Page 12 - Martin Downs Bulletin - September '23
P. 12

Page 12, Martin Downs

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      Photo Exhibit Featuring                                                                              About The Historical Society Of Martin County

      National Geographic                                                                                    Since 1955, the Historical Society of Martin County has
                                                                                                           served as a guardian of local history and a cultural center
      Photographers Opens At                                                                               by operating the Elliott Museum and the House of Refuge
                                                                                                           Museum at Gilbert’s Bar, which opened in 1876 and served
      Elliott Museum                                                                                       as a haven for shipwrecked survivors. The Elliott Museum,
                                                                                                           located at 825 N.E. Ocean Blvd. in Stuart, seeks to preserve
        The Elliott Museum recently opened a striking photo                                                and celebrate the region’s colorful history by presenting an
      exhibit featuring Carlton Ward Jr.’s “Path of the Panther” and                                       eclectic mix of traveling and rotating permanent exhibits,
      Mac Stone’s “Wild Everglades.” During the VIP reception,                                             lectures and experiential events. The House of Refuge’s
      sponsors, donors and board members were wowed by the                                                 mission is to educate the public about the historical
      two award-winning National Geographic photographers.                                                 significance of Martin County’s iconic landmark and to
        The exhibits are part of the Historical Society of Martin                                          ensure its historical integrity and preservation. For more
      County’s Protect Our Peninsula series at the Elliott Museum,                                         information, go online to or call (772)
      which is located at 825 N.E. Ocean Drive in Stuart. The                                              225-1961.
      museum is committed to annually presenting one major   Dr. Ed and Jacqui Lippisch and Rocky and Henry Grady                    Photos by Doreen Poreba
      exhibit that addresses the fragility of Florida’s natural
      environment. The first in this series, the photography   exhibit will be displayed through Dec. 18. The exhibits   Discover The History Of
                                                         are generously sponsored by Dr. Ed Lippisch and Jacqui
                                                         Thurlow-Lippisch, Henry and Rachelle (Rocky) Grady, Bill   Genealogy With The Martin
                                                         and Carole Hauke, and Gloria Whittle and Stan O’Hoppe.
                                                           In the coming months, the Elliott will host a series of   County Genealogical Society
                                                         lectures, forums and other engagements to raise awareness
                                                         and influence behaviors in the realm of pure conservation.    From Roman times
                                                           Some people may recognize Ward’s work from the   until today, the world
                                                         Path of the Panther documentary, which chronicles the   of genealogy has been
                                                         fight to protect the endangered big cat from encroaching   like  a  rollercoaster.  At
                                                         development. CBS Saturday Morning recently featured the   the October meeting
                                                         show, which also has debuted on multiple networks. Ward   of the Martin County
                                                         has spent almost two decades advocating for the Florida   Genealogical Society
                                                         Wildlife Corridor, a network of public and private lands that   (MCGS), professional
                                                         provide the panther’s lifeline.                   genealogist Craig Roberts
      Terry Terrell, Linda Ryan and Samantha Duty          Stone grew up exploring North Central Florida’s springs,   Scott will delve into the
                                                         swamps and hammocks. While most people view swamps   ups and downs of this world
                                                         and wetlands as obstacles to avoid, Stone sees these places   in his presentation “The
                       kids                              as national treasures. He documents the wildlife stories of   History of Genealogy.” According to Scott, “From
                                                         Florida’s Everglades, and through his stunning photographs,
                                                                                                           centuries of work by genealogists with varying agendas,
                                                         Stone shines a new light on a neglected, ancient and   to the recent creation of genealogical societies, standards
                 corner                                  important wilderness.                             and peer-reviewed journals, that world has changed – and
                                                                                                           so have the agendas.”
                                                           The Elliott Museum is open every day except for major
                                                         holidays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit     Craig Roberts Scott, MA, CG, FUGA is president and
                                                         the website,, or call (772) 225-1961.  CEO of Heritage Books, Inc., a genealogical publishing
        Inflexible Children Struggle                                                                       firm with over 9,500 titles in print. A professional
                                                                                                           genealogical and historical researcher for more than
        By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                                                                              35 years, he specializes in military records, problem-
        School Psychologist                                                                                solving, Quakers and publishing.  The author of 17
          “We don’t spring any                                                                             books and several articles in the National Genealogical
        unexpected changes on                                                                              Society Quarterly (NGSQ), he hosts the YouTube “Just
        him or he has a huge                                                                               Genealogy” channel. Scott serves on the editorial board
        meltdown,” explained                                                                               of the NGSQ and is a member of the Company of Military
        one mom. Her 8-year-old                                                                            Historians. He has been a faculty member or research
        son had daily tantrums                                                                             track coordinator in the Institute of Genealogy and
        when  things  did  not                                                                             Historical Research, the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy,
        go his way. Mom was                                                                                and the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh. Currently,
        concerned he might have                                                                            he coordinates the Salt Lake Institute Genealogy Guided
        ADHD so we evaluated                                                                               Research and Consultation Track, helping students solve
        him to determine the root cause of his meltdowns. Our                                              their brick wall problems.
        evaluation showed it was not ADHD but rather he had   Mark Perry and Nicki van                       Free and open to the public, the meeting will be at the
        executive functioning difficulty with shifting attention   Vanno          Arati and Art Hammond    Blake Library, 2351 S.E. Monterey Road in Stuart, from
        and cognitive flexibility.                                                                         1 to 3 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 11. Note: This meeting date
          Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “That person has                                                is different than the usual third Friday of the month. To
        a one-track mind.” That saying captures what happens                                               participate via Zoom, go to and register
        when inflexible people get something stuck in their minds                                          by Oct. 10.
        and they can’t get it out. They perseverate. Their brain is                                          The Martin County Genealogical Society offers a
        like a train riding down a track and it can’t make a shift                                         variety of services at the genealogy room in the Blake
        to a new track until it gets to a junction. Unfortunately                                          Library including an extensive research library, access to
        for some people, their brain goes on for “miles” before                                            several genealogy websites and assistance from MCGS
        it reaches a junction. As a parent you might think, “Just                                          volunteers. For more information about membership,
        get over it and move on,” but it is not that easy for your                                         activities and services go to
          Inflexible children often have difficulty making   Carolyn and William   Jeffry Gillian and Sharon
        transitions at home and at school. They often see things   Michaud       Williams
        their way and have difficulty going with the flow.
        This contributes to their meltdowns and stubbornness.       Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
        Inflexible children are not always pleasant to be around.
        They can be bossy when playing and want to do things
        their way. This inflexibility can create friendship issues             Gifted Testing
        with same age peers and inflexible children might prefer
        to play with younger children whom they can boss around.
          The term executive functioning describes our brain’s                   NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
        management system. Kids with executive functioning                       • Jupiter & Stuart Offices
        difficulty need to learn skill rather than take pills to help                                                 Licensed School Psychologist
        them. Mom was happy medication was not the answer for                    • Testing for Processing  
        her child. My Day is Ruined!: A Story Teaching Flexible                    Problems, Anxiety,
        Thinking by Bryan Smith is a book you can read with                        Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
        your child to teach skills.                                              • Weekend and After
          Call to discuss your child as we test for executive                      School Appointments
        functioning difficulty, autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia,
        ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Visit or
        call (561) 625-4125.                                                           “Helping Parents Help Children”
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