Page 27 - Boca ViewPinte - March '24
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March 2024 Viewpointe, Page 27
Anonymous Donors Announce Match Campaign To Ignite
Support And Fuel Palm Beach Symphony’s Future
One-For-One Match Of Up To
$500,000 Comes During The
Symphony’s 50th Anniversary
As Palm Beach Symphony celebrates its 50th Anniversary
season, anonymous donors have stepped forward to ensure
the nonprofit’s continued growth with a one-for-one matching
campaign that will double any donations made to the
symphony up to $500,000.
“We are grateful for this matching gift that enables
everyone with any size donation to partner with us in making
a real impact in the community through our education
programs in the schools and appearances in the community as Palm Beach Symphony community outreach event. Photo by
well as ensure our ability to present world-class concerts with Palm Beach Symphony
Ageless Wellness: Practical Tips for
Palm Beach Symphony. Photo by IndieHouse Films
Embracing Mindful Self-Care After 40 today’s most acclaimed artists,” said Palm Beach Symphony
CEO David McClymont.
In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of ageless in muscles to fostering cellular rejuvenation and deep
wellness has become not just a luxury but a necessity, relaxation, spa services are instrumental in rejuvenating Palm Beach Symphony has brought national attention to Palm
particularly for individuals over the age of 40. As we the body, revitalizing the mind, and ultimately restoring Beach County’s vibrant cultural scene through concerts broadcast
navigate the complexities of modern life, studies have harmony to the spirit. throughout the country, a holiday season recording and five world
shown that the constant stressors we encounter can take • Vibroacoustic Therapy: Experience the healing premieres that were commissioned for the Golden Anniversary
a significant toll on our health and well-being. Research power of sound waves as they gently massage your Season. The symphony’s education and outreach events serve as
indicates that chronic stress not only accelerates the aging body, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and the cornerstone of its commitment to reach Palm Beach County’s
process but also increases the risk of developing various relieving muscle tension. This non-invasive therapy can broad and diverse community. Last season, the symphony hosted
health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, be particularly beneficial for those seeking relief from 96 coaching sessions with 137 school classes and offered 279
and mental health disorders. chronic pain or discomfort. instructional hours. That was in addition to providing schools and
A study published in the Proceedings of the National • V6 Intelligent Massage Bed: Indulge in a luxurious students with 162 instruments and 396 accessories and pieces of
Academy of Sciences found that chronic stress can lead massage experience with the V6 intelligent massage bed, equipment through its instrument donation program that accepts
to accelerated aging at the cellular level, specifically which utilizes advanced technology to deliver customized
by shortening telomeres, the protective caps at the massage techniques tailored to your individual needs. and repairs donations of professional or amateur quality band
end of chromosomes. Shortened telomeres have been Whether you’re looking to soothe sore muscles, improve and orchestral instruments.
associated with a higher risk of age-related diseases and circulation, or enhance relaxation, this innovative The symphony has launched the campaign that will
a decreased lifespan. treatment offers a blissful escape from the stresses of randomly award prizes from numerous sponsors to those
On the contrary, incorporating wellness activities daily life. making a donation. To make a donation visit https://
and treatments into our lives has been shown to offer • PEMF Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy:
numerous benefits for overall health and quality of life. Harness the therapeutic potential of pulsed A significant opportunity to meet the match will be new
Research published in the Journal of Alternative and electromagnetic fields to promote cellular repair, reduce ticket sales to the 50th Anniversary Season Gala on March 6
Complementary Medicine suggests that spa therapies inflammation, and accelerate healing. This non-invasive at the Cohen Pavilion at the Kravis Center. The event includes
such as massage, redlight, and aromatherapy can therapy can be particularly beneficial for individuals cocktails, a Masterworks concert featuring piano virtuoso
effectively reduce stress, alleviate pain, and improve experiencing age-related ailments such as arthritis, joint Emanuel Ax and a world premiere of a composition by Aaron
mood. These therapies have been found to promote pain, or osteoporosis.
relaxation, enhance sleep quality, and boost immune • Hot Stone Treatments: Rejuvenate your body and Jay Kernis. Following the concert, guests will enjoy a sumptuous
function, thereby supporting the body’s natural ability mind with the soothing warmth of hot stones, strategically dinner, dance to music by the Danny Beck Band and participate in
to heal and regenerate. placed along the body’s energy centers to promote deep a live auction. To learn more about gala tickets, contact hselcuk@
Moreover, a comprehensive review published in the relaxation and release tension. This ancient healing or by phone at (561) 568-0265.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry highlights the therapeutic practice can help improve circulation, alleviate muscle Proud sponsors of Palm Beach Symphony include The
potential of mindfulness-based interventions for managing stiffness, and enhance overall well-being. Rocco A. and Mary Abessinio Foundation, Cindy Anderson
stress, anxiety, and depression. By cultivating present- • BlissWave Therapy: Developed by Dr. Yaron Seidman, and Jerome Canty, Max and Christine Ansbacher, Mrs. James
moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance, BlissWave therapy combines frequencies with ancient N. Bay, Alan Benaroya, Arthur & Mara Benjamin Foundation,
mindfulness practices have been shown to reduce techniques to address emotional distress and promote JoAnne Berkow, Kathy Lee Bickham and John Bickham, Leslie
physiological markers of stress, such as cortisol levels, inner harmony. This holistic modality harnesses the Rogers Blum, Yvonne S. Boice Trust and Alfred Zucaro, Jeffrey
while enhancing emotional resilience and well-being. power of sound waves and positive mindfulness to restore and Tina Bolton, James R. Borynack and Adolfo Zaralegui/
Here are some practical tips for integrating mindful balance to the mind and spirit, offering a profound sense
self-care into your daily routine: of peace and well-being. FINDLAY Galleries, Braman Motorcars, Thomas and Carol
1. Start Your Day with Mindfulness: Begin each In conclusion, ageless wellness is not merely a Bruce, CIBC Private Wealth, Amy and John Collins, The Colony
morning with a few moments of mindful meditation or destination but a journey—a journey towards embracing Hotel, CORPGOV, Suzanne Mott Dansby, The David Minkin
deep breathing exercises. Set aside a quiet space where mindful self-care and nurturing the body, mind, and spirit Foundation, The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, Willard
you can center yourself and cultivate a sense of calm with compassion and intention. By incorporating practical H. Dow and Kelly Winter, Dr. Richard and Diane Farber, Bill
before the demands of the day unfold. tips into your daily routine and indulging in specialized spa and Kem Frick/The Frick Foundation, Inc., Gerry Gibian and
2. Nourish Your Body with Nutrient-Dense Foods: Opt services, including BlissWave therapy, you can embark on Marjorie Yashar, Morgan Glazar/Tom James Company, Paul and
for whole, unprocessed foods rich in essential nutrients, this transformative journey with confidence, knowing that Sandra Goldner, Douglas and Jo Gressette, Steel Grove Capital,
antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. Incorporate plenty you are taking proactive steps towards enhancing your Irwin and Janet Gusman, Walter Harper, Thomas E. Harvey
of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into quality of life and achieving vibrant health and vitality at & Cathleen P. Black Foundation, Doris Hastings Foundation,
your diet to support overall health and vitality. any age. Carol S. and Joseph Andrew Hays, John Herrick, Addison Hines
3. Prioritize Movement and Exercise: Engage in regular Dr. Yaron Seidman, a
physical activity that aligns with your preferences and distinguished author with Charitable Trust, George Hines, HSS Florida, IPO Edge, Charles
fitness level. Whether it’s yoga, walking, swimming, or eight wellness books, public and Ann Johnson/The C and A Johnson Family Foundation,
strength training, find activities that bring you joy and speaker, expert herbalist, Elaine Kay, Leonard and Norma Klorfine Foundation, The
make movement a natural part of your daily routine. and seasoned acupuncture Kovner Foundation, Gary and Linda Lachman/The Lachman
4. Practice Gratitude and Positivity: Cultivate an practitioner for over Family Foundation, Patricia Lambrecht/The Lambrecht
attitude of gratitude by reflecting on the blessings in your three decades, leads the Family Foundation, Tova Leidesdorf, Lugano Diamonds, The
life and expressing appreciation for the simple pleasures. innovative Hunyuan Life Honorable Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, The McNulty Charitable
Surround yourself with positive influences and affirmations Wellness Spa in Boca Raton. Foundation, David Moscow, NetJets, Palm Beach Design
that uplift your spirits and nourish your soul. This all-encompassing Masters, Patrick and Milly Park/The Park Foundation, Nancy
5. Create a Relaxing Sanctuary at Home: Designate a studio harmoniously blends and Ellis J. Parker III, PNC Private Bank, Lois Pope, Provident
tranquil space in your home where you can unwind and cutting-edge technologies Jewelry, Ari Rifkin/The Len-Ari Foundation, Dr. Martha
rejuvenate. Fill this sanctuary with comforting elements with time-honored holistic
such as soft lighting, soothing music, and aromatic modalities, providing Rodriguez and Dr. Jesus Perez-Mendez, Annette Urso Rickel
essential oils to promote relaxation and stress relief. effective Ageless Wellness. For personalized consultations, Foundation, Karen Rogers, Ronald Rosenfeld, David Schafer,
As you prioritize the integration of practical wellness contact directly at (561) 400-6743 or book online at book. Seth Sprague Foundation, Robin B. Smith, Kimberly V. Strauss,
tips into your daily routine, it’s crucial to acknowledge the Dodie and Manley Thaler and the Thaler/Howell Foundation,
transformative potential of specialized spa services. Don and Mary Thompson, Jerome and Carol Trautschold,
These tailored treatments offer a unique avenue to Sieglinde Wikstrom/The Wikstrom Foundation, and The Ann
address the distinctive needs and hurdles associated with Eden Woodward Foundation/James and Judy Woods. Programs
aging, offering holistic solutions for both physical and are also sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department
emotional well-being. From alleviating stress and tension of State, Division of Arts and Culture, and the Florida Council
on Arts and Culture.