Page 6 - Southern Exposure - September '23
P. 6
Page 6, Southern Exposure
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Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Heart Valve
Surgery Include A Smaller Scar, Lower Risk
Of Infection And Shorter Hospital Stay
Aeroshell night Open-heart surgery has long been the standard of care for for conventional minimally invasive surgery (about 3 to 4
most patients with valve disease. More recently, however, inches).
show appreciation for veterans’ service and sacrifice. At minimally invasive procedures, such as robotically assisted Transcatheter Valve Replacement (TAVR)
TD, we pride ourselves on showing up and supporting the valve repair, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) Open procedure valve replacement has been the
communities in which we live and work.” and the MitraClip procedure, have emerged as safe and standard of care for most patients with aortic stenosis.
The TD Bank Dirty Flight Suit Party takes place in the VIP effective alternatives for patients with advanced and However, in recent years the minimally invasive
area at Witham Field on Friday, Nov. 10 and includes front row complex valve disease. transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) procedure
center seating from which to view the military jets, breathtaking There are a variety of minimally invasive approaches to has revolutionized management of this condition. It is
aerobatics and fireworks. It includes a fantastic catered menu, valve repair or replacement, but all offer the same benefits: now a treatment option for some patients with severe
open bar and a meet and greet with pilots and performers. Seating a smaller scar, lower risk of infection, less bleeding and aortic stenosis who are too ill to have traditional open-
is extremely limited, and tickets must be purchased online in trauma, a shorter hospital stay and a shorter recovery period. heart surgery to replace the aortic valve.
advance. Robotically Assisted Valve Repair MitraClip
In addition to the Dirty Flight Suit Party, General For people who need a mitral valve repair, studies Mitral valve degenerative disease is often treated with
Admission tickets to Friday night’s event are also available have shown that robotic surgery may be better than other medical therapy. However, patients for whom medical
for purchase starting at just $30. minimally invasive approaches for many reasons – it is therapy fails and for whom surgery is too much of a risk
The gates open at 4:30 p.m., and shortly after, the associated with less bleeding, trauma, chance of infection, may be candidates for less invasive, catheter-based options,
sky transforms into a canvas of mesmerizing twilight and need for blood products. such as MitraClip, the first device approved by the FDA to
performances against the backdrop of a setting sun. Cleveland Clinic Florida is one of the few centers in the treat high-risk patients with degenerative mitral regurgitation.
Following the spectacular fireworks display and the country offering a robot-assisted approach to minimally Cleveland Clinic participated in the COAPT clinical trial
infamous “Wall of Fire,” enjoy a rocking fun live concert. invasive valve repair or replacement, which is the most for MitraClip, which has shown the device provides a
Vendors and concessions will be open to make it a night to advanced approach available. Cleveland Clinic Florida tremendous benefit and improvement in survival and quality
remember. surgeons use a state-of-the-art robotic surgical system that of life when used in patients with reduced heart function.
Special pricing is available for active military and our has been approved by the FDA for use in many surgical Not all patients are candidates for minimally invasive
veterans. procedures. treatment for structural heart or valve disease. Cleveland
For ticket information, performers, and to learn more Using the robot offers the surgeon a wider range of Clinic Florida’s multidisciplinary team evaluates each patient
about this breathtaking celebration of aviation visit motion and more precision in employing the surgical for the appropriate solution to their structural heart disease instruments, along with a more detailed, magnified 3-D or valve problems.
view of the surgical field than in an open procedure. The To schedule an appointment with a Cleveland Clinic Florida
robotically assisted technique utilizes incisions that are specialist, call (877) 463-2010 or visit ClevelandClinicFlorida.
often less than 2 inches – smaller than the incisions used org/Access.
TD Bank Dirty Flight Suit Party 2018. Provided by Stuart
Air Show
Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
Seabreeze Publications
M. Sean Reid
J. Reid
Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
Production Manager Lee Nostrant
Production Department
Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
Sherry Whalon • Dianne Strout • Karen Kalisz
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