Page 9 - Stuart Exposure - September '23
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Stuart Exposure, Page 9

      Stuart Chamber Happenings from page 8

                                                        More than 150 Chamber members attended the August Council   Robin Dustman, Interstate Express was the rose between
      Andrew McBean, the new airport operations supervisor,   of Chambers Business at Lunch, sponsored by Live Hearty   these gentlemen (from left) Mark Kovalsky, BBQ Island
      introduced himself and presented the airport’s long-range   at Monarch Country Club. As sponsor, Stuart/Martin County   Style; John Daly, Senior Care Authority; and Cesar Caro,
      plans at the Council of Chamber’s August Business at Lunch.   Chamber Past Chair/Trustee Rob Gluckman discussed the   Schmidt’s Optical & Hearing at the Stuart/Martin County
      The event was held at Monarch Country Club and sponsored   revolutionary health procedures their practice offers, including   Chamber’s Aug. 15 Business B4 Breakfast.
      by Live Hearty. Shown (from left) are Stuart/Martin County   IV therapy, hormone replacement and cosmetic enhancements.
      Chamber President/CEO Joe Catrambone; Andrew McBean;   Shown (from left) are Chamber President/CEO Joe Catrambone;
      Chamber Chairwoman/Trustee Lisa Satur, SouthState; and   Dr. Terry Parsons and Rob Gluckman, Live Hearty; and
      Assistant County Administrator George Stokus.     Chamber Chairwoman/Trustee Lisa Satur, SouthState.

        The Singles Scene                             ©

        Special Edition By: Kelly Leary,                   Kelly Leary© has 32 years in the dating industry and a
        M.S. & Miranda Capperelli                       Master’s Degree in Psychology. She has been profiled by
        The Secret Agents of                            Modern Luxury Magazine this month as a Dynamic Business
        Change.                                         Woman. Look for it on the shelves. She has also been written
                                                        about in The Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Stuart
        "The best way to predict the                    News, and many more. Revolution Dating members are pre-
        future is to create it." – Peter                screened in person including background checks. Professional   As sponsor of the Stuart/Martin County Chamber’s Aug. 15
        Drucker                                         photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is NOT online   Business B4Breakfast, Steve Strowbridge, Florida Computer
           As the pressures of a summer fling fall away and your   dating or blind dating. In addition to providing matchmaking   Care presented ways that his company can help members
        expectations for love seem to loosen up, it’s the perfect time to   services that make singles “UN-single” through their exclusive   protect their identity and computer security. Shown with Steve
        give ample space for your new budding romance coming right at   club memberships, Kelly and her team also provide feedback   is Chamber Chairwoman/Trustee Lisa Satur, SouthState.
        you. September holds a magical quality for matters of the heart.   from your dates when appropriate. Mock Dates are available
        Sugar and spice are added to our matchmaking checklist and   by request. Single Coaching Sessions and Evaluations are also
        just in time for the pumpkin lattes. This is truly the time of year   available by request for non-members or as an add-on to some   The Blue Man Group
        when romance is subconsciously at the forefront of our brains,   memberships. *All inquiries are confidential.   made an appearance
        especially those who are single. As the prelude to cuffing season,                                 at the August Council
        this month invites us to embrace change, step into new beginnings,                                 of Chambers Business
        and experience the journey of falling in love (again).
        The Biological Spectrum of Change:                                                                 at Lunch, sponsored
           September is a bridge between seasons, a time when the                                          by Live Hearty at
        universe seems to take a collective breath before the full embrace                                 Monarch Country
        of fall. It’s a moment of subtle yet profound change, much like                                    Club. Shown (from
        the shifts that often occur within ourselves when we’re open to                                    left) are Stuart/Martin
        new possibilities. Just as leaves change colors, we too evolve in
        response to the changing tides of life. This prepares us for the                                   County Chamber Vice
        excitement that lies ahead – the prospect of finding a deep and                                    Chairman Dan Hulen,
        meaningful connection. Did you know there are biological factors                                   Fifth Third Bank
        at play? Meaning, reduced exposure to the sun during the fall can                                  Merchant Services/
        affect mood and energy levels influencing the human body to                                        Wor ldpay; new
        biologically seek emotional support through relationships. This
        is exciting, right?                                                                                member Sean Stone,
        The Dance of Love:                                                                                 BluEdge Professional Real Estate; and William Harmon,
           There’s an undeniable rhythmic enchantment to falling in love   Rest In Peace, Retired Deputy   Harmon Tax Resolution, Inc.
        and September seems to amplify this sensation. Whether it’s a   David Maharrey.  Revolution
        stroll through a park adorned in autumnal beauty or sharing stories   Dating Salutes You!  Thank   New Stuart/Martin
        by a bonfire, September sets the stage for romantic encounters   you for the love and the
        that are both tender and unforgettable. Date idea: Most of our   memories.                         County Chamber
        clients enjoy live music and even dancing, so why not seek out                                     member Kerri Brooks,
        a hot local band and/or simply turn up the music in the kitchen                                    The Keyes Co. (left)
        as you prepare your favorite meal with your new beau?                    Revolution Dating Wins Best   was introduced to
        Anticipation and Excitement:                                             Matchmaking Service 2023!   David Seyffart, Martin
           As the days grow shorter, the anticipation of cuffing season
        begins to build. The Pre-Holiday Season is the time of year when                                   Funeral Home &
        people seek companionship and want someone to cozy up with                                         Crematory and Lesley
        for the colder months. This idea of “cuffing season” may be seen                                   Vestrich, The Kane
        as just one of many cultural influences through the media and                                      Center at the Aug. 8
        how Hollywood portrays love, but there’s no denying you have                                       Business B4 Breakfast,
        not felt this exact feeling too. The idea of emotional warmth is
        desired this time of year, as well as wanting to be supported and   Revolution Dating's Favorite   sponsored by C&W
        connected. The knowledge that November and December are   2023  Summer  Couple...                  Technologies, at the
        around the corner fosters a yearning for a partner, both in terms   Shellie & Don!                 chamber.
        of physical comfort and emotional closeness. This anticipation
        can lead to thrilling adventures and unexpected encounters
        that culminate in deep and lasting relationships. It is said that   On Shelves  Now: Women of      Why Pay More To Sell?
        relationships that begin in the Fall Season have a higher rate of   Style...Spotlighting CEO  and
        longevity and sustainability.                     Head  Matchmaker,  Kelly
        Change Together:                                  Leary.
           September’s dreamy atmosphere offers an opportunity to
        embrace change as a couple, laying the foundation for a strong
        and forever partnership. Just as nature adapts to the seasons,
        couples can navigate transitions and uncertainties hand in hand.                                    Even with 23 years of
        The support and comfort found in a loving relationship can make                                     experience, my fees
        the challenges of the holidays feel less daunting.                                Hot Off The
           The “Secret (and Confidential) Agents of Change” are at                        Press:  Kelly is   are still low
        your service and have been for 32 years and counting. We are the                  featured in the
        catalyst to jumpstart your journey to embrace change and fall in                  Dynamic Women
        love. Take this opportunity to work with the best matchmakers                     feature  story            SELL YOUR HOME
        in the world who happen to be local (lucky you). Let us take one                  this Fall. Check   Using the latest and most advanced
        thing off your plate so you can focus on all the changes coming                   it out on our
        your way. Our goal is to encourage those to view love as an                       website  press            marketing technologies
        enhancement of their lives and not to be categorized as another                   link or in the
        thing to tackle on their to-do list. Let us welcome September with                magazine!
        open arms and an eager heart, ready to experience the wonder of                                                               Call Jim at
        change and the joy of the season. Let’s hit the last part of 2023
        with strength, optimism, and good energy.                                                                                 772-341-2941
        XOXO, Kelly & Miranda (The Florida Matchmakers)
         #DateLocal #LoveLocal #LoveOffline #ChangeIsGood                                                           Jim Weix, Broker Associate
        #TellYourFriends #BeTheMagic #CuffingSeason                                                                    309 SE Osceola St., Suite 204, Stuart
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