Page 11 - Stuart Exposure - September '23
P. 11

Stuart Exposure, Page 11

                                                     all abOut Kids

      Backpack Food Program                             approximately 120 students each week. We send home   Friday. According to the Treasure Coast Food Bank, one
                                                        two breakfasts, two lunches, two snacks and one to two   in five children in the Treasure Coast is food insecure. It
         First United Methodist Church of Hobe Sound began a   pieces of fresh fruit for food insecure children every   has been shown that students perform significantly better
      Backpack Food Program                                                                                when they have an adequate, balanced diet. Our goal is to
      in 2015 to help feed the                                                                             help the children in our community who are food insecure.
      food insecure children                                                                                  We have purchased the food from the Treasure Coast
      i n our c om m uni t y.                                                                              Food Bank to give to the students. Members of our
      Initially, we sent food                                                                              church and other organizations have donated money to
      home with 40 students                                                                                support our Backpack Program. Because of the increase
      at Seawind Elementary                                                                                in the cost of food and transportation we are no longer
      School and 40 students at                                                                            financially able to feed this many food insecure students
      Hobe Sound Elementary                                                                                and are asking our community to help us provide this
      School every Friday                                                                                  food by donating to the Backpack Program, a mission of
      during the school year.                                                                              our church. If you would like to donate, you can send a
         Over the past several                                                                             donation designated for the Backpack Program to:
      years the need for food                                                                                        First United Methodist Church
      has grown substantially                                                                                               of Hobe Sound
      and we are now serving  Kathy Gordon                         Gerry Mueller                                      10100 S.E. Federal Highway
                                                                                                                         Hobe Sound, FL 33455

                                                                                                             real estate

           Federico Serrot, MD                                                                              Treasure Coast Real Estate
           Bariatric Surgeon
                                                                                                            Get Ready For Another Strong Real Estate
           Cleveland Clinic Martin Health
           Cleveland Clinic Mar tin Health                                                                  Market In Florida … Maybe
                               tin Health
           Cleveland Clinic Mar
           welcomes Federico Serrot, MD, FACS,
           welcomes F  ederico Serrot, MD, F ACS,
           welcomes Federico Serrot, MD, FACS,
           FASMBS, as Medical Director, Bariatric
           FASMBS, as Medical Director, Bariatric
           F ASMBS, as Medical Director , Bariatric                                                         By Jim Weix

                                                                                                               I’ve always been
           and Metabolic Surgery.                                                                           an optimistic person,
           Upon earning his medical degree at
           Upon earning his medical degree at                                                               although not always
           Upon earning his medical degree at
                                                                                                            realistic. However, based
           Universidad del Salvador in Buenos                                                               on my open houses held in
           Universidad del Salvador in Buenos
           Universidad del Salvador in Buenos
           Aires, Argentina, Dr. Serrot completed
           Aires, Argentina, Dr. Serrot completed
           Aires, Argentina, Dr . Serrot completed                                                          record heat, and my sales,
           the general surger
           the general surgery residency at
                             y residency at
           the general surgery residency at                                                                 the real estate market
           the University of Arizona College of
           the University of Arizona College of
           the University of Arizona College of                                                             seems to be strong and
           Medicine. He went on to complete three
           Medicine. He went on to complete three
           Medicine. He went on to complete three                                                           not showing any signs of
           fellowships: the esophageal function test
           fellowships: the esophageal function test
           fellowships: the esophageal function test                                                        slowing down.

                                                                                                               The low inventory of
           and surgical research fellowships at the
           and surgical research fellowships at the                                                         homes for sale, and high buyer demand, are keeping
           and surgical research fellowships at the
           University of Minnesota Medical School;
           University of Minnesota Medical School;
           University of Minnesota Medical School;                                                          prices stable. Although people are moving to Florida
           and a minimally invasive, endoscopic,
           and a minimally invasive, endoscopic,
           and a minimally invasive, endoscopic,                                                            from other states, the Treasure Coast has an additional
           foregut and bariatric surger
           foregut and bariatric surgery fellowship
           foregut and bariatric surgery fellowship                                                         group of buyers trying to flee Miami.
                                      y fellowship
           at Cleveland Clinic Florida.                                                                        I don’t see the low inventory situation ending anytime
                                                                                                            soon. Most sellers, if they have a mortgage, have one
                  t of Cleveland Clinic Florida’s
           As part of Cleveland Clinic Florida’s                                                            at a low rate. They aren’t going to want to sell and buy
           As par
           As part of Cleveland Clinic Florida’s
           Bariatric and Metabolic Institute,
           Bariatric and Metabolic Institute,
           Bariatric and Metabolic Institute,                                                               another house and have a new mortgage at today’s higher
                                                                                                            rate. They are staying put.
           Dr. Serrot joins a team of specialists
           Dr. Serrot joins a team of specialists
           Dr . Serrot joins a team of specialists                                                             Although housing prices in Florida are high, buyers
           across southeast Florida, from
           across southeast Florida, from
           across southeast Florida, from                                                                   from states like California and New York, and areas like
                                ero Beach.
             eston to Stuar
           Weston to Stuart to Vero Beach.
           Weston to Stuart to Vero Beach.                                                                  Miami, don’t consider them high. That is good news for
                           t to V
                                                                                                            Treasure Coast sellers.
           “Our goal is to improve access
           “Our goal is to improve access                                                                      Home insurance can be an obstacle for buyers. Sellers
           “Our goal is to improve access
           to weight management care                                                                        might want to talk to their insurance agent and see if they
           that will change the lives of                                                                    can ease this roadblock for potential buyers.
           our patients forever,” said                                                                         Due to the insurance issues, sellers will want to
           Dr. Serrot.                                                                                      address issues like an old roof and polybutylene pipes,
                                                                                                            as they will make it difficult for buyers to get insurance.
           With extensive experience                                                                        Many homes that were built between 1978 to 1995
                                                                                                            have these pipes. Since they rupture in time, both home
           in robotic surgery, Dr. Serrot’s
           in robotic surger y , Dr . Serrot’s                                                              inspectors and insurance companies are on the lookout
           in robotic surgery, Dr. Serrot’s
           clinical specialties include metabolic                                                           for them.
           clinical specialties include metabolic
           clinical specialties include metabolic
                               ; gastric bypass
           and bariatric surgery; gastric bypass
           and bariatric surger
           and bariatric surgery; gastric bypass                                                               As for marketing your home, remember that most
           surgery; sleeve gastrectomy; foregut
           surgery; sleeve gastrectomy; foregut                                                             buyers find a home on the Internet, not driving around.
                  ; sleeve gastrectomy
                                      ; foregut
           surgery; anti-refl ux surgery; hernia                                                             Good pictures and a virtual tour are a must.
                                                                                                               To get good pictures, make your home attractive.
           surgery; gallbladder surgery; and                                                                  Since the first picture that potential buyers see is the front
           peritoneal dialysis access.                                                                      of your house, which creates the first impression, make it
           “By creating partnerships with our                                                               a good one. Along with sprucing up your gardens, please
                                                                                                            get your driveway and sidewalk power washed. I see too
           primary care physicians, as well as                                                              many street-view pictures where the most noticeable
           providers in other subspecialties, we                                                            thing about the house is the dirty or oil-stained driveway.
           will provide the best care possible for                                                             Although some outfits advertise that they buy ugly
           patients needing to lose weight and                                                              houses, pretty houses sell for more.
           improve their health,” said Dr. Serrot.                                                             Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
                                                                                                            options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
                                                                                                               Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
                      Dr. Serrot sees patients at the Cleveland Clinic Family                               Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
                  Health Center located at 3801 S. Kanner Highway in Stuart.                                estate full-time. If you have questions or want the services
                                                                                                            of an experienced expert, you can reach Jim at (772)
                      To schedule a consultation call 772.223.2890 or visit                                 341-2941 or
               to learn more.
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