Page 16 - Martin Downs Bulletin - September '23
P. 16

Page 16, Martin Downs

                                                    tip oF tHe taiL

      Puppy ‘Potty’ Training Tips                          This rigid routine should be continued for several months   will be well worth it to have a fully house trained pup!

                                                         before he or she is officially “potty” trained. Just remember     Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center
                                                         that even the most diligent owner should expect accidents   is dedicated to providing the best possible care for your
                                                         and should not get upset. If you happen to catch your pup   pets. With focuses on compassionate care in surgery,
                                                         in the act, just startle him or her to make them stop and take   physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative medicine,
                                                         them out right away to allow your pup to finish and then offer   extensive diagnostics, and emergency service, Palm City
                                                         a treat. If you punish your pup you could cause them to be   Animal Medical Center combines exceptional medical
                                                         scared. This can lead to him or her sneaking off to go potty   care with a caring philosophy for pets and their owners.
        Like infants and toddlers, young puppies require an   in the house where you cannot see them instead.   For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit www.
      extensive amount of time, planning and energy – usually much     Having a puppy is fun but is a serious commitment. The potty or find us on Facebook
      more than one predicts. Potty training a puppy, one of the most   training process requires, above all, patience and consistency. It   at
      trying tasks, can be difficult. You can make this process easier
      by understanding your puppy and the tricks that will help you   Treasure Coast Outdoors
      train him or her.
        First, you should get a crate for your puppy. A crate is a
      place where your dog can feel safe and secure. It’s important   Railroad Trestle Will Require          This means that pontoon boats, large vessels, and
      that they have their own space in which they can go when                                             everything in between are going to be going both ways
      they need to be alone – it is their den. The crate should be big   Anglers To Plan Ahead             and all trying to get through within that 15-minute time
      enough for them to stand up and lie down in comfortably, but                                         period. It could be entertaining at times. Hopefully “boat
      small enough so that they don’t have room to pee or poop on   By Jim Weix                            rage” will not become as common as road rage.
      the floor of the crate. If you’re using a plastic crate, make sure     The mutton snapper bite         As I mentioned, the mutton snapper bite is good. The biggest
      it has ventilation holes so that your puppy doesn’t get too hot   is good, but if you are west       issue is getting them to the boat before a shark or goliath grouper
      or too cold inside of it. Do not use the wire cages because they   of the railroad trestle, you      gets it. We have a serious overpopulation of both, with no serious
      will feel exposed. When the pup wakes up, take him directly   will need to plan your trip,           plans to correct the problem.
      outside and stand there, do not distract him or her. You can   unless you can fit below a              I have also discovered, as have others, that these apex
      use the cue word “potty” just once so he or she associates the   closed trestle. Here is the         predators are quick learners. They have figured out that a stopped
      word with the action. Once he has gone to the bathroom, both   planned schedule at this              boat can mean free lunch. Once an angler stops, or anchors, they
      pee and poop, reward him or her with a treat. If he or she has   point:                              may discover that these predators begin to check them out.
      not done both pee and poop then put him or her back in the   Monday Through Friday                     Some anglers have told me that they often wait before trying
      crate and try again in 15 minutes. Once he or she has done both   8:55 through 9:10 a.m.             to fish. If the predators don’t see any activity from the boat above
      then you can feed and have a play session. Keep your eyes on   Saturday And Sunday                   them, they may move on.
      your pup at all times. Watch for signs of sniffing the ground,   8:55 through 9:10 a.m.                Another solution is using a heavy line so that you can get
      wandering off away from the play area. If these signs are   9:55 through 10:10 a.m.                  the fish to the boat quickly. I got two muttons into the boat and
      noticed, then take outside immediately. If less than 12 weeks   10:55 through 11:10 a.m.             I could see the goliath groupers rising up from below to try and
      of age, take him or her outside every 30 minutes until he or   12:55 through 1:10 p.m.               grab them. Then they got smart and just sat under the boat, so I
      she begins going potty outside consistently. Then extend the   4:55 through 5:10 p.m.                moved.
      time to one hour, then two hours and so on until no accidents     From 10:01 p.m. until 5:59 a.m. daily, the drawbridge     Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler,
      occur. Always take him or her out about 15 to 20 minutes after   will remain in the fully open-to-navigation position.  conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is included in
      eating or drinking, wakes up from a nap or has been playing     Boaters should also take into consideration that they   the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s Hall of Fame for helping
      hard and then slows down. Also have your pup go in the crate   may run into some serious boat congestion at times. Along   restore thousands of acres of wetlands. Jim is a broker associate
      for naps throughout the day and go through the same process   with numerous boats of all types waiting for the trestle to   with The Keyes Company. He can be reached at (772) 341-2941
      as in the morning each time he or she is taken out.   open, the opening below the trestle is only 50 feet wide.   or by email:

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