Page 7 - Jupiter West - April '24
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Jupiter West, Page 7
      Do Students With Disabilities Attend College?

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                             right college. They specialize in supporting families through the   participate in college activities, clubs and organizations as
      Licensed School Psychologist                      entire process from identifying colleges for their unique needs,   they take college courses to earn certificates. Students have
        The high school to college                      applying, essay writing and ensuring that accommodations are   a college experience while gaining skills for independence
      transition is a milestone step in                 available. Class 101 college planners even guide families on   and employment.
      a teen’s life and independent                     available scholarships for making college more affordable.     Of course, college is not the right fit for everyone and there
      living. With hard work students                     While many college students live on campus, some live in off-  are plenty of well-paying jobs that don’t require a degree.
      with learning disabilities, mild                  campus housing with support. The organization called College   Mike Rowe is a television personality and host of Dirty Jobs.
      autism, ADHD, and other                           Living provides off-campus housing along with   He is a huge advocate of the trades and has resources on his
      disabilities attend and graduate                  coaching or mentoring to students with disabilities. They help   website or podcast.
      from college. In addition to                      facilitate the transition to college by providing tutoring, executive     We know students with disabilities who are successful in
      your student’s hard work,                         functioning skills coaching and socialization for students.   college and life because of caring parents, family and mentors.
      planning for college is an                          Students with developmental disabilities or intellectual   Reach out if we can help you as we test students from preschool
      important factor to set your student up for success. Expert college   disabilities also attend college. Florida Atlantic University   through graduate school. If you need updated testing or are
      planners such as those at Class 101 North Palm Beach help all   offers the Academy for Community Inclusion on the Jupiter   concerned about a potential learning disability, autism or
      high school students, including those with disabilities, identify the   and Boca Raton campuses. This program allows students to   ADHD, visit or call (561) 625-4125.
      Collecting Debts On Behalf Of Your Deceased Loved One

      Submitted by Anné                                 generally a family member, can petition the court to name   What Happens After The Debt Is Discovered?
      Desormier-Cartwright, Esq.                        them as the personal representative of the estate to administer     The PR or trustee who discovers that a debt was owed
        People often engage in                          the estate. Once appointed, the administrator of the estate is   to the deceased person should first ascertain if there are
      transactions that result in                       authorized—and has a duty—to act on behalf of the estate to   any amounts outstanding, that is, amounts that were due
      money being owed to them,                         collect the debt. Similarly, if a debt was owed to a deceased   at the date of death. For example, consider a situation in
      such as loaning money to a                        person’s trust, the successor trustee has the obligation to try   which Bob made a loan of $5,000 to his friend Julie, who
      friend or business partner or                     to collect the amount owed to the trust.           was obligated under the loan agreement to make monthly
      renting a house to a tenant.                      How Can A Personal Representative Or Trustee Discover   repayments of $250 on the 15th of each month until the
      But what happens if someone                       If The Deceased Person Was Owed Money?             loan was repaid in full in December 2024. If Bob passes
      passes away before they                             If the personal representative (PR) or trustee is the   away on Jan. 16, 2024, the PR would need to determine
      receive the money owed to                         deceased person’s spouse, they may be very familiar with   if Julie was current on her payments, collect any monthly
      them?  Can  someone  else                         the assets owned by their deceased spouse, including how   payments she owed at the date of Bob’s death (including
      collect these debts? If your loved one has died and you think   much money their spouse was owed and who owed it, but a   interest), and monitor future payments.
      they were owed money at the time of their death, keep the   non-spouse executor or trustee may be less knowledgeable     Once the PR or trustee is aware of a debt that is owed
      following information in mind.                    about the assets owned by the deceased person. All PRs or   to the deceased person’s estate, they must provide a formal
      Does The Debt Die With The Person?                trustees should examine the deceased person’s important   written notice to the debtor that the deceased person has
        The fact that someone dies does not mean that the   papers and financial records to determine if there is any   passed away and the date of death, that the estate is their
      outstanding debt owed to them disappears or is no longer   evidence that money was owed to the deceased. Optimally,   new creditor, and that future payments should be made
      owed. The debt survives the death of the creditor and is   there will be a written loan agreement, mortgage document,   to the estate via the PR or trustee. The notice should also
      then owed to the deceased creditor’s estate. In fact, a debt   or other contract that provides clear evidence of both the   include the PR or trustee’s name, address, and any other
      that is owed to the estate is considered an asset (i.e., money   existence of debt and the terms of repayment. However,   information needed to facilitate payment of the debt. The
      and property) of the estate. The estate is entitled to collect   even if there is no formal contract, other written evidence—  PR or trustee should make efforts to collect any past due
      the debt as part of the probate process that culminates in the   for example, an email or even a text message demonstrating   amounts and to facilitate the payment of amounts that will
      distribution of the deceased person’s money and property to   that someone owed money to the deceased person—can   be due in the future, for example, rental payments for the
      the beneficiaries named in their will or to the beneficiaries   be used to establish the existence and terms of the debt.   remaining term of a lease agreement that extends beyond
      designated by state law if the deceased person did not have   Alternatively, if the deceased person had records, books,   the date of death.
      a will. Similarly, if the debt is owed to the deceased person’s   or canceled checks showing the existence of a debt and   What If The Debtor Will Not Pay The Amount Due?
      trust, the trust’s right and obligation to collect the debt   that someone was making regular payments to them, this     Although a PR or trustee will initially attempt to collect
      continues after the trustmaker’s death.           documentation can be used as evidence for the PR or   a debt by contacting the debtor and requesting payment
      Who Can Collect The Debt?                         trustee to establish the existence of a debt. Although written   of the amount due, if those collection efforts are not
        Before anyone can act on behalf of a deceased person’s   evidence is considered more reliable, the trustee or PR may   successful, ask the attorney representing the PR to send a
      estate, they must be appointed by the probate court. If the   also rely on witnesses who heard the deceased person and   demand letter to the debtor or file a lawsuit on behalf of
      deceased person had a will, they probably named someone   the debtor discussing a loan or other business transaction   the estate to collect the amount owed. If there is no PR,
      they trusted to act as their personal representative (also   to  establish  the existence and terms of  the obligation.   but there is a trust, the trustee should consider hiring an
      known as an executor). If the deceased person did not sign a   Similarly, debtors themselves may make statements to the   attorney to represent them.
      will, a person who is given priority in Florida’s probate law,   trustee or PR acknowledging the debt.   We Can Help
                                                                                                             If your loved one has passed away, we can help guide
                                                                                                           you through the probate process if you are the PR of their
                                                                                                           will or wish to be appointed as the PR of their estate.
                                                                                                           Likewise, if you are the successor trustee, we can help
                                                                                                           you administer your loved one’s trust.
                                                                                                             One of the important duties of a PR is to collect, protect,
                                                                                                           and prepare an inventory of all the assets in the deceased
                                                                                                           person’s estate, including the debts owed to them, so they
                                                                                                           can be distributed to the beneficiaries of the estate. Trustees
                                                                                                           similarly have a duty to maintain records relevant to and to
                                                                                                           collect debts owed to the deceased person’s trust. Seeking
                                                                                                           help from an experienced estate planning attorney can help
                                                                                                           put your mind at ease by helping ensure that you fulfill all
                                                                                                           your duties during what is likely a stressful and emotional
                                                                                                           time following the death of your loved one. If you would
                                                                                                           like help, call us today to set up an appointment.
                                                                                                             If you have questions about this or your estate plan
                                                                                                           and what documents are necessary schedule a free
                                                                                                           consultation  today  by  calling  our  office  at  (561)  694-
                                                                                                           7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq., Elder and Estate
                                                                                                           Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive, Suite 3,
                                                                                                           Jupiter, FL 33458.
                                                                                                             The content of this article is general and should not be
                                                                                                           relied upon without review of your specific circumstances
                                                                                                           by competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information
                                                                                                           herein is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by
                                           A College Preparatory Catholic High School                      the firm on your specific circumstances or legal needs.
                                                                                                           An attorney client relationship is not created through the
                                            Our Vision is to build life’s champions                        information provided herein.
                                                     through FAITH, ACADEMICS,    SCAN TO  LEARN MORE        To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
                                                    SERVANT LEADERSHIP and a                               inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained
                                                  STRONG FAMILY ATMOSPHERE.                                in this newsletter was not intended or written to be used,
                                                                                                           and cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of
                                                                               avoiding U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed
                                                              West Palm Beach, FL                          on such person and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice
                                                                    (561) 683-6266
                                                                                                           from their tax advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular
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