Page 8 - Jupiter Ocean Mile- May '24
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Page 8, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      How To Identify Hidden Dyslexia

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.                              signs of stealth dyslexia and be concerned if you identify   or twice exceptional having giftedness and a learning
        Stealth dyslexia is a                           three or more when considering your child.         disability. You need an evaluation to understand if it’s
      lesser known form of                                • Underachievement relative to intelligence      actually stealth dyslexia or something else so that your
      dyslexia that is hidden                             • Inattention or apparent carelessness           child is not punished for something they can’t help.
      dyslexia. Individuals with                          • Strong oral expression but weaker written expression    The above warning signs of stealth dyslexia are often
      stealth dyslexia are highly                         • Weak at sounding out unfamiliar words          in stark contrast to the gifts where these children excel.
      intelligent and compensate                          • Slower oral reading but stronger silent reading  Children with stealth dyslexia are often great LEGO
      for their dyslexia.  They                           • Difficulty with spelling in everyday writing (not on tests)  builders or Roblox and Minecraft designers because
      learn to rely upon their                            • Messy penmanship                               they have great visual-spatial abilities and strong 3-D
      outstanding visual memory,                          • Excessive worry                                mental rotation.  These  children see the big  picture.
      intuition and ability to use                        • Does not enjoy reading                         They have language strengths with communication and
      the book’s context to bypass                        Some people might dismiss your concerns and instead   an extensive vocabulary. Children with stealth dyslexia
      their  reading  weaknesses.  Stealth  dyslexia  often  goes   say your child is careless, not trying hard enough, or is   are often interesting to talk to and can carry on a good
      undetected until fourth grade or later.           an underachiever. School staff may say that your child   conversation because of their strong critical thinking and
        Your child may have stealth dyslexia if he or she is very   is too smart to have a reading disability. The school staff   general knowledge.
      smart and can read but does not enjoy reading. Many of   may also tell you your child is not failing enough to have     Call (561) 625-4125 to discuss your child or visit
      these children don’t read for pleasure. At right are warning   a learning disability. Some children are considered 2e
      Financial Focus                          ®

      Term Vs. Perm: Which Is                            appropriate for your situation. But whether it’s term or   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
                                                                                                           of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
                                                         permanent, make sure you have the coverage you need
      Right For You?                                     to protect yourself and your loved ones.          New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
                                                           This article was written by Edward Jones for use by   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                your local  Edward  Jones  Financial Advisor,  Edward     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
        If you’ve been thinking                          Jones, Member SIPC.                               cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      about life insurance,                                Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      especially if you have                             all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      family, loved ones, or                             Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      anyone who depends on you
      financially, you might be                                                                   “Service is our number one priority”
      curious about the different
      kinds of policies available.                                                                              561-743-0070
      Which type is right for you?
        Essentially, you can look                                                                  
      at two main categories of
      life insurance: term and permanent.
        Term insurance is a pay-as-you-go option that covers a
      specific amount of time, usually 20 years or fewer. Term
      insurance benefits are paid to your beneficiaries free of
      federal income taxes if you pass away during the coverage
      period, but there’s no opportunity to build cash value.
        Permanent insurance, such as whole life or universal
      life, offers coverage for as long as you pay the premiums
      and, in addition to providing a tax-free death benefit, also
      offers a chance to build equity, or cash value, on a tax-
      deferred basis.
        When determining which type of insurance is appropriate
      for your needs, you’ll want to consider these factors:
        •  Cost  – Term  insurance  is  generally  affordable  for                                                                  Expires 6/15/24.
      most people, which is why it may be particularly suitable
      for parents and young adults who may be at the beginning                                                           State Licensed & Insured
      of their careers. Permanent insurance is typically more   Serving Palm Beach County                              CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
      expensive, largely because it is meant to last for one’s
      lifetime and some of the premiums go toward building cash
      value in the policy and paying for other features. Generally,
      the younger and healthier you are when you purchase
      permanent insurance, the lower your rates will be.
        • Length of time insurance is needed – If you think
      you will only need life insurance for a certain period
      — perhaps until your children are grown — you might
      lean toward term insurance. If you feel the need for life
      insurance for other goals throughout your lifetime, for
      whatever reason — you might have a special needs child,
      or perhaps you want to use your policy to help pay for
      retirement, or you wish to include the policy as part of
      your legacy and estate plans — you may want to consider
      some type of permanent insurance.
        • Investment preferences – You may have heard the
      phrase “buy term and invest the difference.” Essentially,
      this just means that an investor could purchase low-cost
      term insurance, and then invest the money that was saved
      by not getting permanent insurance. This can be a valuable
      strategy in some situations, but people often don’t actually
      invest the difference. A permanent insurance policy,
      through the payment of premiums, may result in a steady
      buildup of cash value or continued contributions to the
      policy’s investment components. For many people, this
      discipline is helpful.
        •  Future insurability  –  If  you  have  health  issues,  it
      could become difficult to get permanent insurance after
      you’ve reached the end of a term insurance policy. (Some
      term insurance policies do offer the opportunity to convert
      to permanent coverage, usually without the need for a
      medical exam.) You could avoid this potential problem
      by purchasing permanent insurance when you are still
      young and healthy.
        Ultimately, you will need to weigh the various factors
      involved in the permanent-versus-term decision. You also
      might benefit from consulting a financial professional,
      who can evaluate which type of insurance is most
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