Page 4 - Boca Exposure - April '24
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Page 4, Boca Exposure
      County, City Celebrate Two Boca Ladies’ 105th Birthdays!

         The population of the United States on March 5 of this   athletic and in sports. Millie and her husband loved
      year was approximately 341,240,000. Of this number,   bowling and would bowl at least twice a week. He was
      according to the U.S. Census Bureau, just under 11,000   a 200 bowler. She still has an active social life, playing
      are ages 105 or older.                             cards and connecting with friends at Sinai. She has seven
         The happy fact that two of the loveliest ladies   grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
      among them are with us here in Boca Raton motivated      About Toby & Leon Cooperman Sinai Residences
      Palm Beach County to issue an official Proclamation   Boca Raton. Toby & Leon Cooperman Sinai Residences
      announcing March 5 as “Fritzi and Millie Day,” and   Boca Raton is a not-for-profit continuing care retirement
      for Boca Raton Mayor Scott Singer to send Letters of   community developed by Federation CCRC Development,
      Congratulations to the two birthday girls.         a subsidiary of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach
         Frieda “Fritzi” Siegel and Mildred “Millie” Dien—two   County. Highly secure, with restricted gated access, Sinai
      women who reside at the Toby & Leon Cooperman Sinai   is nestled on the 100-acre Federation campus, the largest
      Residences, a not-for-profit continuing care retirement   land-based federation  in the country.  Sinai provides  a
      community in Boca Raton—though born a couple of    lifestyle for active adults through a focus on wellness,
      weeks apart, celebrated their 105th birthdays together   health services and a wide variety of sophisticated
      at a party joined by several county and city officials and   activities. While guided by Jewish faith and heritage,
      many family and friends.                           Sinai’s progressive senior living community welcomes
         The party was attended by, among others: Palm Beach   people of all faiths, beliefs and cultures. Learn more at   Ed Sol, Rachel Blumberg, Fritzi, Yvette Drucker, Fran
      County Mayor Maria Sachs’ assistant Ed Sol and City of                    Nachlas and Millie
      Boca Raton Council Members Yvette Drucker and Fran
      Nachlas, and CEO of Sinai Residences Rachel Blumberg.
         About Frieda “Fritzi” Siegel. On Feb. 23, 1919, Frieda   Enhancing Quality of Life for Cancer
      Friedman was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., to Kate and Oscar
      Friedman, the eldest of three children. She had a younger
      brother, Milton, who passed away at the age of 39, and   Patients: The Role of Complementary
      a younger sister who died at just 9 months old. Both her
      and her father from Poland. While her mother retained  Therapies
      parents were immigrants, her mother hailing from Russia

      a distinctly “European” demeanor, her father embraced
      American culture and founded a successful millinery     Facing cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy   Your Bosom Buddies has positively impacted thousands of
      company, capitalizing on the popularity of hats in fashion.   and radiation therapy, is a daunting journey fraught   survivors, fostering a sense of community and resilience.
      Fritzi was among the few women to graduate from NYU,   with physical and emotional challenges for patients.     As  the  world  continues  to  explore  the  potential
      though she didn’t actively pursue a career. It was during   The side effects of these conventional treatments can   of  complementary  therapies  in  cancer  care,  it  is
      a stay as a guest at a Catskills hotel that she met Max   be debilitating, impacting not only the body but also   essential  to  prioritize  patient-centered  approaches
      Siegel, a student working as a waiter. They married on   the overall well-being of individuals undergoing them.   that enhance the quality of life and promote holistic
      Nov. 23, 1941. Max went on to earn his Ph.D. in Clinical   However, emerging research suggests that complementary   well-being. By integrating evidence-based practices
      Psychology and gained international renown in his field.   modalities such as acupuncture, vibroacoustic therapy, and   and collaborating with conventional treatments, we
                                                                                                          can provide comprehensive support that addresses the
                                                          solfeggio frequencies can play a pivotal role in alleviating
      Together, they welcomed a son, Ozzie, in October 1944,   these side effects and improving the quality of life for   physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of healing for
      and a daughter, Shelley, in December 1951. Currently,   cancer patients.                            cancer patients.
      Fritzi enjoys the company of her six grandchildren and     Acupuncture, an ancient practice rooted in traditional     In conclusion, as we journey through the landscape
      10 great-grandchildren. Frieda lived in New York until   Chinese medicine, has garnered increasing attention   of cancer care, it becomes increasingly evident that a
      1980 when she relocated full-time to Boca West, where   for its potential in mitigating chemotherapy-induced   holistic approach, integrating complementary therapies
      she indulged her passions for golf and canasta. Though   side effects. By targeting specific acupoints on the body,   with conventional treatments, holds immense promise
      widowed at the age of 69, she continued to lead a vibrant   acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, the   in enhancing the quality of life for patients. Acupuncture,
      life. She resided independently until the age of 102 when she   body’s natural pain-relieving hormones, and modulates   vibroacoustic therapy, and solfeggio frequencies offer
      began to receive some assistance, all the while maintaining   the body’s neuroendocrine system to reduce inflammation   tangible benefits, alleviating treatment side effects and
      a keen eye on her appearance, earning her the title of a true   and alleviate symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, pain,   promoting well-being on multiple levels.
      “clotheshorse.” In November 2023, Fritzi transitioned to   and fatigue in cancer patients. Dr. Jun J. Mao, Chief of     Moreover,  the  invaluable  support  provided  by
                                                          Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering
                                                                                                          organizations like Your Bosom Buddies, underscores the
      the Assisted Living area of Sinai Residences, where she is   Cancer Center, affirms the benefits of acupuncture,   importance of community and peer support in navigating
      highly regarded by fellow residents.                stating, “Acupuncture can serve as a valuable adjunct to   the challenges of cancer. Together, we can foster resilience,
         About Mildred “Millie” Dien. Millie was born on   conventional cancer treatments, providing patients with   empowerment, and hope in the face of adversity.
      March  11,  1919,  to  immigrant  parents  from  Hungary.   much-needed relief from treatment-related symptoms.”    Dr. Yaron Seidman, a distinguished figure in this
      Millie was the eldest of three children. She had a brother,     Vibroacoustic therapy, which employs low-frequency   collaboration, showcases an innovative approach at
      Sam, who passed away a few years ago and a younger   sound vibrations to induce relaxation and alleviate   the Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa in Boca Raton. Here, he
      sister Pearl, who lives at Toby & Leon Cooperman Sinai   stress, has also shown promise in supporting cancer   integrates cutting-edge technologies with time-honored
      Residences in Boca Raton as  well. Millie grew  up in   patients undergoing treatment. Research suggests that   modalities, crafting a transformative environment aimed
      Brooklyn and was in charge of a chemical office. She   vibroacoustic therapy can improve sleep quality, reduce   at improving the quality of life for those undergoing cancer
      married Hyman Dien in 1941 and was married for 73 years   anxiety, and promote overall well-being by stimulating   treatment.
      before he passed away. They have three children: two sons   the body’s relaxation response. Dr. Linda E. Carlson, a     “As we embark on this integrative paradigm, our
                                                                                                          aim is to ensure that every cancer patient receives
                                                          leading researcher in mind-body interventions for cancer
      and one daughter. Her boys, Jeffery and Martin, live in   care, underscores the potential of vibroacoustic therapy,   comprehensive, compassionate care, tailored to address
      South Florida and her daughter Judy lives in New York.   emphasizing that “the gentle vibrations produced during   their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Together,
      Millie is very family conscious and has always lived with   the therapy can promote relaxation and help patients   we aspire to forge a path towards a future where healing
      or near her sister, Pearl, so they could raise their families   cope with the physical and emotional challenges of cancer   encompasses all aspects of well-being, guiding each
      together. For 29 years they lived in the same building   treatment.”                                individual facing cancer towards support, solace, and inner
      occupying separate apartments, and her parents would     Solfeggio frequencies, ancient musical scales believed   strength on their journey to recovery.” - Dr. Yaron Seidman
      spend the winters in the same building. After spending   to possess healing properties, have been incorporated     For  further  information  and  support,  visit  Your
      years living in Brooklyn, Millie and her husband moved to   into holistic approaches such as music therapy to support   Bosom  Buddies  at  To
      Whisper Walk gated community in South Florida, where   cancer  patients.  Recent  studies,  including  research   explore personalized consultations and experience the
      they lived until he passed. In 2015, Millie’s sister Pearl   published in the Journal of Music Therapy, have indicated   transformative offerings of Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa,
      first heard about Sinai Residences and signed a contract.   that exposure to specific frequencies within the solfeggio   contact Dr. Yaron Seidman directly at (561) 400-6743 or
                                                                                                          reserve online at Let us embark on
                                                          scale can reduce pain perception and emotional distress
      Pearl convinced Millie to move to Sinai Residences with   among  cancer  patients  undergoing  treatment.  This   this journey of healing and wellness together.
      her and the two sisters moved into separate apartments   highlights the potential of music therapy with solfeggio
      one day apart in February of 2016. Millie said her long   frequencies as a complementary approach to alleviate
      life is probably due to genetics as her mom lived to 102.   symptoms and enhance the quality of life for cancer
      She said she has lived an active lifestyle and was always   patients.
                                                            At Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa, we recognize the
                                                          importance of collaborating with conventional treatments
                                                          to provide comprehensive support for cancer patients.
                                                          Our approach integrates evidence-based complementary
                                                          therapies to address the diverse needs of individuals
                                                          undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and other
                                                          treatments. By tailoring care plans to each patient’s unique
                                                          needs, we aim to alleviate treatment side effects, reduce
                                                          stress, and promote overall well-being.
                                                            In addition to our services, we advocate for the
                                                          inclusion of support organizations such as Your Bosom
                                                          Buddies, founded by breast cancer survivor Linda Burrows   Dr Yaron Seidman with Linda Burrowes
                                                          27 years ago. Your Bosom Buddies provides invaluable
                                                          resources, peer support, and educational programs to
                                                          empower individuals on their cancer journey. With support
                                                          meetings held in person in Miami and Davie, as well as
                                                          virtual meetings via Zoom for those living farther away,
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