Page 9 - Talk of Tequesta - November '23
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The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 9
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Roseate Spoonbill – Nature’s (Other) Brilliant Pink Bird
By Katie Roundtree, Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District
Roseate spoonbills are striking pink birds that inhabit our insects and crustaceans to conduct photosynthesis.
marshes and preserves in South Florida. They are shorter and (invert ebrate s). Then, as spoonbills eat these
smaller than the more infamous flamingo, but their plumage Crustaceans are packed crustaceans, they ingest their
is just as striking and easy to spot from afar. While they may with carotenoids, fat- stockpiled carotenoids. As
be small in stature, they have a wingspan that is almost twice sol ubl e pi gm e nt s the birds digest their prey,
as wide as they are tall. that constitute reds, these pigments are transferred
Roseate spoonbills are highly social. They feed with each oranges, and yellows. into fat stores under the skin.
other and with other wading birds. They also nest in colonies Invertebrates compile These reserves feed into the
and fly in flocks. They are found with other spoonbills in a these pigments by eating feathers, primarily along the
group called appropriately a “bowl.” aquatic vegetation, which bird’s back, wings and rump.
But what makes them pink? Spoonbills feed on small fish, uses beta-carotenoids As to their distinctive
beak, spoonbills develop
a flat, spoon-shaped bill shortly after hatching. Spoonbill
The Singles Scene , est. 2007 hatchlings have a straight beak for the first few days of their
life. The spoon shape grows as the chick develops. Spoonbills
forage by sweeping their open bills back and forth under the
Special Holiday Edition of yourself now, at the end of the year, and during the water (think of a metal detector). Their bills have nerves that
by: Kelly Leary, M.S. & holiday season, when can you? Get out there and laugh. can feel when prey enters their bill and triggers it to shut when
Miranda Capparelli, Dress like you are going to fall in love with someone it comes in contact with food. It’s a very efficient way to forage.
The Matchmakers during the day--even if it is your barber or your dry cleaner. Up close, roseate spoonbills have unique coloring on their
You don’t have to literally romantically fall in love. Just
“Love and gratitude understand that the more we love and appreciate others, heads. While young, they have light-colored feathers covering
their heads and light pink plumage. As they age, the feathers on
can part seas...It can the more others will love and respect us. I.E. Let’s see
move mountains and how many heads and hearts we can touch in these last two their head thin out, with only the blue-green to yellow-green
it can create miracles. months of the year. head showing, and their plumage gets darker. Their reddish
The power of love and 5. Spoil yourself this holiday. You’re single, so go wild eyes are in stark contrast to their head coloring, making them
gratitude will dissolve all treating yourself. You will feel great. You deserve it too, quite a unique specimen. You can estimate the age of a roseate
negativity in our lives no right? Buy the date night outfit (even if you don’t have the spoonbill then by determining if they have feathers on their
matter what the form has date yet.) Buy the shirt. Book your hair appointment. Hire the head and by how vibrant their feathers are.
taken.”~~Rhonda Byrne Matchmakers. Understand, every one of us (single or taken) We are fortunate to see them still since they were hunted
has a “Relationship Investment Spend” whether you are aware almost to extinction in the late 1800s for their gorgeous
Top 5 Dating Tips for of it or not. Any and all things that enhance your relationships plumage used to decorate hats and fans. Thankfully, they
with others—new and old—will increase the quality of your
received legal protection in the 1940s, and their population
November! life. Ask yourself: “What have I spent this year to enhance has recovered.
my relationships with others? “If it’s nominal—you know
what to do next. It’s buying season. Celebrate YOU! Thank Roseate spoonbills are the only spoonbill species native
Hey Insiders! First and foremost, our heartfelt us later for this stellar holiday survival tip. to the United States. Other species are found in Africa, Asia,
thanks to you for sharing your precious time with us In closing, there is no better time than November to Australia and Europe. However, no other spoonbill species
again today. This is an excellent read to share with your ramp up and show gratitude for how far you have come has the distinctive pink coloring as the roseate spoonbill.
single friends and family too. We are entering the most this year. Let your wild streak shine and squash that Take advantage of the cooler weather and explore the
vital time of year--and extra love is on the menu. Our inner self-critic. It’s time to reward yourself--with the outdoors again! Find a park or preserve and see if you can
commitment is to love and support all individuals in gift of love. spot a bowl of roseate spoonbills. Enjoy!
their goals to connect, especially in November, the most Warm wishes for a joyful Thanksgiving to you and NPDES tip: Storms occur all year round. Make sure your
popular month to join our club. This month, our gratitude your loved ones. Seize the opportunity to transform yards and trees are trimmed neatly to avoid flying debris during
knows no bounds for our community, couples, clients, your love life before the “big” holy holidays come in
and all of our American Heroes (First Responders). Our December. Once again, thank you for following THE a storm. Dispose of your trimmings and clippings properly. Do
Team appreciates all of you. Florida Matchmakers! not put them into storm drains or lakes!
Thanks to our Matchmaking Dream Team, countless We can’t wait to meet you in our private offices on PGA
couples will be celebrating the 2023 Holiday Season Boulevard soon. Reserve your appointment today so that
together. There’s still time for you to find love too. Last you can avoid the up-and-coming waitlist! The early bird
year, between November and December, we connected gets the worm--and the guy--or the girl.
more new couples than ever before. People are more willing
to let their stone wall guard down in November. There is XOXO from Your Favorite Cupids,
less judgment in November. In a nutshell, ’tis the season! Kelly & Miranda
Below are your coveted tips...
1. Cast your love line in well-stocked crystal clear P.S. Want some bonus points
waters, not in bargain Black Friday basements or risky with us? Mention this article and
online shopping traps. You are only as good as the crowd how long you have been reading
in front of you. Just as you may visit Bloomingdales, it when you schedule your first
Macy’s, or Saks for that special outfit, your approach appointment. Some of you have
to dating should be equally selective. If you’re seeking been following this column for
love in bars or on online dating sites, you may be putting more than 16 years. We thank
yourself at financial, emotional, and physical risk. Half you for that too. Keep spreading
the dating challenge can be overcome by looking in the the love!
right places—where quality, honest, and successful singles Best Bin Caddy#
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communication is the cornerstone of any successful
relationship. Early on, determine if your communication Kelly Leary© has 32 years in the dating industry
styles align. Refrain from judging a book by its cover; and a master’s degree in clinical psychology. She has
delve into its pages and read the story. If you need been profiled by Modern Luxury Magazine in the Fall
assistance with this, don’t hesitate to reach out. This 2023 Issue as a Dynamic Business Woman. Look for
Team is here to help--it’s in our DNA. We provide it on shelves now. She has also been written about in
services far beyond matchmaking. Connection and The Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart
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