Page 6 - PGA Comminty News - April '24
P. 6

Page 6, PGA C.A.N.!                                                   April 2024                                                                                                                                                    April 2024
      Ask The Juris Doctor

      By James A. Cioffi J.D.,                          offering which a Buyer may accept or the listing terms   before the renovations began but he never communicated
      Attorney-At-Law                                   are altered by the provisions in the Contract.     his thoughts to his agent. Since the Contract did not
                                                           A client of mine had a similar question recently. He   include the furniture, the Seller correctly had it removed
      And the                                           was not attending the closing so the Buyer’s agent went   from the property and acted in accordance with their
                                                                                                           agreement.  The Buyer finally closed the transaction
                                                        to the walk thru on his behalf. She advised him all of the
      Winner                                            Seller’s furniture was out of the property and everything   without the furniture. The contractual provisions prevail.

                                                                                                             We can learn from these experiences by carefully
                                                        looked fine. He then reminded the agent that the Multiple
      Is???????                                         Listing Service listing was for a furnished sale. The   reviewing a listing agreement when the Contract is being
                                                        buyer’s agent told the Buyer that the furniture was in very   prepared and be aware of any differences between them
      Dear Juris Doctor;                                poor condition and was not included in the Contract since   so we will be sure who the winner is in the event of a
         I am excited to complete                       the Buyer would be renovating the property. The Buyer   conflict between them.
      the purchase of a condominium unit next week. When I   assumed the furniture would remain since it was listed as                         Sincerely, J.D.
      went to the walk-thru all of the Seller’s furniture was still   a furnished sale. He thought it would be there for his use
      there. My contract has no mention of the furniture because
      I have no interest in it. The listing in the Multiple Listing
      Service shows the property was offered as furnished. The   Reminder From The POA/ARC
      Seller told me I am obligated to take the furniture since
      it is mentioned in the listing. Is the Seller correct?
                                       Emily in Tequesta      POA documents require that                   play equipment, garage door replacement or any other
      Dear Emily;                                          all residents apply for POA and                 change, you must contact the PGA POA Architectural
         In a conflict between the Contract and the Multiple   HOA approval prior to making                Review Committee for approval. Information and forms
      Listing Service listing, the Contract wins. You are not   any  changes  to  the  exterior            are available at under the “Documents
      obligated to take the furniture since it was not mentioned   of your home, including but             & Forms” heading or call 627-2800.
      in the Contract. The Seller must remove all the furniture   not limited to tree removal or                                               Thank you,
      before closing. The Contract is the negotiated agreement   planting, new landscaping, painting, roofing, additions                     Jack Hughes,
      between a Seller and Buyer. Those terms are binding on   or construction, fencing, hurricane shutters, impact glass,            Chairman, POA ARC
      both parties. The Multiple Listing Service listing is an


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