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VOL. 34 NO. 4                                    FAX 561-624-9088 • E-MAIL                                           APRIL 2024

       PGA POA Communication Corner

      Happy April And Happy                             Rules For All                                      all communities. The Committee consists of both POA
                                                           Are you a new homeowner (condo or single-family) to
      Spring In South Florida!                            PGA National? Have you ever lived in a gated community?   Board members and property owners as well as one paid
                                                                                                           consultant who is a licensed architect.
                                                        Being in a deed restricted community, there are rules      The ARC meets on the third Thursday of each month at
      Submitted by Gail Coppage,                        and regulations regarding many important categories.   8:30 a.m., with meetings lasting approximately two hours.
      PGA POA Communications                            Oftentimes new owners are so excited and happy about   The PGA National Governing Documents require approval
      Committee                                         their new home or condo purchase that they do not take the   for all changes to the exterior of any property (whether
      Congratulations And Best                          time to read through their HOA regulations, let alone the   permanently affixed to the property or not). Applications
      Wishes                                            POA regulations. Remember that PGA National includes   should include complete architectural and landscape plans
         Congratulations to the                         individual condos and HOAs. We also have an umbrella   for new home construction or modifications (additions) as
      PGA National POA Board                            organization called the Property Owners Association   well as pool, fence, landscape, hurricane protection, paint
      Members and Officers!                             (POA) where an annual assessment is due in addition to   or any other change to the outside of any residence. The
      President Mike Engelsher;                         the HOA annual assessment. The POA is currently working   ARC operates under guidelines established in the PGA
      Vice President Jim Kraus;                         on the July 1 to June 30, 2025 fiscal year budget but please   POA By-Laws, Rules and Regulations and the  Design
      Treasurer Bob Kramer                              remember the POA Annual Assessment notice is mailed   Review Manual as well as state statutes. If you are planning
      and Secretary Bill Heath.                         each year on June 1 with payment due on July 1.    in the future to do exterior work which will result in a
      Welcome to new Board Member Connie Goldberger!    What Is The ARC?                                   change to the outside of the residence, please read through
      Thank you to all the PGA residents who attended the      The POA includes the Architectural Review Committee   the Design Review Manual and maybe plan to attend one
      Annual Meeting on Feb. 14!                        (ARC) where all owners must request approvals in advance   of the ARC meetings to see and understand the process of
      Springtime In Florida                             of work done outside their homes. Many times, new owners   approvals.
         We hope your wintertime at PGA National was pleasant   aren’t aware of the need to follow specific guidelines and   Road Project Improvements On The Beeline Highway
      and fun! Many of our residents and guests are enjoying   are surprised when the ARC responds to work being done   (State Road 710)
      our comfortable and warm weather, away from snow, ice   that hasn’t previously been approved. How to handle this      The Florida Department of Transportation is overseeing
      and cold. We also did enjoy some cooler temperatures so   issue? Please visit the POA website and review the ARC   the $148 million Beeline Highway Reconstruction Project
      you may have needed a sweater for an early morning walk   Design Review Manual. Condos and HOAs’ boards must   beginning March 2024 with estimated completion late
      or golf game. Although it is still technically spring, the   also approve all ARC requests prior to the ARC meeting.   2029. Project improvements include the widening of
      weather will continue to get warmer, and air-conditioning   Sharing with the ARC that you just didn’t realize there   the highway from  Northlake  to Blue  Heron from four
      will be a great relief. If you own a single-family home,   were any regulations in PGA National may not in fact   lanes  to  six  lanes;  replacing and  widening the  Florida
      now is a great time to clean roofs, gutters, trim trees and   result in the approval after work has been completed. The   Turnpike bridge under the Beeline Highway; constructing
      clean driveways before the summer season which will be   purpose of the ARC is to keep PGA National aesthetically
      filled with rain, wind and thunderstorms.         pleasing with consistent architectural updates throughout   PGA POA Communication Corner on page 4
      Commissioner’s Update                                                                                       Do You Love

      A Look At The Economic                            golf, racquet sports, equestrian sports and baseball amenities.   Your Dog?

      Impacts Of Sports In Palm                         In fact, The Palm Beaches has been recognized by Sports
                                                        Business Journal as one of the top 50 sports destinations
      Beach County                                      in the United States and No. 5 for a destination without a      POA and local
                                                        professional sports franchise.                       ordinances require
      By Vice Mayor                                        The Palm Beach County Sports Commission (PBCSC)   all pets to be on a
      Maria Marino                                      is dedicated to championing our county as the premier   leash. Many owners
         Sports  have  long  been                       destination for sports and tourism. Their mission is to attract   are taking their four-
      regarded as more than just                        sporting events and activities to Palm Beach County and to   legged furry family
      games; they are economic                          maximize the positive economic impact of these events on   members to Masters
      e ngi ne s t ha t  powe r                         our local economy. By expanding occupancy of hotel room   Park to run … but
      communities. Beyond the                           nights and maximizing the use of county facilities, PBCSC   it is not a dog park
      thrill of competition and the                     utilizes events and activities to promote the image of Palm   and it is not fenced.
      camaraderie it fosters, sports                    Beach County as a sports tourism destination on a national   All pets must be
      have a profound impact on                         and international level.                             on a leash both for
      the economic landscape of                            In 2023, our sports commission hosted 196 events, which   the safety of others
      counties, promoting tourism,                      represented more than 40 different types of sports. These   using the park and
      generating revenue, creating jobs, and boosting local   events brought nearly 1.3 million sports-related attendees who   for the safety of your
      businesses. Palm Beach County is unrivaled when it comes to   traveled from 48 states and 42 nations. The same attendees   beloved  pet. There
                                                                                  utilized over 300,000 room   is a lot of wildlife and a moment’s distraction may
                                                                                  nights which translated to   cause the pup to chase a new friend … right into the
                                                                                  over $77 million in hotel   busy side streets. Some people are afraid of dogs and
                                                                                  revenue with an estimated   may fall if your pet runs up to them. There are lots
                                                                                  $4.6 million collected in   of reasons for this rule besides safety and liability so
                                                                                  bed tax. Additionally, the   please be a responsible pet owner.
                                                                                  Winter Equestrian Festival      We don’t want dogs prohibited from using the park
                                                                                  and Major League Baseball   so please abide by the rules of PGA POA and the City
                                                                                                             of Palm Beach Gardens, and keep your pet on a leash.
                                                                                  Commissioner’s Update         Thank you!
                                                                                  on page 3
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