Page 15 - Boca Exposure - March '24
P. 15
Boca Exposure, Page 15
Florida Prepaid College Plan Monthly Prices Reduced Up
To 25 Percent This Open Enrollment
• Prepaid plan monthly prices reduced up to 25 percent. While Florida families continue to face inflation across “Every day we strive to support Florida families by
• This is the lowest prepaid plan prices in 10 years, starting many areas of everyday life, the lower plan prices will making college savings simple and affordable,” said
at $34/month for a newborn. allow even more Florida families to prepare for the cost Board Chairman John D. Rood. “This price reduction
• More than 280,000 current customers will have prepaid of higher education for their children. The popular four- reflects our commitment to that goal. We thank Gov. Ron
plan prices lowered by $1.3 billion. year university plan now starts at less than $135/month, DeSantis and the Florida Legislature for their continued
• Florida Prepaid celebrates 35 years of helping Florida and the two-year college plan is just $39/month. efforts to make a college education attainable for Florida
families save for college. In addition, current customers with plans purchased students during these past few years of economic
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Florida since 2008 that have not yet started utilizing benefits, will uncertainty and heightened inflation.”
Prepaid College Board, and today the Board announced it is also have a lower plan price. More than 280,000 existing Gov. DeSantis applauded the price reduction, which
lowering prepaid plan monthly prices by up to 25 percent for customers will have plan prices lowered by more than $1.3 is aligned with his administration’s goal of making sure
this year’s open enrollment period, now through April 30. billion. Nearly half of these customers now have their plan a postsecondary education is affordable for Florida
Prepaid plan prices are now the lowest in 10 years, paid in full and will receive refunds totaling more than families.
starting at just $34/month for a one-year university plan for a $350 million. The average refund per customer is $2,600. Prepaid plans provide a simple, affordable way to save
newborn. The price reductions are primarily due to successive Any customers who have already submitted their prepaid for college tuition and fees and/or dormitory housing and
years of lower than anticipated tuition and fee increases for plan application between May 1, 2023 and Jan. 31, will allow families to lock in their plan price and make fixed
Florida colleges and state universities. receive notice of their new prepaid plan price in February. monthly payments.
Families can use the prepaid plan online pricing tool to
determine what the various plans cost based on a child’s age,
Ageless Wellness: Practical Tips for as well as explore the different payment options available.
If a child attends an out-of-state college or private
Embracing Mindful Self-Care After 40 college, a prepaid plan will pay the same amount as it
would pay at a public college or university in Florida.
Every prepaid plan is protected by the State of Florida,
In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of ageless in muscles to fostering cellular rejuvenation and deep and a child has up to 10 years after high school graduation
wellness has become not just a luxury but a necessity, relaxation, spa services are instrumental in rejuvenating to use a plan.
particularly for individuals over the age of 40. As we the body, revitalizing the mind, and ultimately restoring “Florida families have been squeezed by housing and
navigate the complexities of modern life, studies have harmony to the spirit. food costs over the past few years, and we are glad to
shown that the constant stressors we encounter can take • Vibroacoustic Therapy: Experience the healing be able to ease their budget concerns by providing even
a significant toll on our health and well-being. Research power of sound waves as they gently massage your more affordable plan prices. Florida Prepaid is the largest
indicates that chronic stress not only accelerates the aging body, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and and longest-running prepaid program in the nation, and
process but also increases the risk of developing various relieving muscle tension. This non-invasive therapy can we hope that with the reduced prices even more Florida
health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, be particularly beneficial for those seeking relief from families can start saving for their children’s future,” said
and mental health disorders. chronic pain or discomfort. Executive Director Kevin Thompson. “For 35 years, we
A study published in the Proceedings of the National • V6 Intelligent Massage Bed: Indulge in a luxurious have stayed true to the mission of our founder, Stanley
Academy of Sciences found that chronic stress can lead massage experience with the V6 intelligent massage bed,
to accelerated aging at the cellular level, specifically which utilizes advanced technology to deliver customized G. Tate, to provide Florida families with an affordable
by shortening telomeres, the protective caps at the massage techniques tailored to your individual needs. means to save for their children’s higher education.”
end of chromosomes. Shortened telomeres have been Whether you’re looking to soothe sore muscles, improve Eligible account owners will receive a notification
associated with a higher risk of age-related diseases and circulation, or enhance relaxation, this innovative from the Board regarding their refund and/or payment
a decreased lifespan. treatment offers a blissful escape from the stresses of reduction. For more information about how your plan
On the contrary, incorporating wellness activities daily life. will be affected, go to
and treatments into our lives has been shown to offer • PEMF Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy: To get started saving for college today, visit
numerous benefits for overall health and quality of life. Harness the therapeutic potential of pulsed Open enrollment ends April 30.
Research published in the Journal of Alternative and electromagnetic fields to promote cellular repair, reduce
Complementary Medicine suggests that spa therapies inflammation, and accelerate healing. This non-invasive
such as massage, redlight, and aromatherapy can therapy can be particularly beneficial for individuals Film Review from page 14
effectively reduce stress, alleviate pain, and improve experiencing age-related ailments such as arthritis, joint
mood. These therapies have been found to promote pain, or osteoporosis.
relaxation, enhance sleep quality, and boost immune • Hot Stone Treatments: Rejuvenate your body and As she soon discovers, for no discernible reason she
function, thereby supporting the body’s natural ability mind with the soothing warmth of hot stones, strategically has been cut off from all humanity. The couple who left
to heal and regenerate. placed along the body’s energy centers to promote deep her earlier that day never return; no cars nor travelers
Moreover, a comprehensive review published in the relaxation and release tension. This ancient healing ever pass. One day she sees through the invisible wall
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry highlights the therapeutic practice can help improve circulation, alleviate muscle an old-timer and his wife in strangely silent, unmoving
potential of mindfulness-based interventions for managing stiffness, and enhance overall well-being. poses unable to hear her.
stress, anxiety, and depression. By cultivating present- • BlissWave Therapy: Developed by Dr. Yaron Seidman, She is alone with her dog, joined as the weeks and
moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance, BlissWave therapy combines frequencies with ancient months pass by two cats and a cow that somehow strays
mindfulness practices have been shown to reduce techniques to address emotional distress and promote onto the cabin’s property before giving birth to a calf.
physiological markers of stress, such as cortisol levels, inner harmony. This holistic modality harnesses the Over a period of three years, alone with her animals—and
while enhancing emotional resilience and well-being. power of sound waves and positive mindfulness to restore despite her horror of the need to hunt and kill deer and
Here are some practical tips for integrating mindful balance to the mind and spirit, offering a profound sense
self-care into your daily routine: of peace and well-being. other small creatures of the forest in order to provide food
1. Start Your Day with Mindfulness: Begin each In conclusion, ageless wellness is not merely a for her own and her animals companions’ survival—we
morning with a few moments of mindful meditation or destination but a journey—a journey towards embracing are witnesses as the woman undergoes stages of emotional
deep breathing exercises. Set aside a quiet space where mindful self-care and nurturing the body, mind, and spirit and psychological confusion, terror, calm and acceptance
you can center yourself and cultivate a sense of calm with compassion and intention. By incorporating practical in an effort to retain some semblance of sanity.
before the demands of the day unfold. tips into your daily routine and indulging in specialized spa During that time she decides to write a report of her
2. Nourish Your Body with Nutrient-Dense Foods: Opt services, including BlissWave therapy, you can embark on daily life as a way to fill the loneliness, and most of what
for whole, unprocessed foods rich in essential nutrients, this transformative journey with confidence, knowing that we hear are words she writes…both exquisite and tragic.
antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. Incorporate plenty you are taking proactive steps towards enhancing your Then, just as the woman has found solace in the beauty
of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into quality of life and achieving vibrant health and vitality at of the nature that surrounds her —the scents and sights of
your diet to support overall health and vitality. any age. the pastures and mountains, the trees that provide wood
3. Prioritize Movement and Exercise: Engage in regular Dr. Yaron Seidman, a
physical activity that aligns with your preferences and distinguished author with for warming hearth fires in the cold winters, the endless
fitness level. Whether it’s yoga, walking, swimming, or eight wellness books, public stars that fill her night skies—humanity appears once
strength training, find activities that bring you joy and speaker, expert herbalist, again in her life!
make movement a natural part of your daily routine. and seasoned acupuncture And with the reappearance of humanity—a man in her
4. Practice Gratitude and Positivity: Cultivate an practitioner for over forest—comes an act so inhumane that it depressed me
attitude of gratitude by reflecting on the blessings in your three decades, leads the to the point only my commitment to this review kept me
life and expressing appreciation for the simple pleasures. innovative Hunyuan Life from turning off the film without waiting for the ending.
Surround yourself with positive influences and affirmations Wellness Spa in Boca Raton. To explain further would be a spoiler and unfair to those
that uplift your spirits and nourish your soul. This all-encompassing of you whose sensitivity to the particular act might not
5. Create a Relaxing Sanctuary at Home: Designate a studio harmoniously blends equal mine. This film deserves better than that.
tranquil space in your home where you can unwind and cutting-edge technologies I opened this review by noting that I have no idea how
rejuvenate. Fill this sanctuary with comforting elements with time-honored holistic
such as soft lighting, soothing music, and aromatic modalities, providing this column’s readers will react to The Wall. My wife,
essential oils to promote relaxation and stress relief. effective Ageless Wellness. For personalized consultations, Linda, watched it with me. After the first half hour, she
As you prioritize the integration of practical wellness contact directly at (561) 400-6743 or book online at book. turned to me and asked, “How can you watch this film?” I
tips into your daily routine, it’s crucial to acknowledge the didn’t reply because I saw promise in what was unfolding
transformative potential of specialized spa services. on the screen.
These tailored treatments offer a unique avenue to When the film was over, Linda’s opinion had changed:
address the distinctive needs and hurdles associated with “What a brilliant and fascinating film. You really must
aging, offering holistic solutions for both physical and write about it.”
emotional well-being. From alleviating stress and tension The rest is up to you.