Page 9 - Boca Exposure - October '23
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Boca Exposure, Page 9
      Semifinalists Announced For Men Giving Back

      SPBC’s 2023 Golden Grants Evening

         Men Giving Back,                                   The Achievement Centers for Children &
      a Boca Raton-based                                 Families,  American Association of Caregiving
      membership organization                            Youth, Best Foot Forward, Boca Helping
      supporting nonprofits                              Hands, Boca Raton Rotary Fund, Boca West
      throughout South Palm                              Children’s Foundation, Caridad Center,
      Beach County (SPBC),                               College for Kids, Families First, Feeding
      has announced the 24                               PBC, the Fuller Center, the George Snow
      local charities selected                           Scholarship Fund, the Hanley Foundation,
      to be semifinalists for a  Men Giving Back Golden Ball  Homeless Coalition of PBC, HomeSafe, In
      2023 Men Giving Back                               the Pines, Kindness Matters, Love Serving
      grant. The selected organizations provide services in one of four   Autism, the Milagro Center, Nat King Cole
      fields within Men Giving Back’s charitable focus areas of mental   Generation Hope, PROPEL, Roots and Wings,
      health, children, education, and food security.    Special Spaces, and Sweet Dream Makers.
         The semifinalists were notified of their selection upon      “I am so grateful to be a part of an
      receipt of a much anticipated “Golden Ball,” which were   organization that can truly make a difference   Members of Men Giving Back
      delivered last week. Recipients are invited to attend the   in the lives of others,” said Dr. Nathan
      “Golden Grants Evening” event on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at   Nachlas, head of the Men Giving Back Grant Committee and   business, finance, health care, hospitality, and law backgrounds.
      the Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club.               one of the organization’s founding members. “Each of these   Fueled by the love for their community, the organization provides
         All attending organizations will receive some funding that   24 nonprofits does incredible work within our community   several South Palm Beach County nonprofits with grants. Nearly
      evening, while a lucky few will receive a major grant worth up   and our 200-plus members are honored to be able to give   100 percent of Men Giving Back member contributions go
      to $100,000. The total amount to be granted this year will exceed   back to these worthy charities.”   directly to the nonprofits they support. For more information,
      that of the grants given during 2021 and 2022 combined. These   About Men Giving Back SPBC           please visit Follow our socials:
      were the first two years of the Men Giving Back initiative.      Men Giving Back of South Palm Beach County was conceived   Instagram @mengiving back; Facebook @mengivingbackpbc;
         Semifinalists for the 2023 Golden Grants Evening are:  in February 2020 by a small group of motivated men from
      City Of Boca Honored With Five SUNsational Awards For Special Events

         The City of Boca                                media; multimedia marketing, events and programming.      Nominations were judged by a blue-ribbon panel
      Raton was recently                                 Each category included three budget levels. Over 200 events   representing media outlets, printing companies, website
      awarded with five                                  submitted their materials for consideration.      designers, photographers, promotional marketing
      SUNsational Awards                                    Boca Raton was awarded first place for promotional   professionals and social media experts.
      by the Florida Festivals                           video (FAU Community Celebration) and promotional item      “The  SUNsational Awards have recognized  and
      & Events Association                               (Summer in the City branded beach towel, second place for   celebrated the talents of our members for more than two
      during their 29th annual                           promotional video (Food Truck Fridays), and third place for   decades,” said Suzanne Neve, CEO of the FFEA. “We’re
      convention and tradeshow. The program recognizes members’   photo opp area (MLK Event) and photo.    proud of our members and their events, and excited to
      innovation, individuality and creative collaboration.     “We strive to provide our community with the highest   recognize them in this way each year. This year in particular
         Nominations were accepted in 10 categories, including   quality events and programs. As such, our team is thrilled   was incredibly rewarding as we showcased the innovation
      printed materials; outdoor advertisement; PR/media   to receive this statewide recognition,” said Richard Mahler,   and resilience of festival and event organizers throughout
      campaign; photo; promotional item; T-shirt; broadcast   City of Boca Raton community events coordinator.  the state during this unprecedented time.”

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                     We also want to give you healthy living
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                     Let’s make a positive difference for
                     breast cancer awareness.

                                                                                                           Sign Up for Health Tips.
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