Page 7 - Boca ViewPointe - October '23
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October 2023 Viewpointe, Page 7
The Red-Eyed Tree Frog
By William A. Gralnick For instance, it’s estimated that there are about 10 to If disturbed, the frog flashes its bright red eyes, which
the power of 80 atoms in the universe. So, if you somehow may startle predators and allow the frog to escape. As well
This has little to do counted every atom that exists in the entire universe as being known for its coloration—now hear comes the drum
with frogs. It has more to one by one, you wouldn’t even come close to a googol. roll from the pages of Wikipedia—the Red Eye Tree Frog is
do with Barney Google. Of course, for reference, it’s still smaller than the total known for its bulging eyes.
Remember him or your possible moves in a game of chess– 10 to the power 120. A few nights ago, sticking diagonally, head towards
mother or grandmother And if those numbers don’t have your head reeling yet, the ground, to my garage door wall was a new friend, my
singing about him,” Barney Google with the Goo-G00- consider the googolplex. TMI? Not yet. Red-Eye Tree Frog. We looked intensely at each other. Me
Googley Eyes?” This article will fill a hole in my list of The name googolplex was first proposed by the same with my nearsighted eyes and he with his bulging red ones.
things I wish I knew the answer to. Who in the world was person who invented the term “googol,” nine-year-old Milton Curious, I wanted to see how he felt and slowly moved my
Barney Google anyway? Sirotta. And when Kasner asked Milton if he had an idea finger toward him. Would he be slick or dry or lumpy? I never
According to Google, ironically enough, Barney for a name for the number, he suggested something silly found out. What he was was gone. In a split second, like he
Google was the main character in a long-running like “googol,” which was soon followed by the googolplex. had springs for legs, he did a long jump and was gone from
comic strip. Initially known as “Take Barney Google, Milton’s definition was “one, followed by writing zeroes my sight. Gone maybe, but in those few seconds, I became
F’rinstance,” the strip was later renamed Barney Google until you get tired.” Again, from the mouth of babes… attached and decided to name him.
and Snuffy Smith. Snuffy Smith became more popular At the Passover seder, Jews sing a song about the plagues You guessed it, Barney Google because of his goo-goo-
than Google, and Google was written out of the strip, brought down on Pharoah. One is about frogs, “Frogs, frogs googley eyes.
though he made occasional guest appearances. everywhere…jumping here and jumping there…” Now we
My mother used to love Big Band Music. One of her get to the frog part of the story. Columnist and author Bill Gralnick was born and
favorites was “Barney Google.” Written by Billy Rose Cleanse your mind of zeros and let’s move on to frogs. raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is writing a three-part
and Con Conrad, it debuted on April 15, 1923, tells us, At night do you go for a walk? Walk your dog? Walk your humorous memoir. The first is “The War of the Itchy
Second Hand Songs. Eddie Cantor, with his own bulging spouse? If you do, do you hear cascading choruses from the Balls and Other Tales from Brooklyn.” Just published
eyes, sang her favorite rendition. Now comes the obvious trees, this chorus of sounds leaping from tree to tree? The is the sequel, “George Washington Didn’t Sleep Here.”
question. Did Google, the company, get its name from sound? CraaaaaaaaaaK! CRACK! CRAA-AHH-K! Both are available on Amazon. You can find his writing
Barney Google, the comic strip character? Short answer? These are not birds nor are they displaced dealers of at
Shucks. Why spoil it? Keep reading. crack cocaine. What they are are frogs, Red Eyed Tree
In 1920, as the legend goes, the number “Googol” was Frogs. They are a species of frog that is native to forests
discovered by Edward Kasner and named at the behest of from Central America to north-western South America. This
his 9-year-old nephew, Milton Sirotta, after the popular species is known for its bright coloration, namely its vibrant Attention
comic character of which he was a follower. Now we’re green body with blue and yellow stripes on the side. It has a
getting somewhere. white underside, brightly red and orange colored feet, and All Residents!
Consider this, that Google, the company, has only been is named after its distinctive bright red eyes.
around since 1998. Google’s founders were Larry Page and The “red eye” is an arboreal frog with long limbs and Please keep
Sergey Brin. When they began it’s hard to imagine they had webbed toes. They mate and reproduce near ponds and are
any idea how big it would eventually be or even had ever therefore found in lowland wet areas found in tropical forests. garage doors closed.
heard of the comic strip. “Out of the mouth of babes,” as it They are nocturnal and do most of their hunting for insects Your security
is said. Now almost omnipresent, Google is a word in our at night. Despite its bright coloration, the red-eyed tree frog begins at home!
vocabulary but in 1997, Google still needed a name. is not poisonous as are many poisonous creatures. Its bright
The Google name itself is a misspelling of “googol.” coloration is more attributed to camouflage amongst the
And a googol is a mathematical term meaning “10 raised greenery of the surrounding jungle, as well as the “startle
to the power of 100.” That’s 1 with 100 zeroes behind it. reflex,” which it can use to dissuade predators.
But that description may not give you the full impression During the day, the frog uses its green back to camouflage
of just how big a googol is. amongst the leaves, this camouflage being its only defense.
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