Page 24 - Boca ViewPinte - March '24
P. 24

Page 24, Viewpointe                                                  March 2024
      Magen David Adom’s Life-Saving Technology

      Shared At International Conference

      Dear Friends,                                                                                        abilities that were in our in-house system helped us to
         The last 6 months have                                                                            accomplish our mission.”
      very  difficult,  as  on  the                                                                        MDA’s Technological Response
      morning of October 7th,                                                                                 MDA’s advanced technological capabilities enabled
      we all awoke to the horrors                                                                          it to respond to the tens of thousands of calls received
      of the Hamas attack. As of                                                                           that day at the organization’s 101 Call Center, provide
      the time of this writing on                                                                          medical instruction by phone through pictures and video
      Day 107 of this war, 1400                                                                            calls, and even automatically dispatched the teams to the
      Israelis killed including 200+                                                                       many incident scenes, thus saving valuable time.
      soldiers, 240 plus kidnapped,                                                                           The dispatch technology was developed and is
      129 still remain in captivity.                                                                       continuously updated in-house by Magen David Adom
      We all have been glued to the                                                                        developers.  The Israel Fire and Rescue Department
      television sets, watching, crying and listening, checking on                                         recently adopted it, and it has also been shared with
      our families as this war unfolds. The heroes of Magen David   Magen David Adom Head of Technology and Innovation Division   organizations outside of Israel that are using the advanced
      Adom have been doing the same, working around the clock,   Ido Rosenblatt (right) and paramedic Menahem Blumenthal  command and control capabilities developed by MDA.
      and running towards danger in order to care for the injured.                                            Blumenthal, a resident of Kibbutz Saad, located in the
      Magen David Adom alone has lost over 19 personnel in the      This month I wanted to share with you a more   western Negev near Kfar Aza and Nachal Oz, said that in
      line of duty working to save lives.                hopeful story that was written in the Jerusalem   his twenty years of working as a paramedic, he thought
                                                                              Post on Feb 16th, by Alan    that he had seen everything, but the reality of what he
                                                                              Rosenbaum. MDA’s advanced    experienced on October 7 taught him otherwise. At 6:30
                                                                              technological capabilities   AM on that day, he was finishing a 24-hour shift in the
                                                                              enabled it to respond to the tens   Eshkol station near the Gaza border when the rockets
                                                                              of thousands of calls received   began to land.
                                                                              on October 7 within seconds,      “I realized that we were in a different situation – that
                                                                              something MDA had been       the war was taking place inside Israel and not outside the
                                                                              preparing for years for, because   country.” Because of the presence of terrorists in the area,
                                                                              of your support.             he was unable to transport the wounded immediately to
                                                                                 Ido Rosenblatt, Information   the hospital and was forced to begin treating patients in a
                                                                              Systems Director of Magen David   nearby synagogue. “Instead of celebrating the holiday of
                                                                              Adom and MDA Paramedic       Simchat Torah, with dancing and prayer in the synagogue,
                                                                              Menachem Blumenthal discussed   the synagogue became an operating room with patients,”
                                                                              the organization’s lifesaving   he related.
                                                                              activities on October 7 when      As the fabric of our noble cause, your involvement
                                                                              Hamas attacked Israel, at Joint   can take many forms. From sponsoring urgently needed
                                                                              Perspectives, a conference hosted   ambulances to contributing essential emergency medical
                                                                              by the German newspaper WELT   equipment, or even supporting the ongoing training of our
                                                                              and The Jerusalem Post in Berlin   paramedics—the current and future saviors of Israel—
                                                                              last month.                  every gesture has the power to make an impact.
                                                                                Rosenblatt said that Magen      In times of crisis, Israelis place their trust in Magen
                                                                              David Adom deployed state-   David Adom to be a steadfast presence, ready to answer the
                                                                              of-the-art systems with many   call. And in turn, MDA depends on devoted communities
                                                                              features, including artificial   like yours and people like you to fortify our emergency
                                                                              intelligence capabilities (AI)   preparedness. This invaluable partnership, forged since
                                                                              that helped speed up response   1930, has transformed MDA into the world’s preeminent
                                                                              times and enabled real-time   and proficient Emergency Medical System.
                                                                              video communication with        To explore these opportunities, please reach out
                                                                              MDA staff at its emergency call   to Yishai Mizrahi, the Area Director for American
                                                                              center. The system also enabled   Friends of Magen David Adom in Boca Raton/Delray
      MDA Emergency Personnel Killed since October 7th                        location of the injured in areas   Beach, at 561.288.5658 or via email at YMizrahi@
                                                                              that were difficult to reach. “At
                                                                                                             Your dedication is immeasurable, and we are forever
        Vehicle Information                              the music festival in Re’im,” he said, “it was difficult to     grateful. Am Yisrael Chai. 
                                                         find the wounded in the field and send ambulances. These

          If you have purchased a new vehicle within the past
       6 months, please make sure the Boca Pointe Community
       Association management office has a copy of your current              NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
       vehicle registration on file. Your gate transponder is linked
       to your vehicle so it is important that we have accurate
       information in our system. Please fax it to (561) 395-5936
       or email it to                               Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
          Thank you for your cooperation!

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