Page 8 - Talk of Tequesta - September '23
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Page 8, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                              fundraising evenT

               Hanley Foundation’s 28th Annual Family Picnic To

              Benefit Substance Misuse Prevention Programming

                        Family-Friendly Event Is Sunday, Oct. 22 In Downtown West Palm Beach

        Hanley Foundation’s 28th Annual Family Picnic,
      a fundraiser to benefit substance misuse prevention
      programming in schools throughout Florida, will be
      held on Sunday, Oct. 22 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in
      downtown West Palm Beach. The action-packed,
      family-friendly event will include lunch, entertainment,
      a silent auction, games, and kids’ activities including a
      petting zoo, ice cream bar, and much more.
        Taylor Schneider and Hanley Foundation board
      member James Schneider are chairing the event, which
      theme is Family Time Is Time Well Spent. The family
      picnic takes place at the Lake Pavilion, 101 S. Flagler
      Drive, West Palm Beach. Tickets are $50 for children
      ages 4 to 17, and $250 per person for adults. Children                                                 For more information, visit, call
      3 and under are free.                                                                                (561) 268-2355, or email
        “Hanley Foundation’s prevention programs aim                                                       About Hanley Foundation
      to empower young people to make healthy choices  Cochairs Taylor Schneider and Hanley Foundation board member     Hanley Foundation envisions a world free of addiction,
      and prevent them from drinking or taking drugs,  James Schneider (Please note: They are no longer married but   leading the way as the largest provider of grant-funded
      which is especially critical while their brains are still  support this cause together.)             prevention education programs in the state of Florida. Hanley
      developing,” said Rachel Pappert Docekal, MBA,                                                       Foundation’s mission is to eliminate addiction through
      Ed.D., Hanley Foundation’s CEO. “These evidence-based     Over the past five years, Hanley Foundation’s Prevention   prevention, advocacy, treatment, and recovery support. In
      programs have been proven to increase the age of first use – the   Department has provided services to 32 counties throughout   addition to offering recovery scholarships to those in need
      most important predictive factor in the development of substance   the state, reaching 360,492 parents, caregivers, teachers and   and facilitating trainings to identify the signs of substance
      use disorders – from 9.5 years in the year 2000 to 14.5 years   students. The foundation is setting the gold standard across the   misuse, the foundation works to reduce stigma and inform
      today. The family picnic will help us raise funds to reach even   state with its prevention programs.   policy through its advocacy efforts. Hanley Foundation
      more students across Florida and equip them with essential     “Our family has been longtime supporters of the family   educates, changes minds, and saves lives with its evidence-
      learning tools to help prevent substance misuse.”   picnic and Hanley Foundation’s mission,” said Schneider.   based programs proven through research to prevent and delay
                                                         “We are excited to chair this year’s event and bring a new   the use of alcohol and other drugs. For more information
                                                         venue and fall-themed spin to attendees. As a parent, I am   about Hanley Foundation, please visit
                 iT’s The law                            thankful for the work that Hanley is doing in our community   or call (561) 268-2355. Follow on Instagram and Facebook
                                                         to keep our children’s futures healthy and bright. This event
                                                                                                           @HanleyFoundation and on Twitter and LinkedIn @
                                                         is about just that.”                              HanleyFNDN.

             Did You Know

        That, In Florida…

                    By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.

        Child support is not “a
      wash” if the parents’ time-
      share arrangement is on a
      50/50 basis unless the parents’
      respective incomes are equal.
      Otherwise, determining child
      support involves using a
      formula to calculate the greater
      wage earner’s obligation based
      on pro rata percentages. In
      addition to child support, the
      parents are often obligated to
      contribute to health insurance and/or additional childcare or
      daycare costs.
        A registered agent is appointed by a corporation, foreign or
      within the State of Florida, to accept service of process, notices
      or demands received.
        Original wills must be deposited with the Clerk of Court
      within 10 days after the person holding the will is informed of
      the death of the signatory. The Clerk of the Court will hold the
      original will in original form for a minimum of 20 years.
        While the grantor of a revocable trust is of capacity
      and living, the grantor retains all duties and privileges of
      the trustee. Upon the death of the grantor, a revocable trust
      becomes irrevocable. The successor trustee assumes the duties
      of the trustee, but not all rights the grantor held will pass to the
      successor trustee.
        Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm
      located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003 W.
      Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla., (561) 744-4600, The firm provides peace of mind by
      solving problems with integrity and compassion in the areas of
      estate planning (wills and trusts, powers of attorney, health care
      surrogates, living wills, probate estates, succession planning,
      contracts and purchase/sale agreements), family law (divorce,
      paternity, child support and time-sharing, alimony, property
      distribution, modifications, collaborative law, pre/post nuptial
      agreements) and real estate (community association law,
      residential and commercial transactions, deeds, closings).
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