Page 6 - Jupiter West - December '23
P. 6
Page 6, Jupiter West
Dr. Shannon Fox-Levine Appointed As Medical Director
Of Center For Child Counseling
Center for Child The current snapshot of Palm Beach County’s youth the day they were born. There’s a gap between what
Counseling announces the mental health is alarming. In 2021, 41.5 percent of Palm pediatricians do and what community organizations and
appointment of Shannon Beach County high school students reported that they felt schools do. So, we are thrilled to have Fox-Levine to help
Fox-Levine, M.D., as hopeless, and 20.7 percent of total high school students further our work within our community by advocating
medical director. Dr. Fox- seriously contemplated suicide (PBC Youth Behavioral for the continuity of care. She will be the voice on
Levine joins the Palm Health Survey). Today, one in four children suffer a behalf of pediatricians and connect pediatric offices to
Be a c h C ount y-ba se d mental health or behavioral concern. the community resources available to their patients and
nonprofit at a critical time In 2022, the entire state of Florida had a total of 493 families,” said Layman.
as our nation’s youth face a child and adolescent psychiatrists with 43 practicing in About Shannon Fox-Levine, M.D.
mental health crisis and there Palm Beach County – one psychiatrist per 6,553 children Dr. Fox-Levine is a pediatrician and the sole owner
is a shortage of professionals under the age of 18 in the county (American Academy of of Palm Beach Pediatrics, where she has worked for
who can support their overall Child and Adolescent Psychiatry). 20 years. She completed medical school at University
well-being. Dr. Shannon Fox-Levine According to Renée Layman, CEO of the center, “We of Maryland at Baltimore and trained in pediatrics at
are thrilled to enhance our collaboration with Fox-Levine Bellevue/NYU Hospital. Her goal as a pediatrician is
and further tackle system issues, advocate for children,
Jupiter Senior and create action to improve the mental health and access to give the best comprehensive medical care to children
while also being an advocate for them in the community.
to quality care for the children in our community.”
Integrating mental health care for children into primary
Softball News The creation of the medical director position is a care is her special interest. She has worked with Center
continuation of the partnership the center has been
for Child Counseling for ten years promoting trauma-
building with Fox-Levine and her pediatric office, Palm
informed care and developed educational tools for
Beach Pediatrics, for more than a decade. In addition to other primary care doctors to evaluate, manage, and
Jupiter Senior Softball Association players paid Center for Child Counseling integrating its services within treat common mental health disorders in children and
tribute to all the men and women who served in the Palm Beach Pediatrics to deliver an array of prevention, adolescents. She is on a school-based committee to
armed forces during a Veterans Day ceremony Nov. 10 early intervention, and mental health services within address the increase in Baker Acts during the pandemic.
at Maplewood Park. the primary care setting, Fox-Levine will now expand She also has an interest in the business of medicine and
About 60 players attended the ceremony prior to early intervention and prevention methods within the enjoys managing the practice. She has been an advocate
their morning ball games.The event featured remarks by community and advocate for change within the systems. for pediatricians to improve payment for services in
Army veteran Gary Vitaletti who said, “Today we honor “One of my long-term goals has been to bridge the gap Florida as the past chair of the Florida Pediatric
America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of county and in the continuity of care of children with mental health Council, most notably negotiating a grant from a major
willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.” issues between therapists and the county’s pediatricians. health plan to subsidize consultation hours for patient
Veterans who were present were asked to step forward With this new role, I am excited to turn this dream into a centered medical home recognition for independently
and were applauded by the crowd. They included Mike reality and improve the mental health care for all children owned pediatric practices. She currently serves on the
Manasia, 91, a Korean War army veteran who is the oldest in Palm Beach County,” stated Fox-Levine. AAP Payer Advocacy and Advisory Committee to improve
active player in the softball league. Vitaletti explained According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, payment to pediatricians to decrease the financial barrier
that the origin of Veterans Day dates to Nov. 11, 1919 “Pediatric clinicians are on the front lines of caring for to access to high quality care for all children. She was
when President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the date as children and adolescents and, thus, have the greatest the president of the Palm Beach Pediatric Society for ten
Armistice Day to commemorate the first anniversary of potential for early identification of and response to years, organizing continuing medical education for peers
the cessation of fighting in World War I. It wasn’t until childhood trauma. Data indicate that, although pediatric in the community. One of her proudest achievements is
1938 that Congress officially designated Armistice Day providers intuitively understand the negative effects advocating for child safety by being one of six named
as a legal national holiday. of trauma, they report a lack of knowledge, time, and pediatricians in the “Docs vs. Glocks” lawsuit against
resources as major barriers to providing trauma-informed the State of Florida which found in the doctors’ favor in
care. Yet, experts believe that the complete assessment Federal Appellate Court. With COVID-19, she was an
of child and adolescent behavioral, developmental, active participant in the state chapter and local school
emotional, and physical health requires consideration of board discussions about returning children to school
trauma as part of the differential diagnosis to improve safely. She has been married for 22 years with two
diagnostic accuracy and appropriateness of care.” sons, 21 and 18. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking,
As medical director, Fox-Levine’s scope of services traveling, and exercising.
will include: developing a collaborative model of care About Center For Child Counseling
between primary pediatrics and mental health in the The Center for Child Counseling has been building
community; developing and presenting trainings and the foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living
workshops on psychopharmacology, pediatric medical for children and families in Palm Beach County since
conditions, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) 1999. Its services focus on preventing and healing the
and trauma, and other topics to enhance professional effects of adverse experiences and toxic stress on children,
Gary Vitaletti was a featured speaker for a Veterans knowledge; mental health diagnoses consultation and promoting resiliency and healthy family, school, and
Day ceremony Nov. 10. follow-up care coordination; and providing oversight community relationships. www.centerforchildcounseling.
of medical students to develop a formal internship org, Twitter: @ChildCounselPBC, Facebook: @
Following the end of both World War II and the experience within the center. Cent erforChildCounseling, Instagram: @
Korean War, Congress again amended the name of Layman and Fox-Levine agree there is no lack of childcounselpbc.
the holiday in 1954, “this time to honor those who resources available to children and families in Palm Beach Interviews Available With
participated in all U.S. wars” calling it Veterans Day, County; the lack of communication about the resources • Dr. Shannon Fox-Levine, Newly appointed medical
Vitaletti noted. is where the barrier exists. director of Center for Child Counseling; president and
The veterans’ tribute concluded with playing of a “When conversations happen in the community, pediatrician at Palm Beach Pediatrics
recording of God Bless the U.S.A., a patriotic song pediatricians are often overlooked when they are the • Renée Layman, president and chief executive officer
written and recorded by country music artist Lee ones who have been seeing kids and their families since of Center for Child Counseling
Greenwood. The Jupiter Senior Softball program is open
to persons 55 years of age and older. Games are every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 8:30 a.m.
at Maplewood Park pending completion of renovations Peripheral
to Jupiter Community Park that are under way.
For more information about the senior softball Neuropathy?
program contact Gary Newman at (917) 623-0791 or
to register go to
FREE Consultation
for Acupuncture
654 West Indiantown