Page 17 - Talk of Tequesta - April '24
P. 17

The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 17

                                                                     peT maTTers

                                                     The Pet Cottage Post

      The Pet Cottage Celebrates Senior                  a senior dachshund. When
      Pets And Senior People                             Pugsley passed away in
        We celebrate and protect the                     2022, Lisa was ready to
      magical relationship between                       open her heart to another
      people  and pets by providing                      dog and Zoey was a perfect
      homestyle care for pets who lose their             fit. At that point, Zack had
      humans due to death, disability, or                developed doggie dementia
      deployment through our Lifelong Guardianship Program.   and was no longer Zoey’s
      We provide pet companionship for senior people, and we   bonded mate. And Zoey
      fully support them by covering all veterinary expenses,   was a great candidate for
      providing regular check-ins and giving a peace of mind   Forever Guardianship in a
      that the pet will always have a home with us.      volunteer’s home.
      A New Bonded Pair                                    Today, Lisa and Zoey  Gigi with bone            Cynthia and Joe with Gigi
        In 2021, Zoey                                    are the bonded pair! They
      and Zack, two senior                               enjoy neighborhood walks,                           Cynthia and Joe, a senior couple in PGA National, had
      Norwich terriers came                              golf cart rides, service dog                      been on our Forever Guardian waitlist for about three
      to The Pet Cottage after                           classes and watching  TV                          months. We thought they might be a good match for Gigi,
      their senior mom passed                            together. Zoey has brought                        so we set up a meet and greet. Gigi had been raised by Owen
      away. The  woman’s                                 new energy into Lisa’s life.                      since she was a puppy and so patience and understanding
      son contacted The Pet                              And Lisa showers Zoey                             for her adjustment period was necessary. The Pet Cottage
      Cottage because he                                 with love and attention.                          has fully supported the relationship with in-person visits,
      couldn’t imagine sending his mom’s beloved dogs to a   Lisa has made dear friends  Lisa and Zoey     phone support, vet visits and encouragement. Joe, who is
      shelter. The Pet Cottage provided him with peace of mind   with the other Pet Cottage                in his 80s, takes Gigi on daily walks in the neighborhood
      that the dogs would be loved and cherished. While they   volunteers and finds                        and Gigi enjoys sunbathing in the back garden. Cynthia
      were sweet and spunky dogs, they were in serious need of   meaning and purpose in                    takes care of all of Gigi’s health needs and makes sure she
      medical care and grooming. The Pet Cottage brought them   our community.                             is comfortable and loved. We love creating these happy
      to our veterinarian where an initial exam was completed   New Hope  And New                          stories in our community for senior pets and people.
      and all their medical needs were addressed.        Adventures                                        Urgent: Big Dog Forever Guardians Needed
        Zack and Zoey initially came to The Sanctuary because     Gigi,  a 13-year-old                       If you love big dogs and want to make a difference in
      they were a bonded pair and had just suffered a great loss.   senior Jack Russell Terrier,           the community, please contact us for more information
      They fit in well with The Sanctuary pack.          recently joined our pack.                         about Forever Guardianship and volunteer opportunities.
        Meanwhile, one of our fabulous senior volunteers   When  her  senior owner,                        We have room in our pack for you!
      named Lisa had recently suffered a string of great   Owen, a Vietnam veteran,                                                         The Pet Cottage,
      losses. First, in 2020, her husband Perry passed away   could no longer care for                                                       Wendy Derhak,
      from COVID. Lisa was devastated and heartbroken. She   her due to medical issues,                                           Founder/Executive Director,
      found comfort in her two dogs, Pugsley and Angel. In   he reached out to The Pet                                                       (561) 818-5025
      fact, Lisa was a Pet Cottage Forever Guardian to Angel,   Cottage for help.   Zoey in the golf cart                    

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          Fewer patients face traditional open-heart surgery as

          minimally invasive procedures continue to evolve.

          By Valerie Staggs

          When Dr. John Gibbon performed the first                               conditions is heart valve disease, which, as  For  Sabbah, these new  structural heart
          successful open-heart bypass procedure in                              the name suggests, relates to a defect in a  treatments allow him to provide patients
          1953, the medical world gained its first                               heart valve. “The heart has four chambers  with the life altering results they are desper-
          glimpse at the possibilities for treating this                         and four heart valves. Their function is to  ately seeking. “One of the most rewarding
          vital organ with innovative medical inter-                             open and close in harmony so that blood  aspects of my specialty is offering pa-
          vention.  Today cardiac surgeons perform                               flows through the heart in the proper di-  tients who aren’t feeling well the option
          over 900,000 procedures annually and by                                rection,” explains Sabbah. A “leaky” valve  of a minimally invasive procedure. In
          2029, cardiac surgeries are projected to                               can cause blood to back up into the lungs  most cases, they are feeling better in as
          reach  1.3  million  each  year.  The  increase                        and elsewhere, at times causing significant  little as a week. There is nothing better
          is attributed not to open-heart procedures,                            symptoms of shortness of breath, dizziness,  than that.”
          but to more minimally invasive options                                 and even sometimes chest pain.
          now available to physicians.
                                                                                 New procedures such as TAVR (transcath-
          While Gibbon paved the way for the use                                 eter  aortic  valve replacement)  enable car-
          of open-heart procedures to treat serious                              diologists like Sabbah to fix valve defects
          heart conditions, the introduction of new                              through minimally invasive methods. The
          cardiovascular technologies in recent years                            TAVR procedure involves a small IV, typi-
          has enabled patients to avoid the need for  conditions that affect the structure of the  cally in the groin area, to allow access to an
          open-heart surgery in many cases.  Today  heart, specifically the heart’s valves, walls,  artery. A catheter is then inserted into the
          cardiologists are able to diagnose and treat  chambers or muscles. These conditions  artery and guided through that blood vessel
          many heart conditions early before they  can be congenital, meaning they have been  to the heart where the clogged up valve is
          lead to future complications.       with the patient since birth, or they can be  located. The new tissue aortic valve is then
                                              caused by other adverse conditions in the  deployed inside of the defective aortic valve.
          “The landscape of cardiac care has  body such as high blood pressure, an infec-  The average TAVR procedure takes about
          changed significantly over the past de-  tion or autoimmune diseases such as lupus  one hour, and most patients return home
          cade,” says Dr. Michael Sabbah, an inter-  or rheumatic fever. Simple aging can also  the next day. Patients report a significantly
          ventional and structural cardiologist at Ju-  lead to structural heart defects. About 2.5%  improved quality of life after the procedure.
          piter Medical Center. “We are now able to  of all Americans suffer from structural heart
          treat defects and disorders of the heart be-  disease.                 TAVR is just one of the treatment meth-
          fore they lead to more serious conditions.”                            ods cardiologists now have available to treat
                                              Thanks to recent developments in the treat-  structural heart disease. Similar treatments   Michael Sabbah, MD
          The defects and disorders Sabbah refers  ment of structural heart disease, cardiol-  available include MitraClip  and Am-
          to are collectively known as “structural  ogists like Dr. Sabbah now have a host of  platzer Septal Occluder . Both involve   To learn more, visit
          heart disease,” a sub-specialty of cardiol-  different options for treating their patients.  putting a device in place to fix a structural
          ogy. Structural heart disease is defined as  One of the most common structural heart  abnormality. 
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