Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - October '23
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Page 22, Abacoa
      Connecting Children To Safety

       What Is This Decade Teaching                      insecurity, racism, discrimination, political unrest, and      We connect when we interact.  The center offers
       Us So Far? That Connection                        youth suicides are still on the rise – with war and genocide   online training and resources for teachers, parents, and
                                                         leading the nightly news. These experiences, even the
                                                                                                           caregivers to assist with connection through social-
       Can Be Our Safe Shelter                           knowledge of them, are potentially traumatic, and without   emotional behavior support and interventions. A Way of
                                                         balance from positive influences, may cause long-term   Being with Children: A Trauma-Informed Approach to
       By Renée Layman,                                  health consequences for our children and teens.   Building Resilience is an online curriculum consisting
       President and CEO                                    How can kids feel safe and hopeful when they are   of a manual, live workshops, and public campaign
       of Center for Child                               also the primary targets of sex traffickers and school   designed to support anyone who regularly interacts with
       Counseling                                        shootings? It’s a question we wrestle with daily in our   children and families. The resources promote everyday
          After seeing                                   mission to bring children to safety and healing within   practices that connect to and support children’s emotional
      fi rsthand how                                     their homes, schools, and community.              needs while helping them grow more resilient. For more
      the effects  of                                       Building hope and resilience for the future means   information, visit
      isolation, division,                               creating a community where all children and families      We connect when we talk. The center also offers free
      and detachment                                     feel loved, safe, protected and connected. As we continue   online  workshops,  tip  sheets,  and  videos  that  address
      are altering                                       to emerge from the pandemic, we must actively develop   ongoing fears and stressors, including the hardest topics
      our children’s                                     positive social connections, particularly for children,   to discuss with children, such as: self-harm and suicidal
      experience of the world and their hope for a safe place in   families, and communities who have experienced an   thoughts, war and violence, frequent school shootings,
      it, Center for Child Counseling has made connection and   overabundance of grief and trauma.         sexual abuse, death, grief, divorce, and loss. You can access
      safety the center of supporting children’s mental health.     As CEO of Center for Child Counseling, a local   these resources at:
          We  all  wish  we  could say  it’s  getting  better.  But   nonprofit, we have been dedicated to transforming the      We ask you to join us in connecting children to safety;
      the stress of the past few years is still taking a toll on   lives of children and families in Palm Beach County   become trained to understand and respond to children and
      our mental health, well-being, and safety. Economic   since 1999. We continue to forge partnerships and new   families when they experience crisis. Together, we can
                                                         connections with other agencies, businesses, schools,   be stronger in preventing and protecting children from
                                                         system and community leaders, and funders who
                                                                                                           becoming victims of trauma and abuse and build safer
        Reading Time                                     recognize the importance of keeping children safe.   homes, schools, and communities.
                                                                                                           About Center For Child Counseling
                                                           Every one of us has the opportunity to make a

                                                                                                              Since 1999, Center for Child Counseling has been
        With Dad                                         difference for a child facing adversity. Children have     building the foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful
                                                         tremendous potential – which our society needs – and
                                                         which we have a shared obligation to foster and protect.
                                                                                                           living for children and families in Palm Beach County. Its
                                                         The goal is for all community members to understand and   services focus on preventing and healing the effects of adverse
        By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                            own the idea that we each have a stake and role in child   experiences and toxic stress on children, promoting resiliency
        School Psychologist                              and family well-being.                            and healthy family, school, and community relationships.
           James and the Giant                              But how do we, as adults, carve safe spaces for      For more information and resources for parents, teachers,
        Peach  and  Danny,                               children while struggling to make sense of things   caregivers, and children, visit: centerforchildcounseling.
        Champion of the World                            ourselves? Center for Child Counseling provides the tools   org. Visit Twitter: @ChildCounselPBC; Facebook: @
        were two of Roald                                to connect.                                       CenterforChildCounseling; or Instagram: @childcounselpbc.
        Dahl’s books my dad
        read with me when I was                                     Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
        in elementary school.
        Some of my fondest
        childhood memories                                                     Gifted Testing
        were reading these
        books with my dad. We did other things together like
        playing basketball, going fishing, and riding bikes but                  NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
        the relational connection of sitting next to my dad on                   • Jupiter & Stuart Offices
        the couch and feeling his presence and love was strong                                                        Licensed School Psychologist
        and evident. Dad gave me his precious gift of time.                      • Testing for Processing  
           The father-child relationship is powerful and                           Problems, Anxiety,
        creates a foundation for your child’s psyche to develop.                   Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
        Will your child feel loved and affirmed or rejected and                  • Weekend and After
        ignored by dad? As a school psychologist and dad, I                        School Appointments
        get it. Dads are busy. Dads might believe they don’t
        have the nurturing instinct that mom holds. They are
        busy providing for their family. Parenting expert, Meg                         “Helping Parents Help Children”
        Meeker, M.D., says, “After 30 years in my medical
        practice  and  extensive  research,  I  see  one  common
        thread in children of all ages: the direct correlation
        between a father’s presence and a child’s well-being.”
           If you are a dad reading this, it’s not meant to guilt   Need More Storage?
        you. Whether you’ve messed up or think it’s too late,
        your child of any age still needs you. They don’t need
        perfection; they need your presence and affirmation.   WE CAN HELP!
        Start small. Perhaps for you it’s asking them more
        thoughtful questions, taking a genuine interest in them
        telling you about a favorite video game, or watching a
        funny video together. For other dads it is telling your
        child what every child wants to hear: You love them
        and are proud of them.
           Parenting is an on the job learning experience. Here                            NEW state of the art facility in Jupiter!
        are a few resources to help you along the way: Meg
        Meeker’s book  Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters,
        Robert Lewis’ book  Raising A Modern Day Knight                                                                                              *
        or John C. Maxwell’s book  Intentional Living, are                                    FIRST
        thoughtful books to help dads along their parenting                              MONTHFREE!
        journey. Check out Dad, you got this.
           Call or text to discuss your child as we test for
        autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, depression, and
        anxiety. Visit or call (561) 625-4125.                                      * Certain restrictions apply. Mention or present this offer.

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