Page 12 - Abacoa Community News - February '24
P. 12

Page 12, Abacoa


      Commissioner’s Update

      County Keeps Watchful Eye                          is challenging. Because Florida is such a large and diverse   preempted local governments from regulating short-term
                                                                                                           rentals in local ordinances.
                                                         state, lawmakers often have diverse priorities and conflicting
      On 2024 Legislative Session                        agendas.                                             Residents continue to look to their government for
                                                            Each year the Board of County Commissioners approves   assistance with pocketbook issues, as the cost of living
      By Commissioner                                    Palm Beach County’s State Legislative Agenda. The 2024   continues to rise. Homeowners are facing massive property
      Maria Marino                                       state legislative agenda includes general government and   insurance rate increases and loss of coverage, but legislators
         Florida’s legislative                           environmental and natural resources issues with a focus   anticipate that we have only begun to feel the effects of
      session stands as a pivotal                        on  items related  to economic  development, substance   the tort reform package passed during the 2023 legislative
      period in shaping the                              use and mental health, affordable housing, homelessness,   session and the additional guardrail previously put in place.
      state’s policies, laws and                         protection of county ordinances, transportation and water   The costs of insuring vehicles in Florida has also skyrocketed
      overall governance. Unlike                         and environmental restoration. The agenda outlines what the   and a series of bills has been filed to repeal and overhaul the
      some states with full-                             county’s legislative affairs and intergovernmental offices, in   state’s “no-fault” auto insurance system.
      time lawmakers, Florida’s                          conjunction with the county’s contract state lobbyists, will      The decisions made during this legislative session have a
      legislature is part-time and                       advocate for, and work to oppose.                 profound impact on the social, economic and environmental
      convenes for a 60-day regular                         A significant topic among local officials is home rule.   fabric of the state and will ripple through communities,
      session each year. This year,                      Home rule refers to the authority granted to local governments   schools, businesses and homes across Florida. As leaders,
      the 2024 legislative session began on Jan. 9, and lawmakers   to govern themselves within the framework of state laws.   it is imperative that we to continue to find ways to relieve
      have only 60 days to pass legislation, including the state   Striking a balance between local autonomy and state   the increased burden placed on our residents and lead with
      budget which grew to $118.5 billion in FY 2023/24.   oversight has been a serious challenge as lawmakers pass   fiscal responsibility. As I have advocated with the County
         Over 3,000 pieces of legislation are filed each year and   legislation that has statewide ramifications. That balance is   Commission to adopt a 5 percent millage rate reduction
      lawmakers will only take up and pass a small percentage of   essential to ensure communities can effectively address their   for FY 2024/25, I am keeping the same watchful eye on
      these bills, leaving many untouched. Different types of bills   unique challenges.                   any legislation that could create undue financial burdens
      include: appropriations, claims, general, local, memorial,      Local governments have a keen eye on bills affecting   on our residents. The vigilance and engagement of local
      resolution, reviser and trust fund. In order for a bill to become   home rule, like HB 267 – Building Regulations, which aims   officials during the legislative session is critical to ensure that
      law, an identical bill must pass both legislative chambers, the   to make a comprehensive update to the residential building   outcomes align with the needs and values of the communities
      Florida Senate and the Florida House of Representatives,   review process. SB 280 – Vacation Rentals, attempts to   we serve.
      and be signed by the Governor. With 120 members in the   revise regulations within the industry. In 2011, when online      As always, if I can be assistance to you, please contact
      Florida House and 40 members in the Florida Senate, this   rental business wasn’t well known, legislation passed that   me at (561) 355-2201.
      Northern Notes

      Nonnative Species And                               report sightings of nonnative                                        be a street address or a detailed
                                                           The FWC asks that the public
                                                                                                                               description of the area.
      Hunting On Northern Property                      species. Reporting observations                                          • The  date  when  the  animal
                                                        helps to manage nonnative                                              was seen
      By Katie Roundtree,                               species.  The  best reports  of                                          You can use the web form at
      Director of Finance and                           nonnative species are credible                                to report nonnative
      Administration, Northern                          reports. These are reports that the                                    animals. The form will prompt
      Palm Beach County                                 FWC can verify for the species                                         you for the information and has
      Improvement District                              in question, and all necessary                                         a map where you can select the
         Northern Palm Beach                            data is included. Credible reports                                     location if you do not have the
      County Improvement                                contain three elements.                                                GPS coordinates.
      District (“Northern”)                                •  A  photograph  showing                                             NPDES tip:  Don’t feed
      owns over 2,000 acres of                          the animal in question that                                            wildlife, especially near ponds,
      preserves, approximately                          is not blurry and has a high                                           lakes, and streams. Attracting a
      50 miles of canals, and                           enough resolution so that it can                                       large amount of wildlife to one
      more than 370 water bodies                        be enlarged to ensure species                                          location can lead to an increase
      with  associated  maintenance  areas  or  easements. An   identification                                                 in nutrients and bacteria level
      abundance of native animals and plant species reside in     • The location where the animal                              from wildlife waste.  This can
      those areas. Northern’s staff take pride in ensuring their   was seen.  GPS coordinates  are                             contribute to the pollution of our
      continued success.                                best,  but  the  location  can  also                                   lakes and streams.
         Unfortunately, nonnative species also encroach and
      reside in many of the same areas. While some do not cause
      problems, others are considered invasive, meaning they   DR. RYAN CHIZNER
      negatively impact native fish and wildlife, cause extensive
      damage, or threaten human health and welfare.       HAS JOINED PALM
         As discussed last month, wild hogs are one type of
      invasive species whose population continues to expand   BEACH CARDIOLOGY
      as they become used to different climates. Iguanas,
      Burmese pythons, tegus, Cuban tree frogs, cane toads,   CENTER
      Muscovy ducks, and Egyptian geese are other commonly
      encountered invasive species in our area.           P.B.C.C. is pleased to welcome Dr. Ryan Chizner. Dr. Chizner
         Nonnative species are not protected in Florida except   completed fellowships in cardiology and interventional
      by the anti-cruelty law, Florida Statute § 828.12. They can   cardiology for which he is board certified.
      be captured and humanely killed on private property at   In addition he holds board certification in Internal Medicine,
      any time with landowner permission. The Florida Fish and   Echocardiography,  Nuclear  Cardiology  and  Vascular
      Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) recommends   Interpretation.
      contacting a nuisance wildlife control operator if   He has a Bachelor’s of Science degree from the Honors
      concerned about invasive species on their property. A list   Program at the University of Florida. He went on to complete
      of trappers can be found at     dual degrees with a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine and
         A recent incident involving the shooting of Egyptian   Master of Public Health from Nova Southeastern University.
      geese on the bank of a lake owned by Northern Palm   Previously, Dr. Chizner practiced Interventional Cardiology in
      Beach County Improvement District was brought to the   Central Florida and Georgia.
      attention of Northern’s staff and Board of Supervisors.   He is the Co-Author of a Bestselling textbook on Cardiac Drugs
         During a recent board meeting, the Board members   for healthcare providers, which is now in its second edition.
      discussed the hunting of invasive species on Northern-  He is thrilled to move closer to family in South Florida.
      owned property. They asked that all landowners be made
      aware of the following.
         Please be advised that, while permissible on private
      property with permission, hunting an invasive species
      is expressly  prohibited on real property owned by the                                                    561-775-1061
      Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District.
      This property includes lakes, canals, parks and preserves
      owned by Northern. The only exception is state-licensed
                                                                                                                        Htwe Sein, M.D.
      trappers authorized by Northern to trap and remove wild                         Edward Mostel, M.D.     Cyrus Kavasmaneck, M.D.
                                                                                      Steven Kessel, M.D.
      hogs, threatening alligators, or other invasive species.
                                                                  3365 Burns Rd., Suite 101, Palm Beach Gardens, FL  33410
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