Page 8 - The Jewish Voice - January '24
P. 8
Page 8, The Jewish Voice
Rabbi Strauss eagerly accepted the invitation to address
Local Happenings from page 6 Local Rabbi Participates the gathering. Taking the podium, he emphasized the
care of and connected to their in Interfaith Service significance of expressing gratitude as a unifying force in
People. On Purim, the rabbi our lives. Quoting from the Torah, he said, “Our forefather
flies on a small Cessna plane to Jacob desired to make peace with his brother Esau. This
reach the Jews who live in the was a challenging and even dangerous endeavor. Even
most remote parts of Jamaica to before Jacob made peace, he was still full of gratitude for
ensure they hear the Megillah what was going right in his life. Jacob prays to God, ‘I am
and are able to participate in the humbled by all these acts of kindness you have done for
mitzvahs of Purim. me.’ We also need to practice recognizing all the blessings
Perhaps the most moving in our lives and recognize what is going great even when
part of Rabbi Raskin’s talk was facing challenges.”
about the Jewish pirates of the Rabbi Strauss shared his gratitude to the Christian
Caribbean. He told the crowd community in America, who have been supportive of Jewish
that there are 21 ancient Jewish Americans and praying for the safety of Israel in light of
cemeteries in Jamaica, some of which mark the graves of the recent conflict in Israel. Just like with Jacob, we can
Jewish pirates. One monument with skull-and-crossbones find what to be grateful for even during challenging times.
is not an individual grave — it has the Hebrew prayer for These words resonated deeply with the students,
entering a cemetery, indicating that the entire cemetery was reminding them of the importance of making gratitude a
designated for Jewish pirates. The rabbi explained that these In a powerful display of unity and gratitude, Rabbi daily practice and appreciation for the blessings they have
Jewish pirates were actually oppressed Spanish Jews who ran Feivel Strauss, associate rabbi at Temple Judea, was warmly received. The interfaith Thanksgiving service also included
away from the brutal reign of the Spanish Inquisition that had welcomed to participate in an interfaith Thanksgiving prayers, hymns, and reflections from representatives of other
banned Judaism and would publicly burn Jews at the stake. service at Cardinal Newman High School. The event aimed faith traditions.
These Jews, who would lay tefillin and study Torah daily, to celebrate shared values of gratitude and simultaneously This interfaith service at Cardinal Newman High School
learned how to fight back as they would harass and vanquish expose the students to the beauty of different faith traditions, will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on the lives of
the Spanish ships at sea. emphasizing the importance of embracing diversity in those who attended, reaffirming the power of unity and
The crowd was deeply moved to learn about the courage today’s world. shared values in our society. In a world where divisions
of these Jews who risked everything to fight for their faith The service, organized by the school administration, often overshadow our shared humanity, the celebration of
and their religious freedoms. The crowd was inspired as they brought together students, faculty, and local community gratitude and the embrace of different faith traditions stand
realized how grateful we should be that here in America we members from varying religious backgrounds. It sought to as beacons of hope, reminding us of the strength we possess
are free and have no need to fight for freedom. promote understanding and appreciation for the rich tapestry when we come together as one.
After the rabbi’s talk, the crowd sat down to enjoy a of beliefs within our society, fostering an environment of
delicious Shabbos dinner at the shul with Jamaican-themed inclusivity and respect. Local Happenings on page 9
kosher cuisine including jalapeno fruit salad, jerk beef stew,
jerk chicken, pumpkin soup, rum salmon, as well as an open
bar that featured Jamaican rum and other Caribbean delights. DR. RYAN CHIZNER
P.B.C.C. is pleased to welcome Dr. Ryan Chizner. Dr. Chizner
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