Page 25 - Southern Exposure - March '24
P. 25

Southern Exposure, Page 25

                                                                                                                                         Section B

                                                            In Your CommunItY

             Catalfumo Companies Approved For 620 Additional

                                     Multifamily Units At PGA Station

                                 A Visionary Transit-Oriented Project In Palm Beach Gardens

        With 100 units dedicated to workforce housing, Gardens   As a transit-oriented community, the project is positioned   Gardens Station project exemplifies a forward-thinking,
      Station is setting the standard for affordable luxury housing   to provide easy access to rail stations, including the Tri-  commuter-friendly approach slated to be adopted by PGA
      and is geared to transforming living in Palm Beach Gardens.  Rail. With the ability to live steps away from work or   Station corporate tenants.
        Catalfumo Companies, a leader in real estate development,   easily commute via the proposed nearby train stations, the     “Transit-oriented communities are the future of
      is excited to announce that it approved an additional 620                                            development,” Dan Catalfumo said. “They are extremely
      multifamily units for its project, Gardens Station, on Feb.                                          commuter-friendly and will be the leading force shaping
      1. Located at 11025 RCA Center Drive, the project is now                                             sustainable cities of the future. Workers want to have easy
      slated to have 1,016 multifamily units, with 398 units                                               access to their offices, whether it be from walkability or
      currently undergoing construction by project partner The                                             convenient access to the railways. In summary, transit-
      Richman Group of Companies. Of these 1,016 multifamily                                               oriented communities take a holistic approach on urban
      units, over 100 units will be dedicated to workforce housing.                                        living by emphasizing accessibility, easing congestion and
        “We are excited to deliver Gardens Station to Palm                                                 championing sustainable transportation.
      Beach Gardens. As a developer located within the Palm                                                  PGA Station is located at an appealing location at the
      Beach Gardens community, it is an honor and a privilege                                              entrance to the bustling PGA corridor and in immediate
      to give back,” Daniel Catalfumo, founder of Catalfumo                                                proximity to I-95, has served as a major draw for corporate
      Companies, said. “We know how important our workers                                                  tenants, restaurants and retailers and is now being augmented
      are, and workforce housing is more essential than ever.                                              with residential components for a true live, work, play offering.
      Palm Beach Gardens would not be the budding community                                                In fact, taking advantage of this, Catalfumo Companies has
      it is today without our local workers; as such, we wanted to                                         set up their corporate offices within PGA Station along
      invest in a transformative project that allows the community                                         with The Marc, an upscale apartment community slated for
      to live, work and play.”                                                                             completion later this year. These developments are expected
        Recently, Palm Beach Gardens has been paving the way                                               to continue to elevate the standard of living and quality of
      for workforce housing, committed to creating spaces for                                              life in Palm Beach Gardens for all.
      people who work in Palm Beach Gardens but cannot afford                                                The new addition to PGA Gardens Station was designed
      to live in the luxury residences popping up across the city.                                         by Corwil Architects, along with improvements to the area.
      As such, the City of Palm Beach Gardens works hand-in-                                               Sidewalks, landscaping art and more are integral assets of
      hand with developers, such as Catalfumo Companies and                                                the project. A master landscape plan and adherence to the
      The Richman Group of Companies, to ensure their vision of                                            Palm Beach Gardens Art in Public Places program ensure
      a city where residents can live, work and play is achieved.                                          continued enrichment for residents and visitors alike.
        In addition to its workforce housing appeal, PGA Station
      is strategically situated around proposed railway stations.                                          In Your Community on page 26

                                                                northern notes

                                              Living Within Our Budget

                                   By Katie Roundtree, Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District

        L i k e  m o st  l o c a l                       several developments,                             for the new fiscal year. Staff and department heads submit their
      governments, the Northern                          such as Horseshoe Acres,                          budgeted requests for projects, services and equipment for the
      Pa lm  Be ach Count y                              Steeplechase, Arbor  Parc                         upcoming year to the budget manager. The budget manager
      Improvement District                               and Woodbine.  Each  unit                         compiles the information and produces a draft budget for
      (Northern) must prepare                            of development is unique                          review by Northern management. During this time, requests
      and abide by an annual                             since their needs can be                          are balanced against funding to determine whether or not
      budget. Unlike many                                quite different. Currently,                       specific projects or requests remain in the funding plan for the
      other local governments,                           there are 47 active units of                      upcoming year.
      Northern prepares a budget                         development with budgets,                           Budgets are funded from either maintenance assessments,
      for general expenses, such as                      excluding the general fund.                       reserve funds, loans or a combination of the above. Northern has
      administrative and overhead                        Northern’s primary purpose                        a policy to keep a minimum of 25 percent of the maintenance
      expenses, and for each unit                        is to provide stormwater                          budget for each unit of development in reserves. Reserves are in
      of development within its jurisdiction. A unit of development   control services to its area.        place for unexpected emergencies, disasters, and cost increases
      is a separate, distinct area formed to provide specific   However, in some areas, Northern is also responsible for   more than budgeted. Any reserves over the minimum can be
      services from Northern. These areas can be for individual   road, preserve, trail and gate maintenance.   used to fund future projects or offset assessment increases.
      housing developments, such as PGA National, BallenIsles     Northern’s fiscal year begins on Oct. 1 and ends on Sept.
      or Abacoa. They can also be for an area that covers   30. Each year, starting in January, the budget process begins   Northern Notes on page 27
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