Page 12 - Martin Downs Bulletin - May '24
P. 12

Page 12, Martin Downs

                                                           real estate

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                         agents and there will be no buyer’s agent commission   or numerous properties with no obligation to that agent. A
      Report                                             listed in the MLS.                                thing called a buyer’s agent agreement will be the new norm.
                                                                                                             At the end of the day, I think that the only thing that
                                                           The  media  has  been  predicting  things  like a  real
                                                         estate crash, tens of thousands of real estate agents   might change is so many people getting a real estate
      How Will The Latest Court Ruling Affect            leaving the industry, sellers saving thousands of dollars   license, just “for something to do.” Given the fact that
      Home Sales?                                        in commissions, and a dozen other scenarios. In other   75 percent of newly licensed agents don’t last their first
                                                         words, nobody knows what is going to happen.      year, my guess is that most of these poor folks won’t even
      By Jim Weix                                          What I am certain of though, is that no agent is going   bother anymore.
        As many people know, a                           to work for free and that most buyers are not going to     That is good news for everyone.
      huge lawsuit about sellers                         want to pay their agent a commission. Even if a buyer is     Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your options.
      paying a buyer’s agent a                           willing to pay a commission, they may have a problem   I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or
      commission has been settled.                       if they are getting financing.                      Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
      It still needs to be approved                        I think that the most common scenario will be that the   Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
      by the Department of Justice.                      buyer will make an offer and require that the seller reimburse   estate full-time. If you have questions or want the services
        When a seller lists their                        or give them credit for whatever they agreed to pay their   of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-
      home, they normally agree                          agent. One way or another, the seller will end up paying.  2941 or
      to allow their agent to pay                          Additionally, gone will be the days that a buyer can
      a portion of the commission                        contact an agent and expect them to show them a property,
      to the agent who procured a
      buyer. The seller paid the total commission.
        For example, a seller lists their home and agrees to
      pay a 5 percent commission. If another agent procures a
      buyer, the seller and listing agent agree to pay that agent
      half of that commission or 2.5 percent. That buyer’s agent
      commission was included in the Multiple Listing Service
      (MLS), so buyer’s agents knew how much they would           YOUR FIRST CHOICE
      earn if they procured a buyer.
        This system worked well for decades, but sometime in
      July, it will be all gone. Sellers won’t have to pay buyer’s                         FOR A


          GovernMent                                                SECOND

        Martin County Tax Collector

          Dear  Taxpayers  of
        Martin County,                                            OPINION
          Tax  collectors  are
        required to advertise the
        date when tax certificates
        will be sold at auction on
        all parcels of real property
        upon  which  taxes  are
        delinquent [Section
        197.402, F.S.].
          The advertisement
        must appear in the
        newspaper once each week for three consecutive weeks
        prior to the date announced for the tax certificate sale.
          This advertised information is required by Florida law                  CHOOSE A LEADER
        and is not intended to be embarrassing or intimidating.
        The notice serves as a reminder to contact this office                 IN CARDIAC SURGERY
        immediately for payment if your taxes have not been paid
        for the 2023 tax roll.
          April 30 at 4:30 p.m. is the last day to pay taxes to           Second opinions save lives. That’s why Cleveland Clinic
        ensure you are not listed in the news                             Martin Health is your first choice for a second opinion
          May 31 at 4:30 p.m. is the last day to pay taxes
        before a certificate will be sold!                                 on cardiac surgery. With minimally invasive options
          Current  law  provides  that  taxes  on  these  listed            and shortened recovery times, our heart surgeons
        properties will be recovered through the sale of tax               provide world class care on the Treasure Coast. From
        certificates. Tax certificates constitute first liens on parcels
        of real property. They make it possible for the owner(s)           pioneering research to cardiovascular surgery, trust
        of real property to allow ad valorem property taxes to                 our heart experts for every care in the world.
        become delinquent and continue to use their property
        for two years (or more) before actually paying the bill
        (plus interest and costs). During this period, investors               Call 855.881.1972 to schedule an appointment.
        pay the delinquent tax bills at negotiated rates of interest
        lending the delinquent property owners’ money in order
        to continue using their property before paying the bill
        or surrendering the title to the property. The payment
        of property taxes provides the county, school board and     
        municipalities with the revenue to provide necessary
        services for Martin County taxpayers. Tax certificates
        assist in funding the government’s expenses in the interim
        time taxes are delinquent.
          The system for collecting delinquent ad valorem
        property taxes is defined in great detail in the Florida
        Statutes, Attorney General’s Opinions and Department
        of Revenue’s rules and regulations, per F.S. 197.122, F.S.
        197.332, F.S. 197.343, F.S. 197.402, F.S. 197.403, F.S.
        197.432. Please help keep your cost and the cost of your
        government down by paying your property taxes on time.
                   Best Regards and Always at Your Service,
                           Honorable Ruth Pietruszewski,
                             Martin County Tax Collector
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