Page 6 - Jupiter West - April '24
P. 6

Page 6, Jupiter West
      The Pet Cottage Post

      The Pet Cottage Celebrates Senior Pets And Senior People  two dogs, Pugsley and Angel. In fact, Lisa was a Pet   necessary. The Pet Cottage
        We celebrate and protect the                    Cottage Forever Guardian to Angel, a senior dachshund.   has fully supported the
      magical relationship between                      When Pugsley passed away in 2022, Lisa was ready to   relationship with in-person
      people and pets by providing                      open her heart to another dog and Zoey was a perfect fit.   visits, phone support, vet
      homestyle care for pets                           At that point, Zack had developed doggie dementia and   visits and encouragement.
      who lose their humans                             was no longer Zoey’s bonded mate. And Zoey was a great   Joe, who is in his 80s, takes
      due to death, disability,                         candidate for Forever Guardianship in a volunteer’s home.   Gigi on daily walks in the
      or deployment through                               Today, Lisa and Zoey are the bonded pair! They enjoy   neighborhood and Gigi
      our Lifelong Guardianship                         neighborhood walks, golf cart rides, service dog classes   enjoys  sunbathing in  the
      Program.  We provide pet                          and watching TV together. Zoey has brought new energy   back garden. Cynthia takes care of all of Gigi’s health
      companionship for senior                          into Lisa’s life. And Lisa showers Zoey with love and   needs and makes sure she is comfortable and loved. We
      people, and we fully support them                 attention. Lisa has made dear friends with the other Pet   love creating these happy stories in our community for
      by covering all veterinary expenses, providing regular   Cottage volunteers and finds meaning and purpose in our   senior pets and people.
      check-ins and giving a peace of mind that the pet will   community.
      always have a home with us.                       New Hope  And New
      A New Bonded Pair                                 Adventures
        In 2021, Zoey and Zack, two senior Norwich terriers     Gigi, a 13-year-old
      came to The Pet Cottage after their senior mom passed   senior  Jack Russell
      away. The woman’s son contacted The Pet Cottage because   Terrier, recently joined
      he couldn’t imagine sending his mom’s beloved dogs to a   our pack.  When her
      shelter. The Pet Cottage provided him with peace of mind   senior owner, Owen, a
      that the dogs would be loved and cherished. While they   Vietnam veteran, could
      were sweet and spunky dogs, they were in serious need of   no longer care for her
      medical care and grooming. The Pet Cottage brought them   due to medical issues,
      to our veterinarian where an initial exam was completed   he reached out to The Pet   Gigi with bone
      and all their medical needs were addressed.       Cottage for help.
        Zack and Zoey initially came to The Sanctuary because     Cynthia and Joe, a
      they were a bonded pair and had just suffered a great loss.   senior couple in PGA
      They fit in well with The Sanctuary pack.         National, had been on                              Zoey in the golf cart
        Meanwhile, one of                               our  Forever  Guardian
      our fabulous senior                               waitlist for about three                           Urgent: Big Dog Forever Guardians Needed
      volunteers named Lisa                             months. We thought they                              If you love big dogs and want to make a difference in the
      had recently suffered a                           might  be  a  good  match                          community, please contact us for more information about
      string of great losses.                           for Gigi, so we set up a                           Forever Guardianship and volunteer opportunities. We have
      First, in 2020, her                               meet and greet. Gigi had                           room in our pack for you!
      husband Perry passed                              been raised by Owen                                                                  The Pet Cottage,
      away from COVID.                                  since she was a puppy                                                                 Wendy Derhak,
      Lisa was devastated                               and so patience  and                                                        Founder/Executive Director,
      and  heartbroken.  She                            understanding for her                                                                 (561) 818-5025
      found comfort in her  Lisa and Zoey               adjustment period was   Cynthia and Joe with Gigi                     
      Financial Focus                          ®

      What Should You Know About                          So, you may need to protect yourself and your loved ones   policy, the more affordable it may be. Also, long-term care

      Long-Term Care?                                   from the potential costs of long-term care. Basically, you’ve got   policies typically require you to wait a certain amount of time
                                                                                                           before benefits are paid. But policies vary greatly in what they
                                                        two main choices: You could self-insure or you could transfer
                                                        the risk by purchasing some type of long-term care insurance.   offer, so, if you are thinking of buying this insurance, you’ll
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                 If you have considerable financial resources, you might   want to review options and compare benefits and costs.
        We all hope to remain                           find self-insuring to be attractive, rather than choosing     In any case, by being aware of the potential need for
      healthy and independent                           insurance and paying policy premiums. You may wish to keep   long-term care, its cost and the ways of paying for it, you’ll
      throughout our lives – but life                   an emergency savings or investment account that’s earmarked   be able to make the appropriate decisions for your financial
      can be unpredictable. If you                      exclusively for long-term care to help avoid relying on your   situation, your needs and your loved ones.
      were ever to need some type                       other retirement accounts. But self-insuring has two main     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
      of long-term care, would you                      drawbacks. First, because long-term care can be costly, you   your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward Jones,
      be financially prepared?                          might need to plan for a significant amount. And second, it   Member SIPC.
        Long-term care                                  will be quite hard to predict exactly how much money you’ll     Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states
      encompasses everything from                       need, because so many variables are involved – your age   and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P.,
      the services of a home health                     when you start needing care, interest rates or inflation, the   and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through
      aide to a stay in an assisted                     cost of care in your area, the type of care you’ll require, the   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.;
      living facility to a long residence in a nursing home. You may   length of time you’ll need care, and so on.   Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and
      never need any of these kinds of care, but the odds aren’t     As an alternative to self-insuring, you could purchase long-  Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      necessarily in your favor: Someone turning age 65 today has   term care insurance, which can provide benefits for home     Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot
      almost a 70 percent chance of needing some type of long-term   health care, adult day care and assisted living and nursing   provide tax advice. You should consult your qualified tax
      care services and support in their remaining years, according   home facilities. However, you will need to consider the issues   advisor regarding your situation.
      to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  attached to long-term care insurance. For one thing, it can be     Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
        And all types of long-term care can involve considerable   expensive, though the younger you are when you buy your   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      financial expense. The median annual cost for a home health
      aide’s services is more than $60,000 per year, and it’s more                                “Service is our number one priority”
      than $100,000 per year for a private room in a nursing home,
      according to Genworth, an insurance company. Furthermore,                                                 561-743-0070
      contrary to many people’s expectations, Medicare usually
      pays very little of these costs.                                                             
        Of course, some people expect their family will be able to
      take care of their long-term care needs. But this may not be a
      viable strategy. For one thing, your family members simply
      may not have the skills needed to give you the type of care you
      may require. Also, by the time you might need help, your grown
      children or other family members might not live in your area.

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