Page 12 - Talk of Tequesta - September '23
P. 12

Page 12, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                               Medical MaTTers

                                       Medicare Corner With Kathy O

                             It’s That Time Again To Ask – Am I On The Right Medicare Plan?

        Me d i c a r e  o p e n                         changes to their plan during what is known as the annual   supplement anytime during the next 12 months.
      enrollment is around the                          enrollment period (AEP) which runs from Oct. 15 to Dec.     How do I go about comparing plans? As a consumer,
      corner from Oct. 15  to                           7. Plans are effective January of the following year.   there are two important lists you should have when
      Dec.  7.  If  you  are  on  an                      So, what do I do now and what are my options? If you   comparing plans and making the best decision for you:
      advantage plan, you will                          are on a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan   1) A list of your medical providers and 2) A list of your
      receive a notice of change                        (PDP), you will receive an Annual Notice of Change that   prescription drugs. You have several resources to assist
      that explains the changes                         will explain any changes that are effective January 2024.   your decision-making process for AEP. You can contact
      for your current 2024 plan                        If you do not get this important document, contact your   Medicare by phone at 800-MEDICARE or online at www.
      mid-September.                                    plan provider. If you are satisfied with your current plan or you can contact a local agent like me!
        This is what you need to                        and the upcoming changes, you do not need to do anything.     What about all those commercials? These ads are
      know …                                            The plan will automatically renew January 2024. If you do   designed to generate the most incoming calls possible.
        Insurance  companies                            not like the coverage or are interested in seeing if there are   They list  all possible free benefits, but include a
      are continuing to make improvements in benefits to their   other options with more benefits or lower costs, contact a   disclaimer that you may not qualify for these benefits. As
      advantage plans to help members receive low-cost care and   local agent like me!                     a local agent, I can help clarify which benefits you may
      extra benefits beyond original Medicare. It is important     For those on a Medicare supplement plan, you have   or may not be qualified for and assist you in enrolling in
      to annually review your plan and look at some other   the option during AEP to change to a Medicare advantage   a new plan.
      options available in your area, because you may miss out   plan  that  may  have  a  $0  monthly  premium.  If  you  try     For a no cost or obligation plan review, please call
      on additional benefits and/or lower costs.        the advantage plan, and in the first year want to switch   me at (561) 212-7640. I conduct reviews in person and
        Can I change my plan anytime I want? Every year   back to your supplement, you have guarantee issue under   on the phone. I speak Medicare.
      all active Medicare A and B recipients are eligible to make   “trial rights,” which means you can switch back to your

      Renowned Surgeon Achieves Milestone In Robotic Surgery

                            Expert Oncologic Surgeon, Shanel Bhagwandin, D.O., FACS, MPH,

                                               Completes 500th Robotic-Assisted Surgery

        The leader in quality,                          Jupiter Medical Center, which boasts more than 35 surgeons     In fall 2023, the health
      safety and patient                                trained in this technology. Jupiter Medical Center was one of   system’s highly anticipated,
      experience,  Jupiter                              the first 10 hospitals in the world to introduce the da Vinci   90,000-square-foot Johnny
      Medical Center is pleased                         XI model. Bhagwandin has also pioneered the use of robotic   and Terry  Gray  Surgical
      to announce the milestone                         technology in hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy   Institute is slated to open,
      500th da Vinci  robotic-                          (HIPEC) procedures, for treatment of abdominal cancers   meeting the needs of the
      assisted surgery to treat                         that spread throughout the abdomen. Just last year, one of his   growing community. The
      rare forms of cancer                              patients made a full recovery and went on to hike the Inca   institute will have 16
      performed by Shanel                               Trail in Machu Pichu, Peru, following a HIPEC performed   operating rooms; “smart”
      Bhagwandin,  D.O.,                                by Bhagwandin at Jupiter Medical Center.           rooms will accommodate
      FACS,  MPH,  medical                                “Employing the most sophisticated technologies in the   complex  and  robotic
      director Gastrointestinal                         hands of our expert physicians is at the forefront of our mission   surgeries, while the hybrid
      Surgical  Oncology                                to provide the best, most innovative care for our community,”   suites will offer surgeons the ability to transition from a
      Program, and program                              says Rogerio C. Lilenbaum, SVP and chief physician executive,   minimally invasive surgery to an open procedure when
      director of the National                          and director of The Anderson Family Cancer Institute (AFCI),   necessary, providing patients and their families with more
      Pancreas Foundation                               where Bhagwandin is based. “Bhagwandin’s 500th da Vinci   options. The “operating rooms of the future” will use leading
      (NPF) Pancreatic Cancer Center of Excellence at Jupiter   robotic surgery is a testament to his dedication to offering his   edge technology that is digitally integrated, enabling the
      Medical Center.                                   patients specialized treatment for some of the most aggressive   surgical team to send real-time updates to the patient’s family
        Dr. Bhagwandin is the only board certified complex   forms of cancer. This is a tremendous accomplishment, and   or caregiver.
      general surgical oncologist in Palm Beach, Martin, Brevard,   indicative of the caliber of extraordinary physicians we are     For more information about Jupiter Medical Center,
      and Indian River counties, and one of fewer than 10 in   recruiting to Jupiter Medical Center.”      visit, or follow Jupiter Medical Center on
      Florida, that treats patients with specific types of cancer     Bhagwandin’s approach is complemented by the team of   Facebook and Instagram @jupitermedicalcenter. For a next
      with a minimally invasive approach with the assistance of   multidisciplinary experts at AFCI, which includes surgical   day oncologist appointment call (561) 263-4400.
      da Vinci technology. Board certified in both general surgery   oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists,   About Jupiter Medical Center
      and complex general surgical oncology, Bhagwandin treats   diagnostic and interventional radiologists, genetic counselors     Rated No. 1 in the region for quality, safety and patient
      patients with malignancies of the gallbladder and bile duct,   and patient navigators who are committed to providing   experience, Jupiter Medical Center is the leading destination
      colon and rectum, esophagus, liver, and pancreatic cancer.   cancer  care  of  the  highest  quality. AFCI  offers  the   for world-class health care in Palm Beach County and
      Cumulatively, Bhagwandin has performed over 1,500   community all aspects of oncology care and treatment in   across the Treasure Coast. Jupiter Medical Center’s state-
      cancer-related surgeries since arriving to the area in 2017   one location, allowing patients to complete a full schedule   of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technologies enable
      from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. In addition to   of appointments in as short as a day rather than sometimes   its award-winning physicians to provide a comprehensive
      the designation from the National Pancreas Foundation as a   weeks at other hospitals where components of care can   continuum of inpatient and outpatient health care services.
      Center of Excellence for Pancreatic Cancer in 2022 – just   be geographically dispersed. Recently, AFCI’s Next Day   Jupiter Medical Center’s specialty centers of excellence
      one of seven centers in Florida to achieve this – the program   Oncologist appointment program was launched, providing   include: comprehensive cancer care, cardiovascular care,
      was also named “high performing” in colon cancer surgery   patients the opportunity to schedule their initial consultation   orthopedics, neurosciences, and women’s and children’s
      by U.S. News & World Report. Jupiter Medical Center is also   within 24 hours of receiving a diagnosis, allowing them to   services. For more information about Jupiter Medical Center,
      recognized as a referral center, and offers one of the most   jump-start their journey to beat cancer.  please call (561) 263-2200 or visit
      experienced high-volume centers in the region for robotic
      liver, pancreas, colorectal, and esophageal cancers.
        “Robotic instruments are often used in minimally invasive
      surgeries,”  explains  Bhagwandin.  “A  robotic-assisted
      approach is generally associated with less pain, less blood
      loss, shorter hospital stays, and shorter recovery times so
      our cancer patients can focus on quality of life and recovery
      following the surgery.” Bhagwandin also serves as the
      vice-chief of surgery at Jupiter Medical Center, where he
      has focused on improving the quality and outcomes of all
      surgical specialties. “I am proud to work with patients and
      their families to offer them the best surgical outcomes for
      their cancer treatment with a focus on their quality of life,”
      says Bhagwandin.
        The da Vinci Robotic Surgical System is designed to                                                             747-PALM
      provide surgical assistance beyond the capabilities of human
      hands; increases the surgeon’s view using high-definition                                                              747-7256
      3-D visualization; and is used in a number of areas including
      gastrointestinal, thoracic, cardiac and general surgeries at
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