Page 11 - Talk of Tequesta - November '23
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The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 11

                                                               mediCal maTTers

                                       Medicare Corner With Kathy O

                        It’s Time For The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period, Oct. 15 To Dec. 7

                                              It’s That Time Again To Ask – Am I On The Right Medicare Plan?

        This is what you need to know. …                runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. Plans are effective January of   coverage or are interested
        Insurance companies are continuing to make      the following year.                                in seeing if there are other
      improvements in benefits to their Advantage Plans to help     So, what do I do now and what are my options? If   options with more benefits
      members receive low-cost care and extra benefits beyond   you are on a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan   or lower costs, contact a
      original Medicare. It is important to annually review your   (PDP), you will receive an Annual Notice of Change that   local agent like me!
      plan and look at some other options available in your area,   will explain any changes that are effective January 2024. If     For those on a Medicare
      because  you  may  miss  out  on  additional  benefits  and/  you do not get this important document, contact your plan   Supplement plan, you have
      or lower costs. Every year all active Medicare A and B   provider. If you are satisfied with your current plan and the   the option during  AEP
      recipients are eligible to make changes to their plan during   upcoming changes, you do not need to do anything. The plan   to change to a Medicare
      what is known as annual enrollment period (AEP) which   will automatically renew January 2024. If you do not like the   Advantage Plan that may
                                                                                                           have a $0 monthly premium.
                                                                                                           If you try the Advantage
                                                                                                           Plan, and in the first year want to switch back to your
                                                                                                           supplement, you have guaranteed issue under “Trial Rights.”
                                                                                                           Which means you can switch back to your supplement
                                                                                                           anytime during the next 12 months.
                                                                                                             How do I go about comparing plans? As a consumer,
                                                                                                           there are two important lists you should have when
                                                                                                           comparing plans and making the best decision for you:
                                                                                                           1) A list of your medical providers and 2) A list of your
                                                                                                           prescription drugs. You have several resources to assist
                                                                                                           your decision-making process for AEP. You can contact
                                                                                                           Medicare by phone at 800-MEDICARE or online at www.
                                                                                                  or you can contact a local agent like me!
                                                                                                             What about all those commercials? These ads are
                                                                                                           designed to generate the most incoming calls possible. They
                                                                                                           list all possible free benefits, but include a disclaimer that
                                                                                                           you may not qualify for these benefits. As a local agent,
                                                                                                           I can help clarify which benefits you may or may not be
                                                                                                           qualified for to assist you in enrolling in a new plan.
                                                                                                             For a no cost or obligation plan review, please call
                                                                                                           me at (561) 835-5413 or cell, (561) 212-7640. I conduct
                                                                                                           reviews in person and on the phone. I speak Medicare.

                                                                                                              holiday haPPenings

                                                                                                               Country Roads


                                                                                                                    Light Show

                     PUT YOUR MIND AT EASE                                                                   It’s that time of the year again! The Sixth Annual Country

                        A quick screening can detect lung cancer                                           Roads Christmas Light Show is back beginning Thursday,
                                                                                                           Nov. 23 with three daily shows … each and every night until
                                        at its earliest stage.                                             Dec. 31. Located at 15944 84th Ave. North in Palm Beach
                                                                                                           Gardens (within Palm Beach Country Estates). Join us for
                                                                                                           over 100,000 lights that are synchronized to music! Shows
                      Did you know lung cancer can be detected at its earliest and most                    begin promptly daily at 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. and last
                        treatable stage? The team at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital                      approximately 15 minutes. Every show is different! Join us
                                                                                                           on Sunday, Dec. 3 for a toy drive of new/unwrapped toys to
                          uses low-dose CT screenings to detect lung cancer earlier.                       benefit Little Smiles charity in Palm Beach Gardens. Follow
                        That means our experts, from pulmonologists and oncologists                        “Country Roads Christmas Light Show” on Facebook to
                         to thoracic surgeons, can provide patients with nonsurgical                       stay up to date on news and events! Sponsored by Curly Tail
                                                                                                           Screen & Window, LLC.
                                       and surgical treatments sooner.

                        Find out if you need a lung cancer screening.

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