Page 4 - PGA Comminty News - April '24
P. 4

Page 4, PGA C.A.N.!                                                   April 2024                                                                                                                                                    April 2024
      Let Me Tell You…

      Change Is Good,                                   etc. They all give us a temporary sense of renewal. I   all accomplishments. Remember the cosmetic guru who
                                                                                                           gave her top salespeople a pink Cadillac? She is quoted
                                                        recently replenished my art supplies: five new tubes of
      Except When It’s Bad                              paint and a set of new brushes. I gasped at the price, but   as saying “There are three types of people: those who
                                                        they gave me a sense of starting over. I couldn’t wait to   make things happen, those who watch things happen, and
      By Marie Pinschmidt                               try them out on a new technique or subject matter.   those who wonder what happened. The first needs to be
         Until my early teen                               The mind also benefits from change. Last night, instead   self-starting, initiative-taking and self-critical. Thought,
      years my family lived on a                        of watching the news (I watch enough to know what goes   planning, keen observation, quality control and production,
      sizable dairy farm in Ohio.                       on in the world), YouTube supplied me with two hours   decision making, chemistry, can be both a joy and a burden
      The change of seasons was                         of beautiful and varied musical performances, classical   to creative people.”
      a way of life and people                          as well as many from the “old days.” I also revisited a      Mario Puzo, born 1920, New York City, wrote two novels
      adjusted by making plans                          tour of Mexico City art galleries. I went to bed and read a   and sold almost none and was in serious debt. One Christmas
      accordingly. Crops were                           couple chapters in an interesting book, the bedroom screen   Eve, he had a severe gallbladder attack, in so much pain
      seasonally planted to bring                       remained black, and I slept like a bear in hibernation.   he fell into a gutter and said, “Here I am a published writer
      about the best possible                              Time is fleeting and so are ideas. I have found that   and I’m dying like a dog.” He vowed if he recovered, he’d
      outcome. The  first  garden                       more than one hobby or profession is good when change   devote his life to becoming rich and famous. His next book,
      planting was lettuce and                          is needed. When I feel depleted of writing ideas, I turn to   The Godfather (1969), was a huge success. In 1984, The
      required a covering of a gauze-like material to protect the   painting, or play the piano or learn a new song. It has been   Sicilian was published, and The Last Don in l996. He said,
      tender leaves from early frost. This was followed by every   proven that learning one new thing improves brain function,   “A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a thousand
      vegetable you can imagine. Fruit trees, potatoes and other   especially music as it involves different parts of the brain,   men with guns.”
      root vegetables, plus pumpkins and squash were harvested   sense of touch, vision, hearing and creativity. There is      I like to think that most of my readers are among those
      in the fall before winter came. She canned apple butter,   a concern that we are becoming “biliterate” by reading   who make things happen, but if you are still watching and
      green beans, corn, peaches and other fruit, and made   online. The emerging danger is that we are not using the   wondering what happened, you might consider changing
      sauerkraut from the last of the cabbage, anything she could   deep reading part of our brain and may end up losing it   a few things. A cheerful outlook would be a good start.
      salvage from the garden. Her cooking and preserving were   completely. Also, those who read from printed books are   Minor changes can often make a stark difference. It may
      works of art.                                     two and a half times less likely to develop cognitive decline   be as simple as picking up a pen and paper and creating a
         Wheat, corn, rye, barley and oats were grown for animal   later in life. Every time we read something new, the brain   plan. Any dream will do. Doing so can open doors as well
      food. These crops were rotated because the fields needed a   makes room to fit it in and thereby enhances our memory.   as make a person more empathetic toward other people and
      period of rest and renewal by introducing different grains.      We might all benefit from a bit of crop rotation in our   cultures.
      Even fields where horses and cows consistently graze had   political world, more turning of the sod you might say, for      If you did or did not read my novel, Decent Deceit, you
      to be maintained properly. It’s sort of like taking turns to   a healthier harvest. The tried-and-true ways of living and   may enjoy its sequel Saving Porterville, a midlife love
      make the game more exciting. So, change is good. And   doing, and even loving are being compromised and much   story of a few people in a small town struggling to save the
      in case you are wondering; chocolate milk does not come   of the good practiced for centuries is becoming depleted,   town and its people from the Fentanyl drug cartels. It was
      from brown cows.                                  no longer nourishing our sense of security.        published in December and available on Amazon, etc.
         Change is often good in our personal lives as well: a      The artist, Georgia O’Keefe was asked about her                         Until next time…
      new article of clothing, a different hair style (until we all   success in the art world. Her reply was, “Mostly a lot of              (561) 510-5006
      look alike), new friends, playing a different golf course,   nerve and a lot of very, very hard work.” This is true of

       PGA POA Communication Corner from page 1

        an at-grade  partial  continuous  flow  intersection  at
        the intersection of Beeline Highway and Northlake
        Boulevard; adding sidewalks and bicycle lanes on
        both sides of the Beeline Highway; constructing an
        8-foot high privacy wall adjacent to the Steeplechase
        Community along the Beeline Highway; upgrading
        railroad crossings, drainage, signage, lighting,
        signalization  and  pavement  markings  throughout
        the project limits and upgrades to the intelligent
        transportation system. Traffic impacts may include:
        lane closures on the Beeline Highway, Northlake
        Boulevard, Job Road and Blue Heron Boulevard (daily
        and nightly); one lane of the Florida Turnpike may be
        closed nightly as needed; Florida Turnpike ramps at
        Beeline Highway may be closed nightly as needed.
        Additional information about this transportation
        project may be found at
           Enjoy a great spring and the beginning of summer
        in South Florida! Enjoy the weather, the people,
        recreation, facilities, restaurants and shops in Palm
        Beach Gardens and beyond, and please stay safe
        driving, biking and walking in the neighborhoods of
        PGA National!

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