition                                         • Fatigue                                            •  Mitral  valve  prolapse
                                                        • Swelling                                         – the valve flaps are too
        The valves in your heart keep the blood flowing in   • Vague chest discomfort                      floppy or stretchy
      only one direction. When a heart valve isn’t working, the   • Decreased energy                         Most  patients are able
      blood flows in the wrong direction, making your heart     If you have severe mitral leakage even without symptoms,   to resume their previous
      work harder and reducing blood flow to your body.  it’s important to see a physician who can diagnose the problem   activities within a month
        Mitral and aortic valve disorders are the most   and help determine if the valve should be watched or repaired.   after  surgery with  few
      common valve diseases in the United States. Some can   Medications are often enough to protect your heart in the early   complications. Most of
      be congenital, such as bicuspid aortic valve and mitral   stages of valve disease. However, many patients eventually   these procedures can be
      valve prolapse, while others are degenerative and develop   need to have the leaky valve repaired or replaced.  done  using  a  minimally
      with age. Other causes include aortic aneurysms, bacterial     Diagnosis and treatment are based on conversations with   invasive approach, with  Michael Howard, M.D.
      infection, rheumatic fever, chronic inflammatory diseases   the patient, a physical examination and an echocardiogram.   smaller incisions and less
      such as lupus and connective tissue diseases like Marfan   Mitral valve repair treats:               blood loss allowing patients to get back to their routines
      syndrome. Some cancer treatments (radiation) can also     • Mitral valve regurgitation – commonly known as a   even more quickly.
      damage the aortic and mitral valves, as well.     “leaky valve”                                        To schedule an appointment with Michael Howard,
                                                                                                           M.D., or another cardiovascular specialist at Cleveland
                                                                                                           Clinic in Florida, call (877) 463-2010 or visit
                                                                                                  to learn more.

                                                                                                            Book Review from page 6

                                                                                                            help to cure his and Rory’s father and make himself
                                                                                                            a billionaire; Nate, the man Rory loves who has just
                                                                                                            broken up with her; Caroline, her best friend since
                                                                                                            childhood, who works for Max and has had a crush on
                                                                                                            him almost her entire life; and Gabriele, a handsome
                                                                                                            Italian to whom Rory was once attracted.
                                                                                                              As if that weren’t enough, Ginevre Ex has arranged
                                                                                                            to have distributed to all of them advance copies of
                                                                                                            the novelized mystery she has just written based on
                                                                                                            Rory’s life, a tale that includes a secret one of the
                                                                                                            group is hiding—and a murder in their future! But
                                                                                                            before any can read the book, one of them has stolen
                                                                                                            all of the copies.
                                                                                                              The story of The Main Character is told through
                                                                                                            the eyes of these different people in alternating
                                                                                                            chapters—a chapter from Rory, then one from Max,
                                                                                                            one from Caroline, back to Rory, then to Ginevre Ex,
                                                                                                            and so on. It is an adventure fascinating to view from
                                                                                                            each one’s perspective. But you are advised to keep
                                                                                                            in mind my—despised but necessary—caution that
                                                                                                            nothing on this ride is as it seems.
                                                                                                              If you enjoy murder mystery novels,  The Main
                                                                                                            Character, published this month, is a must. Even I am
                                                                                                            anxiously awaiting the next stop on Jaclyn Goldis’s
                                                                                                            literary journey.

                                                                                  See answer in this paper.
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