Page 17 - Boca ViewPointe - November '23
P. 17

November 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 17
      For The Love Of Nature                                                                                       Boca Pointe

      By Steve Handwerker                                childcare settings or a public space such as a park or
                                                         library. Elements may include play areas with veggie      Community
         The  love  of  and  for                         gardens, looping pathways and shady spots to just sit and
      nature starts at a very                            look for butterflies or listen for birds. Some playscapes
      early age when children                            can have swing sets and slides.                           Connections
      have opportunities to                                 Places outdoors for children allow them to learn
      explore the natural world                          about themselves as physical beings in a natural space
      alongside caring adults who                        and  exercise in  a healthy  environment. This creates a   Dear Residents of Boca Pointe,
      demonstrate  these  values.                        daily connection with nature through a beautiful, safe      Boca Pointe is pleased to announce the beginning of a
      I remember being at the                            and accessible outdoor space. Each and every site   new community-wide group. Community Connections is
      ocean shore with my mother in the summers in New York.   can be unique and invites creativity, curiosity, greater   a place to meet members of the Boca Pointe community.
         Research has found that access to nature supports and   cooperation, interpersonally and with nature!   This group is for new residents looking to meet existing
      promotes happier and healthier children. Community                                                    residents as well as existing residents looking to extend
      sites, and nature-centered playscapes increase creativity,      Steven E. Handwerker Ph.D. D.div, RM  their social circle.
      encourage independent learning and supports connection      Board Certified Licensed Psychologist        The initial meetings will  be held at the BPCA
      to and respect for the natural world, therefore allows for      50 years experience                   Management office located at 6909 SW 18th St. #120,
      healthy child development. Nature centered playscapes                              Boca Raton, FL 33433.
      can and should be designed to align with the needs of      Books and Blogs                              The meeting dates will be:
      the children in any given location whether it is private                                                 Wednesday, November 29th from 3pm-4pm
                                                                                                               Thursday, November 30th from 3pm-4pm
                                                                                                               You may attend one or all meetings. Please come and
                                                                                                            enjoy. Coffee will be served. 

                                                                                                           Move Over LAW

                                                                                                           (FS 316.126)

                                                                                                           By Elyse Weintraub Brown,
                                                                                                           Community Education
                                                                                                           Specialist, Palm Beach
                                                                                                           County Fire Rescue
                                                                                                           (561) 616-7051 or

                                                                                                              This message is
                                                                                                           brought to you by your
                                                                                                           friendly Firefighters from
                                                                                                           Palm Beach County Fire
                                                                                                              Every day firefighters and other
                                                                                                           emergency responders drive to
                                                                                                           emergencies. What’s  more,
                                                                                                           oftentimes the emergency
           BUYER?                                  Call Joe Young         SELLER?                          they are driving to is

                                                                                                           actually in the roadway.
          THIS IS THE MARKET YOU                                          YOU NEED EXPOSURE &              Although they are helping
                                                                                                           others and rendering aid,
          HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR!                                         AGGRESSIVE MARKETING!             they are also at risk of being
         (561) 756-8508                                                 (561) 756-8508                     injured and killed on our
                                                                                                           roadways by motorists. Help protect them…because if
         Hope everyone is doing okay during these challenging times. I am here to assist any way I can.    they can’t help you in your time of need…who will?
                                                                                                           Learn the Move Over LAW (FS 316.126)
                                                                                                             Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do
             FOR SALE                                       UNDER CONTRACT                                 when you are driving on a local roadway, and you see
                                                                                                           DRIVING BEHIND YOU a fire truck or other emergency
                                                                                                           vehicle with lights flashing and sirens wailing on the
                                                                                                           way to an emergency? The Answer is …you must yield
                                                                                                           the right of way. When it is safe to do so, move over as
                                                                                                           close as reasonable to the closest edge of the curb of the
                                                                                                           roadway, clear of any intersection and then stop. When
                                                                                                           this happens on highways and interstates, rather than
                                                                                                           stop, slow down and then safely move over so that the
                                                                                                           emergency vehicle can pass.
                                                                                                             Are you unsure about what you are supposed to do when
                                                                                                           you are driving on a roadway with multiple lanes, and
              7563 Imperial Drive  $839,000                     7276 Via Palomar  $749,000                 you see a fire truck or rescue truck working an emergency
                                                                                                           ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD? The Answer is….When
                  3/2.5  3,067 total sq. ft.                        3/2  2,570 total sq. ft.               it is safe to do, merge away from a vehicle working on
                                                                                                           the side of the roadway to provide an empty travel lane
             CLOSED                                             SOLD                                       for the emergency worker. If you are not able to safely
                                                                                                           move over, you must slow down to a speed of 20 MPH
                                                                                                           below the posted speed limit unless directed otherwise
                                                                                                           by a law enforcement officer.
                                                                                                              On a two-lane roadway…Where there is NO lane of
                                                                                                           travel in the same direction to merge over to, you are
                                                                                                           REQUIRED to slow down to a speed that is 20 miles per
                                                                                                           hour less than the posted speed limit. If the speed limit
                                                                                                           is 20 miles per hour or less, you must slow down to five
                                                                                                           miles per hour.
                                                                                                              In the State of Florida, drivers must also move over for
                                                                                                           sanitation vehicles and utility service vehicles performing

                  6539 Via Rosa  $699,000                      7563 Imperial Drive $675,000                tasks related to their services, and wreckers displaying
                                                                                                           amber rotating or flashing lights performing a recovery
                    3/2  3,094 total sq ft                            Sq. ft. A/C 2,500                    or loading on the roadside.
                                                                                                             Violating the  Move Over Law can result in a fine
            For all your real estate needs call or visit our web page           Define Your Life in a Non-Mandatory Country Club  and points on your license; and worse, because it puts
                                                                                 Define Your Membership - Social, Golf, Tennis
                                                                                  Define Your Time from 3 months to a year
                                                    the Club at Boca Pointe  rescuers, civilians, and other motorists at risk of serious
                                                                                                           injury and even death. For everyone’s safety, share the
                                                                                                           Move Over Law with others. Help us…help You! 
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