Page 11 - Jupiter Ocean Mile- May '24
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Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 11

      SleepOut Raises $700,000-Plus from page 10

        While living at the William H. Mann Place for men in
      Boynton Beach, Phillips took advantage of all of the programs
      and services offered. Today, he is eight years clean and sober,
      works full-time at Publix, lives in The Lord’s Place graduate
      housing, and gives back and helps others.
        Phillips added, “My family is proud of me … my sisters have
      found strength in my journey. I’m the first person in my family
      to break the mold. And I’m never going back to that life.”
        The  reimagined  program  stayed  true  to The  Lord’s
      Place mission and commitment to their clients. While
      attendees did not spend the night at the actual event, all were
      encouraged to step outside their comfort zone by sleeping                                            The Sisters SleepOut fundraising team Roberta Stanley,
      out somewhere other than their bed. Some chose setting   Pamela McIver with Micah, Jamie and Aria Breitfeld-Futoran  Diana Stanley and Joanne Stanley
      up a sleeping bag on the living room floor and others slept
      in a tent in the backyard or on their porch. SleepOut is a
      symbolic effort to raise awareness of the estimated 3,000
      men, women, and children without a home on any given
      night in Palm Beach County.
        Since 1979, The Lord’s Place has been finding solutions
      and providing services to take more people off the streets
      and into homes. For more information on The Lord’s Place
      or to make a donation to support the transformation of lives
      of the most vulnerable and neglected in Palm Beach County,
        Top sponsors who made SleepOut possible include: The
      Honorable Ann Brown, Laraine and Michael Stevens, Searcy
      Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, PA, Carol and Will
      Browne, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, Cornelia and   Graduate client Richard Phillips, Chief Human Resources Officer Jan Phillips, CEO Diana Stanley,
      Richard Thornburgh, Sally and Bob Gilbane and OSCWebco.             graduate client Michelle Longarzo Danaluk, during the candlelight ceremony

      Gurunam Khalsa and Volunteer Coordinator Jasper Araujo              The traditional candlelight ceremony that occurs at the end of each SleepOut

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          During National Stroke Awareness Month,                                                                    more than 160,000 deaths a year, according
                                                                                                                     to the Centers for Disease Control. Preven-
          Remember: “Time is Brain.”                                                                                 tive measures include:
                                                                                                                       •  controlling blood pressure, weight,
                                                                                                                         and diabetes
                                                                                                                       •  exercising regularly and eating right
                                                                                                                       •  quitting smoking
          By Sue Goulding
                                                                                                                       •  limiting alcohol consumption
          Now that specialists have effective treat-
          ment options for strokes, they’re remind-                                                                  Jupiter Medical Center offers diagnostic
          ing patients to seek help immediately at                                                                   expertise, advanced imaging, and minimal-
          the first signs of the hallmark symptoms of                                                                ly invasive procedures for the treatment of
          these so-called “brain attacks.”                                                                           stroke. Our comprehensive neurological
                                                                                                                     team includes the area’s leading doctors in
          Why is calling 911 or a visit to the Emer-                                                                 neurointerventional radiology, neurology
          gency Department so important if you or                                                                    and neurosurgery and are here to provide
          someone close to you experiences a facial                                                                  you with life-saving care.
          droop, slurring of speech, or weakness/
          numbness of legs on one side of the body?

          When  someone suffering from an  acute
          stroke seeks immediate medical attention,
          stroke specialists can now provide invasive  Jupiter Medical Center’s designation high-  At Jupiter Medical Center our compre-
          and non-invasive treatments to prevent any  lights its advanced imaging technologies,  hensive stroke team is prepared to utilize
          long-term neurological deficit and disabili-  medical equipment, neurological intensive  advanced techniques and minimally inva-
          ty. “Time is brain” and the faster someone  care, and stroke recovery units. It also rein-  sive procedures in order to treat all type of
          gets to the hospital after the onset of symp-  forces the center’s “Time is Brain” concept  strokes.
          toms, the better the chance of having a full  to encourage patients to seek help imme-
          recovery.                           diately.                            Call 911 If You Experience These
                                                                                  Stroke Symptoms
          Quick Diagnosis and  Treatment  “The longer patients wait to seek medical
          are Keys to Recovery                attention with the underlying causes of   According to the American Heart Associa-
                                              stroke remaining untreated, the higher the   tion, common stroke symptoms are:
          There are two main types of strokes: isch-  likelihood of  having  permanent brain in-    •  sudden and brief periods of confusion
          emic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke is  jury” says Juan Gomez, MD, neuro-inter-    •  sudden trouble speaking or under-
          when there is a blood clot blocking nor-  ventional radiologist at JMC. “Calling 911   standing others
          mal blood flow to the brain.  Hemorrhagic  and receiving immediate medical treatment     •  sudden weakness or numbness in the
          stroke is when there is a rupture of a blood  at a recognized stroke center dramatically   face, arm, or leg, especially on one side   Juan Gomez, MD
          vessel leading to a brain bleed. Medical  increases the chances of recovery. Our goal     •  sudden trouble seeing in one or both
          treatments and surgical interventions for  is for our stroke patients to be able to re-  eyes
          all types of strokes are available to residents  turn to their normal lives with no perma-    •  sudden severe headache with no   For more information, contact Jupiter
          of Palm Beach County and the  Treasure  nent deficits such as weakness or paralysis,   known cause           Medical Center’s Stroke Program
          Coast at Jupiter Medical Center, designat-  speech-language  problems, memory loss,                          Coordinator at 561-263-5972 or visit
          ed nationally as a Thrombectomy-Capable  changes in behaviors, personality and mood   Strokes represent the fifth-leading cause of
          Stroke Center.                      among others.”                      death in the U.S. and are responsible for
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