Page 15 - Boca Club News - March '24
P. 15

Boca Club News, Page 15

         From The Professionals’ Desks

      Healthy Answers–A Guide to Healthy Living:

      “This Will “Bug” Any Traveler!”

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C.                    In the year 2023 two-thirds of Americans took at least      What can you do to prevent a bedbug breeding ground?
      Dale is a motivational speaker                    two leisure trips and it’s estimated that 40% plan to travel      If you are traveling to a hotel or returning home you
      who has spent many years as a                     more in 2024. With all this increased international travel   might be interested in some of the things you can do to stop
      Certified Life Coach and has written              it’s no wonder why there has been a huge influx of bedbugs   the spread of bedbugs. Here are just a few:
      numerous articles and e-books                     crossing borders. They can easily be lurking in your luggage,      Check it out first: Before you even unpack thoroughly
      relating to self-improvement and                  your jacket pocket, backpack or other personal belongings.  inspect  the  mattress  and  box  springs  for any signs  of
      ways to build a high-performance                     All about bedbugs: Bedbugs aren’t known to transmit   bedbugs such as reddish-brown insects, fecal stains (dark
      team. She is the author of the book,              diseases through their bites, but they can cause itching,   spots) or shed bug skins. Look behind the headboard as best
      “Small Steps...Big Changes:  The                  redness and swelling. The major concern lies with the   you can (that’s a tough one to check easily) and in the sofas
      Personal  Stories  of  a  Life  Coach.” Her education and   distress created in knowing that bugs are crawling in your   and chairs.
      years of experience in physical fitness and training of   sheets and mattress, thus the name “bed” bug. Bedbugs      Keep your suitcase off the floor: Use luggage racks or
      elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge   can be seen by the naked eye if you look closely. They are   place your suitcase on a hard surface away from the bed.
      in many health-related areas. The following introduces a   small, flat and wingless, with six legs that feed on blood   Place clothing in sealable plastic bags or travel pouches.
      new approach to Ms. Brown’s series of columns devoted   from animals or people. They turn rusty red after feeding but      Keep personal items such as bags, backpacks and purses
      to many topics that deal with the mind/body connection   are usually almost white to brown in color. These pests can   elevated and away from potential hiding spots for bedbugs.
      and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale,   live for 10 months and can go weeks without feeding. Their      Hot Water counts: Wash clothes in hot water immediately
      a Bocaire resident, can be reached at dalebrown@  infestations may go unnoticed until they become severe.  when returning home.                                   These nasty bugs thrive anywhere and hide where there      Inspect and vacuum: After you unpack and store your
         There’s one thing that can make a fun vacation turn   are cracks and crevices. They have become a nuisance for   luggage, thoroughly check for signs and thoroughly vacuum
      ugly...and I’m not talking about lost luggage or a bad   hotels and other public places such as dorms, hospitals,   out any you find.
      suntan. It’s a little creature that can travel over thousands   movie theaters, and maybe even cruise ships. Since harsh      Check used goods: If purchasing used furniture or items
      of miles and become your next house guest. Yes, bedbugs   pesticides such as DDT have been banned in most countries,   while traveling, carefully inspect them before bringing
      can easily warm up to be spending time in your home and   bedbugs have become resistant to the more commonly used   anything home.
      bed. Unfortunately, these small pesky insects are on the   brands, making them harder to kill.          If you suspect bedbugs during your travels or after
      rise once again!                                     Symptoms and treatment of bedbug bites: Out of sight   returning home, it’s important to act promptly. Report
         As frequent travelers, my husband and I are always   during the day, bedbugs lay in wait to inject an anesthetic   the issue to hotel management and consider seeking
      conscious of taking necessary precautions for ourselves   type of substance that numbs the flesh so you don’t feel   professional pest control assistance. Taking preventive
      and our home on each of our return trips. Recently, after   their bite. They also insert an anticoagulant to keep your   measures and staying vigilant can help minimize the risk
      spending a glorious two weeks in the Galapagos Islands,   blood flowing as they suck. The first sign that a bedbug has   of bedbug infestations during and after you return home.
      our first chore home was to safeguard our house with the   bitten you is an itchy, red bite mark on the skin, usually on   Safe Travels!
      possibility of introducing some unwanted guests.  the arms or shoulders.
         So, as we made our way from the garage door to the      Bedbug bites don’t usually need to be treated, but if
      laundry room we immediately emptied our suitcases,   too much scratching occurs, you may need to apply a   -      _
      dropped every piece of our bodily clothes into the washing   local antiseptic lotion or antibiotic cream. See a doctor if              -             - _
      machine and headed to the showers in our birthday suits.   inflammation results, or a prescription for a corticosteroid   _  _                        _
      Quite a sight!                                    cream or an oral antihistamine may be needed.
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