Page 10 - Boca Exposure - December '23
P. 10

Page 10, Boca Exposure
      Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

      ‘Shades Up … Or Shades Down?’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                               from energy conservation, reduced traffic accidents, increased   my next flight. It was 8 a.m. and, as crazy as it sounds, all
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             social activities (dining, shopping) and, of course, playing nine   I wanted was pizza and a cold beer. Not exactly my idea
      motivational speaker                               more holes of golf in the early evening.          of a healthy breakfast. After 36 hours of travel, my internal
      who  has spent many                                   That being said, there is much more associated with   clock didn’t know or care what the local time was.
      years as a Certified Life                          changing  time  zones  than  a  slight  adjustment  to  your      So, what can be done to align our eating habits with
      Coach and has written                              sleeping schedule. It seems like a simple thing to abruptly   our circadian time clock?
      numerous articles and                              change your clock by one hour. But this shift in time can      One method, which is growing in popularity, is time-
      e-books relating to self-                          disrupt the alignment of circadian rhythms, often referred   restricted  eating  (TRE),  better  known  as  intermittent
      improvement  and ways  to                          to as the body’s internal clock. You may not even be aware   fasting. The concept is to restrict the eating window to
      build a high-performance                           it’s happening, but your circadian clock plays a crucial   a certain amount of time during the day, about four to12
      team. She is the author of                         role in regulating a variety of physiological, behavioral   hours. For example, let’s say you choose to eat all meals
      the book,  Small  Steps...                         and biochemical processes in your body.           and  snacks  from  9  a.m.  to  7  p.m. Your  fasting period
      Big  Changes: The  Personal  Stories  of  a  Life  Coach.      During the time it takes to fully adjust to time changes,   actually happens overnight. There are other windows you
      Her education and years of experience in physical   circadian  rhythms  may  be  temporarily  misaligned,   can devise that will suit your particular schedule. Research
      fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled her to   leading to variations in the secretion of such hormones   suggests that this method optimizes brain function and
      sharpen her knowledge in many health-related areas.   as melatonin and cortisol. People may experience a brief   energy metabolism. Eating on a regular schedule is also
      The following introduces a new approach to Brown’s   increase in fatigue or irritability when they lose an hour   beneficial  to  reduce  the  risk  of  health  issues  such  as
      series of columns devoted to many topics that deal with   of sleep in the spring. In the fall, the extra hour of sleep   obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
      the mind/body connection and the importance of living   may lead to a slight improvement in mood and alertness.      Other  considerations  when  facing  significant  time
      a healthy lifestyle.                               Studies  have  suggested  that  time  changes  may  have   changes,  such  as  long-distance  travel,  is  to  gradually
         Here  we  go  again,  dark  at  5:30  p.m.  I  don’t  know   short-term impacts on health, including an increase in the   adjust  your  meal  times  to  be  on  the  same  local  time.
      about you, but I’m not a fan of daylight savings (DST)   number of accidents, cardiovascular events, and even a   I know this from traveling abroad in the years I was a
      time, nor is my cat! People claim to get an extra hour   temporary uptick in the risk of stroke.     gymnastic judge. It would be crucial for the gymnasts and
      of sleep, and the early morning sun suits them just fine.      For some individuals, the shift in the time associated   myself to assume the new time zone as soon as possible.
      To me there are fewer daylight hours in the evening to   with Daylight Savings Time may intensify symptoms of   It’s best not to think about what time it is at home; rather
      play outdoor sports, go for a walk or to the beach. Not   seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression   change your clock and accept what it is now.
      to mention the fact that I’m not an early riser, and a dark   that occurs during specific seasons, often in the fall and      Exposure to natural light, especially in the morning,
      room is conducive to sleeping in.                  winter. The reduction in daylight hours and disrupted sleep   can  help  reset  the  circadian  clock  and  support  the
         The reason behind DST is diverse. In the past I was told it   patterns can worsen these symptoms.   adjustment  of  eating  habits. Adequate  hydration  is
      had to do with the farming industry, or because parents didn’t      Interruptions to your biological clock also occur as   also essential to help digestion and overall well-being.
      like their children waiting for a bus in the dark. But nowadays   a result of jet lag, shift work or lack of daylight hours.   Prioritizing  nutrient-dense  foods  and  maintaining  a
      it’s more about economics and quality of life. Reasons range   Sudden changes in time can lead to irregular meal timing   balanced diet is beneficial for overall health, even in the
                                                         and, in some cases, skipped meals. This can affect the   face of changes in eating patterns.
                                                         body’s ability to maintain stable blood sugar levels and      Regardless of your preferences for how you like to set
                                                         may contribute to feelings of fatigue and irritability.  your clock, DST is not our decision to make. That choice
                                                            If you’ve ever traveled to Australia, China, or anywhere   lies with our government. So, until things change we need
                                                         that crossed a number of different time zones, you know   to understand that our bodies must adapt to these disruptions
                                                         how messed up you feel and off kilter your appetite is. I   in our circadian rhythms gracefully. My advice is to just go
                                                         remember an instance that happened upon my return from   with the flow and not fight the clock. Explain that to my
                                                         Indonesia. I arrived in L.A. airport with time to kill before   cat, Mickie, who is still waking me up an hour earlier!

                   Holiday                                                          SAT, JAN 27, 2024  •  10AM-2PM


            Stay tuned for dates and details on
            Holiday festivities at the museum.

           •  Gingerbread Cookie Decorating
           •  Holiday Music Circle                                                     A celebration of real heroes, princess
           •  Grinchmas                                                            and fairytale characters, and superheroes
           •  Professional Storyteller - Trixie the
              Holiday Pixie                                                       Boynton Beach Amphitheatre in Centennial Park
           •  Fabulous Fun Friday - Holiday Theme book
           •  And much more...

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