Page 13 - Hobe Sound Reflections - January '24
P. 13
Hobe Sound, Page 13
taMpa geNeral News
Palm Beach County Surgeon advocate of lung cancer screenings for early detection. of state-of-the-art services for patients in the Palm Beach
Committed To Lung Cancer “Finding cancer before it spreads saves lives,” said Eby. County and Treasure Coast areas, with the expertise and
innovation of an academic health system.
Unlike breast and colon cancers, public awareness
Education And Prevention around lung cancer and the need for regular lung cancer An Idaho native, Eby completed medical school at
screenings is not as robust. Eby does his part, offering the New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y., and
According to the comprehensive lectures about lung health to community his general surgery training at the University of Miami.
American Cancer Society, groups. He was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha national medical
lung cancer is the leading Eby noted that the U.S. Preventive Services Task honor society and finished his fellowship training in
cause of cancer deaths in Force, which establishes guidelines for cancer screenings, cardiothoracic surgery at Rush University Medical Center
the United States among recently dropped the recommended age for annual lung in Chicago, which is nationally known for its high volume
both men and women. cancer screenings to 50. The screening involves a simple and minimally invasive approaches to treat abnormal
Often asymptomatic, it CT scan ordered by a primary care physician. Most changes in body functions due to thoracic diseases.
can go undiagnosed for insurance plans cover screenings for adults over the age TGH Cancer Institute is nationally recognized by U.S.
an extended period. When of 50 who currently, or have previously, averaged a pack News & World Report and the Commission on Cancer, and
symptoms do appear, it’s a day of cigarette smoking for 20 years. is home to the country’s top cancer specialists, surgeons
usually because the cancer Eby specializes in minimally invasive robotic and research scientists. TGH specialists collaborate with
has spread, and there’s less techniques for the treatment of diseases that occur in experienced oncologists and surgeons across Palm Beach
chance for survival. This makes early screenings critical the chest. He also treats multiple complex thoracic County to deliver personalized medicine and game-
in detecting and treating the country’s deadliest cancer. conditions, including benign and malignant lung diseases. changing treatments fueled by academic research.
Dr. Marcus Eby, a board certified thoracic surgeon Eby recently joined the TGH Cancer Institute team as TGH Cancer Institute has multiple locations across Palm
with Tampa General Hospital (TGH) Cancer Institute in part of the hospital’s initiative to serve more patients on Beach County. Eby sees patients in West Palm Beach and
Palm Beach County, treats lung cancer and is a staunch Florida’s east coast. TGH has been creating a framework Jupiter, and can be reached by calling (561) 659-6543.
Book Review from page 12 nations. Von Rumpel has heard of the legendary diamond In the end, after all the horrors and tragedy of war,
at the Paris Museum of Natural History. He has another, what survives is the uplifting, indomitable good that
other half of the book. One of Werner’s most important desperate reason for his search: von Rumpel is gravely ill, cannot be extinguished in some of humanity.
assignments is to determine the location of radio and if the curse surrounding the Sea of Flames diamond All the Light We Cannot See will most assuredly be
broadcasts, especially those being sent by the Resistance is true he will not succumb to his illness but will live made into a motion picture. You owe it to yourself to read
to Allied forces with messages about German military forever. the book first. Nothing will compare to this original story.
placements, so that the transmitters and their senders can What makes this novel so remarkable is not only the I have thought about it and cannot imagine who could
be wiped out. story, which is beautiful and memorable in itself, but play the four roles of Marie-Laure and Werner as their
In Saint-Malo, those broadcasts are coming from the the unique style in which the author decided to tell it. It young and teenage characters. The one thing I do know
house where now 16-year-old Marie-Laure lives with her is a story that spans a period of 80 years, from 1934 to is that I hope my daughters will permit me to take them
uncle, Etienne. 2014, but is not told as a straight chronological narrative. to the film as soon as it comes to the theatre.
While Marie-Laure and Werner are the two main Instead, in chapters of mostly two and three pages,
characters, there are others as well. One of them is sometimes of only a page, we are transported quickly *****
Sergeant-Major Reinhold von Rumpel, who has been from 1944 to 1945 and back again to 1944 or to the late
assigned by the Nazis to scour Europe in search of the 1930s ... and from one character’s life to another’s. It all All I can say now is, “I told you so.” Way back then,
greatest treasures in all forms of art. Hitler plans to create moves so smoothly that, each time I began to read, before the book eventually stayed on the national bestseller
at the end of the war the largest museum ever built, to I had a moment to look up I had already turned at least lists for more than 200 weeks! And the much-heralded
house all of the art stolen from the various conquered 60 or 70 pages. new film version – on TV screens rather than theatres –
has received mixed reactions from critics and preview
audiences, most notably because the screenwriters made
so many changes that The Hollywood Reporter wrote, “By
the third episode the plot barely resembled the novel.” If
Treasure Coast Hospice you didn’t take my recommendation the first time, do it
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