Page 7 - Boca ViewPinte - March '24
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March 2024                                                      Viewpointe, Page 7

            Living Better, Living Longer:
           “Blue Zone”

           Benefits for Longevity

           “Blue Zones” are areas of the       thousands of miles apart,
           world where people not only         share similar lifestyles of close
           live longer but also enjoy a        connections, purpose, natural
           high quality of retirement. The     movement throughout the
           term was first coined in 2004       day, and more.                     A Mather Institute study —          residents have anecdotally
           by David Buetter, an explorer,                                         that included participation         told us all along,” said
           National Geographic Fellow          Perhaps without even               from seven Acts communities         Bill Tamulonis, Managing
           and journalist who traveled         realizing it, residents of         — surveyed 8,228 people             Director of Acts Center for
           the world to specific areas         Edgewater at Boca Pointe           living in continuing care           Applied Research.
           with the highest percentage of      are following many of              retirement communities and
           centenarians. After analyzing       these same principles of           reported significant wellness       With a wide variety of social
           demographic data and                longevity by simply living         benefits. Residents enjoyed         activities and events, fitness
           interviewing numerous people        at the community — giving          better physical, emotional,         classes for every ability, and
           over age 100, he and his team       them access to more healthy        intellectual, social, and           green spaces, Edgewater at
           identified five regions that        lifestyle choices.                 vocational wellness than their      Boca Pointe residents have
           stood out. These areas were                                            “age in place” peers. This is       plenty of opportunities to
           identified as blue zones, where     In fact, there is now evidence     largely because of their social     stay active, make meaningful
           people were                         showing residents of Acts          connections, reduced stress,        connections, and explore
           10 times more likely to reach       Retirement-Life Communities        and access to superb                new interests. Plus, resort-
           age 100 (            — like Edgewater at Boca           health care.                        like amenities, and regular
                                               Pointe — fare better in                                                entertainment make it a
           It is a fascinating conclusion:     wellness than other seniors in     “Now we have data that              perfect fit for today’s retirees.
           people living in these areas,       the community at large.            affirms our intuition and what
           while geographically scattered

                                 “BL UE Z ONE” BENEFIT S A T A CT S

                                Check out how Edgewater at Boca Pointe residents are following some of these
                            “Blue Zone” lifestyle principles to defy aging and improve their QOL (Quality of Life).

                1      Moving Naturally                     It’s easy to move without thinking about it. Almost every aspect of life is at
                                                            the communities and easy to walk to – restaurants, entertainment, events,
                                                            amenities, even a hair salon!

               2       Finding Purpose                                                              Bob is a resident who takes advantage of
                                                                                                    the fitness center, tutors English as a second
                                                                                                    language, and enjoys dinner in on-site
                       With so many activities to                                                   restaurants with his wife and friends.
                       fit any interest, it’s easy to
                       fill the day with meaningful                                                   “I’m one of those people who has to
                       intent, including volunteer                                                    stay busy all the time, and I found
                       opportunities.                                                                 lots of opportunities to do that here!”

                3      Connecting                             Marlyn and her new
                       With Your Tribe
                                                              friends thoroughly
                                                              enjoy one another’s
                                                              company. From ping                                                 “I’ve met some
                                                              pong games, to jazz                                                of the nicest
                                                              and art classes, to live                                           people I’ve
                                                              entertainment, they                                                ever known in
                                                              have fun together.                                                 my life.”

               4       Relieving Stress                    While it’s virtually impossible to avoid stress completely, residents enjoy a lifestyle
                                                           that prioritizes peace of mind. They can plan ahead for future care — before it’s
                                                           needed — and they know Acts has a 50+ year track record of success. Plus, residents
                                                           are free from yard work and home maintenance.

                                                           Learn how Acts residents improve their wellness and focus
                                                           on their QOL (Quality of Life). Schedule a tour today.

                                                           EDGEWATER AT BOCA POINTE                     (561) 465-7011

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