Page 6 - Boca Exposure - October '23
P. 6
Page 6, Boca Exposure
From The Desk Of County Commissioner
Marci Woodward: A Message From Marci
Commissioner Woodward, a 20-year The roadway contractor has started placing concrete southern Palm Beach County. The center will be open to all
resident of Boca Raton, was elected for driveways and sidewalks and base rock east and west children in the area from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday
in November 2022 as Palm Beach of the bridge for upcoming asphalt paving. through Friday. Affordable tuition, meals and snacks are
County District 4 Commissioner. The bridge contractor has completed the eastbound available for enrolled students.
She serves on the following board bridge demolition and is preparing to install the bridge Open enrollment is underway, and parents are
of directors as a representative columns. encouraged to contact Elen de Paula at edepaula@
of the county commission: Palm Modifications were necessary for the southern bridge or call (561) 391-7274, Ext. 121.
Beach Transportation Planning columns due to the proximity to overhead electric lines; Local Government 101. Public Comment: Citizens
Agency; South Florida Regional however, county engineers and the contractors found a may offer comments to the Board of County Commissioners
Transportation Authority (TriRail); Treasure Coast Regional solution with minimal disruption. (BCC) on regular agenda items, items listed for public
Planning Council; CareerSource Palm Beach County; Palm The bridge columns are expected to be installed in the hearings and during Matters by the Public, which is usually
Beach Cultural Council, and Value Adjustment Board. upcoming weeks, and crews will start forming pile caps. held on the first Tuesday of the month at 2 p.m.
Woodward graduated from the University of South Carolina- After completion of those tasks, the bridge decking will BCC meetings are held in the Robert Weisman
Aiken with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts. be installed. Governmental Center, 6th floor Commission Chambers,
I attended the Florida Association of Counties (FAC) The project schedule now shows completion in late 301 N. Olive Ave., West Palm Beach. During Matters by
conference in Seminole County earlier this month. It was December due to additional work required to avoid the the Public, citizens are welcome to address any issues
inspiring to see so many county commissioners from across overhead electric lines. under the jurisdiction of the board. Anyone wishing
the state working together to address our shared challenges. Thank you for your continued patience and to speak is requested to complete a “Comments by the
I was particularly impressed by the healthy debate and understanding as we work to enhance our infrastructure. Public” card (available in the chambers) and give it to
discussion that took place in the various committees. I’m Your support is invaluable as we navigate through these the Public Affairs staff member near the podium.
confident that the results of our legislative conference in phases of progress. When your name is called, please step up to the open
November will be beneficial for all of Florida. Our delegation County Helps First-Time Homebuyers. Palm Beach podium and state for the record your name and address,
from Palm Beach County and South Florida was strong and County is offering up to $100,000 to help first-time and stay within your allotted time. It is important to
well-represented. There is power in numbers! homebuyers purchase a home. Funding is available for note that the board generally refrains from entering into
I am just getting started on LinkedIn and I’m acquisition, acquisition/rehabilitation, new construction, immediate dialogues with the public during this time.
already hooked. Connect with me at down payment and closing costs. Apply online through Complex and critical issues require careful consideration,
commissionerwoodward/. Oct. 31. For more information, visit: https://discover. and it can be challenging to provide accurate responses
District 4 Improvements. There are lots of upgrades on the spot.
in the works at Ocean Inlet Park including new docks, a Nonprofit Spotlight. Get ready to witness an exciting For individuals seeking more detailed information or
seawall, and safety improvements to the A1A crossover fusion of generations as Fuller Center and The Volen assistance with their concerns, we recommend reaching
and lifeguard tower. This 11-acre park has two waterfront Center team up to create an intergenerational day center out directly to your county commissioner’s office. If you
areas for visitors to enjoy. Take a walk along the beachfront at The Volen Center. are unable to attend the meeting in person there is an
and intracoastal, which features a marina, kayak launch This innovative program facilitates meaningful option to submit your public comment electronically on
and ocean observation deck. interactions between seniors and children, promoting play the county’s website. Your participation is greatly valued
The park also has picnic areas, playgrounds, restrooms, and educational engagement that benefits both age groups. as it helps shape our community and the decisions made
shower facilities, and is open from sunrise to sunset. One of Intergenerational centers have long been recognized for by the Board of County Commissioners.
its unique features is a fishing pier that is open 24 hours! their profound positive impact, yet they remain a rare gem If you require assistance, please contact our office at
Palmetto Park Road Bridge Update. Below is a recent in many communities. (561) 355-2204 or email
update from the Engineering and Public Works Department The establishment of this center marks a significant
on the Palmetto Park Road Bridge project: milestone as one of the few intergenerational centers in