Page 17 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 17

September 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 17
      Finding Hope On The Journey Into Old Age

      By Robert W. Goldfarb                              and happy surprises that came so often. Little I’m now finding   way along what I feared would be a dark and lonely journey.
                                                         along the road brightens my journey. For the first time in 70      On my first steps along this road, I learned something that
         I often look back at the road I’ve traveled from birth into   years I’m walking this road alone, without my wife’s hand   made it possible for me to go forward with hope, perhaps even
      my nineties. There were always hazards along that road.   in mine. Her loss has eclipsed the sun that seemed happy to   confidence. No one had to remind me Muriel was no longer
      Stalking through the first miles was polio that brought fear   shine for her. Instead of anticipating her kiss, I’m hoping the   physically alongside me. But of this I was certain; she had
      into my mother’s eyes when I said my legs hurt. High school   elevator in my building is finally working.  never left my heart, my being. I wasn’t alone. She was with
      meant algebra, and just the word reminds me why so many      How then do I find the will and resources to press deeper   me. I feel her touch when I’m uncertain which way to turn. It
      young people are depressed. A misstep on paths I walked   into old age knowing one of those bumps could mean calling   has become clear to me that in 93 years along this path–most
      in the Army could trigger nightmares and worse. Marrying   911? I’m surrounded by the love of my children, grandchildren   of it with Muriel– I found within myself the will and resources
      young– three children in four years and entry-level jobs–   and a new great-grandson. We talk regularly and see each other   to push forward. The boy I was and the man Muriel helped
      made my hands shake when I opened envelopes stamped   often. But they have full lives and live in distant cities. Loosing   me become has somehow managed to walk these final miles
      “Final Notice.” But I always managed to step over these   Muriel has made my journey a lonely one. I was encouraged   with the hope and confidence I feared I had lost.
      obstacles with a young man’s confidence.           to meet in groups with others who had just lost their husbands
         The road taking me deeper into old age is different. I find   or wives. I learned very quickly that mourning is one of the      Bob’s articles have appeared in The New York Times,
      myself stumbling over bumps I didn’t even notice when I   most private of acts. What little I learned in those meetings   The San Francisco Chronicle and in Next Avenue, the
      was younger. Most of the miles I traveled in the past were   seemed lifted from a self-help book. None of it healed the   publication of the Public Broadcasting Service. His book,
      towered over by weddings, births, confirmations, graduations   pain. I decided to stop attending meetings and find my own   “What’s Stopping Me From Getting Ahead?” was published
                                                                                                           by McGraw Hill and is in five languages. 
         Wildlife In Boca Pointe                                                                            Dear Boca Pointe

         Have you captured any images                                                                       Dog Owners:
         of Wildlife in Boca Pointe?

            We’d love to publish your pictures in our new                                                      We have had a few recent complaints
         section Wildlife in Boca Pointe!                                                                   from residents who have had
            Please tell us where the photo was taken. Your                                                  uncomfortable  encounters  with
         photos may be published in The Viewpointe!                             Four-spotted pennant        dogs off leash around
            Send your photos to lisa.cammaleri@fsresidential.                                               the property.  We are
         com.                                                                                              reaching out to our
                                                         Great blue heron                                   residents to remind them
                                                                                                            of our rules concerning
                                                                                                            keeping dogs on leashes and  cleaning pet litter. As a
                                                                                                            resident of Boca Pointe you must: Keep your dog on a
                                                                                                            Leash. All dogs must be controlled on a leash by an able-
                                                                                                            bodied person, at all times, whenever the dog is on property.
                                                                                Northern parula             Also, you must clean up and properly dispose of pet waste
                                                                                                            when your pet relieves itself. Knowing and abiding by our
                                                                                Photos by  Luis  Alberto    community’s animal-related ordinances will help make our
                    Photos by Les Hochhauser             Roseate spoonbill      Matheus                     neighborhood a better place for everyone. Thank you! 


                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTOR                 ®

                                                                                 Shayna is a luxury real estate professional who grew up in Boca Raton,
                                                                                 Florida, which has allowed her to gain a profound understanding of the
                                                                                 local  market.  She  holds  a  degree  in  hospitality  management  and  her
                                                                                 experience working in luxury hotels and resorts across the United States
                                                                                 has shaped her skills to a unique hospitality-meets-real estate approach.
                                                                                 Shayna strives to provide her clients with Five-Star Luxury Service - No
                                                                                 Reservations Required.

                                                                                 Her unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that every client feels
                                                                                 like a VIP. Whether you’re buying your  rst home or looking to sell your
                                                                                 current property, Shayna is dedicated to helping you achieve your real
                                                                                 estate goals. She takes great pride in guiding her clients through every
                                                                                 step of the buying or selling process, o ering professional support and
                                                                                 guidance along the way. With Shayna by your side, you can rest assured
                                                                                 that you’re in the hands of an exceptional real estate professional.

                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 GLOBAL REAL ESTATE ADVISOR
                                                                                                                            BOCA RATON OFFICE
                                                                                 561.445.8964                            200 E PALMETTO PARK RD
                                                                                 SFRANCO@ONESOTHEBYSREALTY.COM              BOCA RATON, FL 33432

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