Page 25 - Boca ViewPointe - April '24
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April 2024 Viewpointe, Page 25
Welcome To The Fantastic World Of Feng Shui!!!
By Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera P.H.D. In this sense, we know that it is a work activity, Even this work can be a party or festival of a family or
depending on the last review of the space, whether or not friendly nature, if applicable.
Dear readers, in this new installment given the entry this work is in easy or very arduous conditions. We have This proposed cleaning has more advantages and
of spring this 19 of March, we wish to invite them to the always advised in our monthly articles in this community benefits than disadvantages, which, added to hygiene,
ANNUAL SPRING CLEANUP, an activity that will newspaper: order, cleaning, classification, organization, order, classification, categorization, balance of belongings,
allow us to take stock of the objects we have in general, updating, and as a consequence of these, donation, sale, plays a very important role in the circulation of the CHI,
said “cleaning” refers more than to sanitizing our spaces to recycling among many other collateral activities that arise the positive energy, the space or area worked, because
being able to evaluate the situation we have in our houses, from the ANNUAL SPRING CLEANUP. you will be able to take the route you need to harmonize
apartments, premises and even barns, garages, shelter spaces, As a result of the aforementioned activity, it throws and balance the energy (pardon the redundancy), but it
in short all the areas where we carry out daily life, such as up surprises, since we make purchases or receive objects is the necessary word to emphasize how important this
those that serve as storage for objects and belongings that or products from third parties that sometimes we do not activity and its execution is.
are not for daily use, making our lives more comfortable. register in our brain for various reasons, or we have Since their inception in 2020, the articles have
It is very important not to think that those areas of acquired by error or omission, this leads to this work. As been characterized by promoting the ENERGY AND
infrequent use are not important, on the contrary, these such, it is very necessary and although in many cases it HARMONIZATION of spaces to improve areas of our
places have stagnant energy, therefore, their review, is arduous (excuse the repetition), it cannot be missed. lives, which for each person are personal and individual,
cleaning, organization and classification, at least Being a work task and since work ultimately requires for the interests of the human being.
annually, is of utmost importance, in order to avoid the help and laborious hands, we must have collaborators The ancient science of FENG SHUI, considered
accumulation that due to new acquisitions allows unused who, in addition to making the work more bearable, their formerly as something essential in choosing the land
objects to be forgotten. opinions help us make better decisions in many cases. for building and later construction, today it is vitally
important for the West and especially for those who
Enhancing Quality of Life for Cancer ENERGY AND THE HARMONY. They are essential in
their spaces, not only because of their intuitive nature but
because they are essential for the comfort and well-being
Patients: The Role of Complementary of those who live in them.
In previous articles we have discerned the focal
points that we must energize and the areas that we wish
Therapies to stimulate in order to give ourselves and give a greater
quality of life to all. We invite you to this review and in
any special case you can write to us by email and we will
Facing cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy Your Bosom Buddies has positively impacted thousands of be happy with confidential nature. We can advise those
and radiation therapy, is a daunting journey fraught survivors, fostering a sense of community and resilience. “cures” that are required in order to optimize our lives.
with physical and emotional challenges for patients. As the world continues to explore the potential We reiterate that keeping in mind these details that
The side effects of these conventional treatments can of complementary therapies in cancer care, it is are not minor and on the contrary make our lives more
be debilitating, impacting not only the body but also essential to prioritize patient-centered approaches pleasant, but think when you visit a place and do not want
the overall well-being of individuals undergoing them. that enhance the quality of life and promote holistic to leave, what elements make said permanence favorable
However, emerging research suggests that complementary well-being. By integrating evidence-based practices to our well-being would be worth evaluating. Otherwise
modalities such as acupuncture, vibroacoustic therapy, and and collaborating with conventional treatments, we they also happen to us.
solfeggio frequencies can play a pivotal role in alleviating can provide comprehensive support that addresses the
these side effects and improving the quality of life for physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of healing for In short: in the spaces where we do the annual spring
cancer patients. cancer patients. cleaning, areas of energization and harmony can also be
Acupuncture, an ancient practice rooted in traditional In conclusion, as we journey through the landscape located in order to stimulate them. To do this, review
Chinese medicine, has garnered increasing attention of cancer care, it becomes increasingly evident that a the BAGUA MAP, (see article published in this same
for its potential in mitigating chemotherapy-induced holistic approach, integrating complementary therapies newspaper last December 2023) about which we have
side effects. By targeting specific acupoints on the body, with conventional treatments, holds immense promise written so that our readers can locate their life project
acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, the in enhancing the quality of life for patients. Acupuncture, and with it their objectives and goals.
body’s natural pain-relieving hormones, and modulates vibroacoustic therapy, and solfeggio frequencies offer Until the next installment!!!
the body’s neuroendocrine system to reduce inflammation tangible benefits, alleviating treatment side effects and Milagros
and alleviate symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, pain, promoting well-being on multiple levels.
and fatigue in cancer patients. Dr. Jun J. Mao, Chief of Moreover, the invaluable support provided by Author Milagros Gutierrez de Herrera, Feng
Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering organizations like Your Bosom Buddies, underscores the
Cancer Center, affirms the benefits of acupuncture, importance of community and peer support in navigating Shui Specialist is a resident of the Plum. Email:
stating, “Acupuncture can serve as a valuable adjunct to the challenges of cancer. Together, we can foster resilience, n
conventional cancer treatments, providing patients with empowerment, and hope in the face of adversity.
much-needed relief from treatment-related symptoms.” Dr. Yaron Seidman, a distinguished figure in this
Vibroacoustic therapy, which employs low-frequency collaboration, showcases an innovative approach at Watch Your Speed!
sound vibrations to induce relaxation and alleviate the Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa in Boca Raton. Here, he
stress, has also shown promise in supporting cancer integrates cutting-edge technologies with time-honored
patients undergoing treatment. Research suggests that modalities, crafting a transformative environment aimed Speeding fines
vibroacoustic therapy can improve sleep quality, reduce at improving the quality of life for those undergoing cancer are being enforced!
anxiety, and promote overall well-being by stimulating treatment. Fine schedule: 6-20
the body’s relaxation response. Dr. Linda E. Carlson, a “As we embark on this integrative paradigm, our mph over the limit
leading researcher in mind-body interventions for cancer aim is to ensure that every cancer patient receives $50 and more than
care, underscores the potential of vibroacoustic therapy, comprehensive, compassionate care, tailored to address
emphasizing that “the gentle vibrations produced during their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Together, 21 mph over the limit
the therapy can promote relaxation and help patients we aspire to forge a path towards a future where healing $100. Please obey
cope with the physical and emotional challenges of cancer encompasses all aspects of well-being, guiding each the posted speed
treatment.” individual facing cancer towards support, solace, and inner limit signs and drive
Solfeggio frequencies, ancient musical scales believed strength on their journey to recovery.” - Dr. Yaron Seidman safely!
to possess healing properties, have been incorporated For further information and support, visit Your
into holistic approaches such as music therapy to support Bosom Buddies at To
cancer patients. Recent studies, including research explore personalized consultations and experience the
published in the Journal of Music Therapy, have indicated transformative offerings of Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa,
that exposure to specific frequencies within the solfeggio contact Dr. Yaron Seidman directly at (561) 400-6743 or
scale can reduce pain perception and emotional distress reserve online at Let us embark on
among cancer patients undergoing treatment. This this journey of healing and wellness together.
highlights the potential of music therapy with solfeggio
frequencies as a complementary approach to alleviate
symptoms and enhance the quality of life for cancer
At Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa, we recognize the
importance of collaborating with conventional treatments
to provide comprehensive support for cancer patients.
Our approach integrates evidence-based complementary
therapies to address the diverse needs of individuals
undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other
treatments. By tailoring care plans to each patient’s unique
needs, we aim to alleviate treatment side effects, reduce
stress, and promote overall well-being.
In addition to our services, we advocate for the
inclusion of support organizations such as Your Bosom
Buddies, founded by breast cancer survivor Linda Burrows Dr Yaron Seidman with Linda Burrowes
27 years ago. Your Bosom Buddies provides invaluable
resources, peer support, and educational programs to
empower individuals on their cancer journey. With support
meetings held in person in Miami and Davie, as well as
virtual meetings via Zoom for those living farther away,