Page 10 - Palm City Spotlight - November '23
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Page 10, Palm City Spotlight

                                                          Book revIeW

      What An Owl Knows: The New                             “After  hundreds                                But unlike we humans, who can move our eyes left and
                                                                                                           right with a limited degree of peripheral vision in order to
                                                         of hours of meticulous
      Science Of The World’s Most                        observation, Bloem                                see what is happening on each side of us, an owl’s eyes
      Enigmatic Birds                                    managed to characterize                           are fixed facing forward. However, they make up for that
                                                                                                           by being able to swivel their heads around in a way that
                                                         and describe fifteen
                                                         separate vocalizations:                           we cannot:
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 six sorts of hoots, four                            “While it’s a myth that owls can rotate their heads from
        Aut hor Je nni fe r                              types of chitters, and                            a starting point facing forward, some species, like Great
      Ackerman could just as                             five kinds of squawks,                            Grays and Barn Owls, can turn their heads almost three
      well have retitled her                             including an alarm                                quarters of the way around, 270 degrees – three times the
      book  What  We  Know                               squawk like an eerie                              twisting flexibility humans possess … that an owl’s neck can
      About  Owls,  packed  as  it                       shriek. She also noted that                       move swiftly and smoothly through those 270 degrees of
      is with many hundreds of                           the owls have nonvocal                            rotation is due to some clever adaptations, a loose S shape
      fascinating facts about the                        communication. When                               that gives it flexibility, and a system of bones and blood
      260 owl species to be found                        t he y ’re  f e a rf ul  or                       vessels that minimizes disruption of blood flow through the
      throughout almost every                            agitated, they’ll hiss or                         neck to the eye and the brain when the head rotates.”
      continent, from the tiny elf                       clack their bills.”                                 And I haven’t even touched upon an owl’s vision, with
      owl, the size of a pine cone                         Perhaps the  major  reason  why  owls  are so  popular   its ultraviolet spectrum.
      only a few inches high, to the massive Eurasian eagle-  worldwide is their most instantly recognizable feature     There is so much more here to enjoy, and from which
      owl that can take down a deer – or Blakiston’s fish owl,   as the only bird whose big round eyes face forward, like   to learn. Plus 50 black-and-white photos and a section
      the world’s biggest owl, the size of a fire hydrant with a   ours, in the front of their faces. All other birds’ eyes are   of full-color photos that add greatly in helping you to
      6-foot wingspan!                                   situated on the sides of their heads.             identify different owl species.
        The  recipient  of  numerous  awards  and  fellowships
      and author of five earlier successful books – including
      The Bird Way and national bestseller The Genius of Birds                      real estate
      – Ackerman’s own awe and appreciation for the skills
      and natural physical attributes that these extraordinary
      creatures have evolved over the 100 million years since
      they have existed on this planet is clear from first page   Treasure Coast Real Estate                 There may also be a downside to switching Realtors.
      to last. The following brief passages serve as examples,                                             Potential buyers who have seen your property in person or on
      some of the text has been omitted for lack of space here,   Report                                   the Internet may wonder why your property didn’t sell. Years
      and been replaced by ellipses (…):                                                                   ago, we used to purposely let a listing expire, and then relist
        “With a head designed for listening … the flat, gray   Home Or Condo Not Selling? Switching        it as a “new!” listing. That doesn’t work anymore because
      head disk of a Great Gray Owl is like one huge external   Realtors Is Most Likely Not The Solution   Internet sites all show total cumulative days on the market.
      ear, a feathered satellite dish for collecting sound … The                                             If you want to know why your property isn’t selling, ask
      facial disk in owls that hunt primarily by sound is outlined   By Jim Weix                           your existing Realtor for an honest opinion. Then don’t get
      with a ruff of stiff interlocking feathers that capture sound     As much as I love                  mad if you don’t like the answer.
      waves and channel them toward the ears, like people   getting a call from a seller                     If your property is not selling because it is overpriced,
      cupping their hands around their ears. Feathers in the   who wants to list with                      that is an easy fix. Remember, it is buyers, not you, that
      back of the disk direct high-pitched sounds toward the   me because their Realtor                    determine what your property is worth. If you happen to get
      ears, so the owl hears less noise from its surroundings   didn’t sell their home or                  an unsophisticated buyer who is willing to pay too much,
      and can focus on prey cues.                          condo, I have found that                        the odds are that they will be getting financing, and the deal
        “(The owl) can even change the shape of the disk by   it is seldom their Realtor’s                 will fall apart when your property doesn’t appraise. In the
      using muscles at the base of the feathers, shifting from   fault that their property                 meantime, you may have missed real buyers.
      a resting state to the alertness of an active hunt. It’s   didn’t sell. In almost every                If your property needs a lot of work or updating, factor
      remarkable to watch an owl do this, adjust its facial disk   case their property didn’t              those costs into your asking price. Pretending that a 30-year-
      when it hears something interesting. It’s like the disk itself   sell because:                       old kitchen should not be a problem is not the answer. Nobody
      is a kind of aperture, an ‘eye,’ that opens wide to let in   1. It is overpriced.                    wants a 30-year-old kitchen unless they are buying your
      more sound and bounce it toward the ears.”           2. It needs a lot of work.                      property at the right price.
        Note: The use of the term “ears,” in owls, even in such   3. It smells bad due to poor housekeeping, indoor smoking,     Another thing to check is the pictures of your home in
      species names as long-eared owls or short-eared owls, is   or pets.                                  the MLS and Internet. This is where 95 percent of potential
      confusing. The actual ears used by owls for listening are     However, even properties that need a lot of work or   buyers first see your home. If the pictures show dirty towels,
      vertical slits on the sides of their heads.          smell bad will sell if the price is right for the condition of   unmade beds, and cluttered rooms, then clean the place up
        Owls are nocturnal, hunting at night for prey that   the property.                                 and have your Realtor take new pictures.
      includes most commonly – depending on the owl species     Market conditions right now are such that properties are     If you truly think that it is your Realtor’s fault that your
      and size – rodents, insects, mice, rabbits, squirrels,   taking longer to sell, even though the inventory of existing   property didn’t sell, then tell the new Realtor why you feel
      possums, lemmings in the case of snowy owls, and other   homes is low. If a property doesn’t sell during the listing   that way.
      small mammals and birds. Because of their incredible   period, sellers often think that switching Realtors will help.     Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
      hearing, and the fact that the unique design of their wings   Some even think that they are punishing their Realtor by not   options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      enables them to swoop down on prey in complete silence,   extending the listing.           
      they are among the natural world’s most efficient hunters.     So what happens when you switch Realtors? Basically     Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes Company.
      They do not even have to be able to see their prey in order   nothing.                               Jim has 25 years of experience selling real estate full-time.
      to be successful!                                      Your new best friend Realtor places your home in the   If you have questions or want the services of an experienced
        “A Great Gray Owl is listening, always listening. Its   same Multiple Listing Service. It is in the same Zillow,   expert, you can reach Jim at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      head rotates to glean the source of a sound. Its ears are so, Redfin, and other Internet sites.
      acutely tuned, it can discern the faint footfall of a shrew
      in the forest, the wingbeat of a Canada Jay, the muffled
      rustle of a vole tunneling deep beneath the snow. It will
      fly to the spot, hover over it, head facing down toward
      the sound, then just before impact thrust its legs forward
      and punch through snow more than a foot and a half deep
      to seize its prey.”
        But Ackerman has equal respect for the professional
      scientists, students and volunteers who often dedicate
      years of their lives under the most incredibly difficult   Home • Auto • Boat • RV • Life
      physical and stressful conditions worldwide, studying
      every aspect of owls’ lives in order to build the base   Flood • Business • Commercial
      of knowledge that will help protect the survival of owl
      species at a time when many are at risk of extinction due
      to climate change and other human influences.                        Mary-Beth Zipsir
        One chapter,  Who Gives a Hoot, includes the                       Agent in Charge
      experiences of researcher Karla Bloem, who devoted                   O: (772) 233-4444
      an extensive amount of time studying variations in owl
      language at just one site:                                 
                                                                           It’s our policy that you know yours
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