Page 16 - Boca ViewPointe - September '23
P. 16

Page 16, Viewpointe                                                September 2023
      L’Shana Tova From Magen David Adom

      / Join Us For Our 2023 Mission To Israel!

      By Yishai Mizrahi                                     • Enjoy a special visit to an IDF base to visit with soldiers   paramedic
                                                         and hear their stories and experiences.           classe s and
      Dear Friends,                                      Special interactive culinary experiences          youth volunteers
         I hope you are all enjoying                        • Come hungry for “Shuk and Cook” in Jerusalem’s   for Magen
      the final days of this summer,                     Yehuda Market where, following a private tour of the market,   David Adom.
      and gearing up for the High                        we’ll take part in an exclusive cooking workshop with famed   These dedicated
      Holidays. This  month,                             Israeli chef Tali Friedman and enjoy the meal we all cook   individuals are
      I write to you with great                          together.                                         the lifeblood of
      admiration and gratitude                              • Experience a tasting tour in Ramla Market with a   MDA, serving
      for the invaluable and life-                       hummus-making demonstration.                      as the heroes on
      saving work of Magen David                         Unique and beautiful nature excursions            the  frontlines
      Adom, made possible by the                            • Choose between experiencing the Dead Sea like never   who utilize the
      unwavering support of the Boca Pointe community, and the   before on a private floating cruise or exploring lush botanical   equipment and   Magen David Adom Paramedics and
      memory of the late Burt Goodman, who played a vital role in   gardens in Ein Gedi.                   their profound   Volunteer EMT’s entrusted to save lives.
      these efforts. Throughout the years, your dedicated backing of      • Get ready for adventure with an off-road Jeep ride in   training to keep
      Magen David Adom has played a crucial role in safeguarding   the Judean desert.                      Israel and her people safe each and every day. Consider
      the citizens of Israel during times of war, terror attacks, natural      • Wind down with a private dinner under the stars in the   sponsoring one of these remarkable individuals today.
      disasters, and everyday emergencies.               desert with live musical entertainment.              To explore these opportunities, please reach out to
         One July 28th at 4:50 in the afternoon, Magen David      For more information, including pricing, itinerary,   Yishai Mizrahi, the Area Director for American Friends
      Adom Senior Paramedics aboard the 2012 Boca Pointe   and FAQs, visit, or contact   of Magen David Adom in Boca Raton/Delray Beach, at
      Mobile Intensive Care Unit Ambulance based in Gedera,   Yishai Mizrahi – contact info below.         561.288.5658 or via email at We
      responded to an emergency call of a woman going into      Finally, in addition to ambulances, Magen David   are eager to collaborate and bring awareness to the life-saving
      labor and in need of emergency attention fast. Your   Adom  offers  various  opportunities  to  sponsor  life-  initiatives that your support helps make possible. Whether
      ambulance was on the scene and helped the mother deliver   saving medical equipment. Whether it is defibrillators,   it’s in a formal or informal setting, we are here to share the
      a beautiful baby boy, and transported both mother and baby   chest compressors, or one-year sponsorships of ambulance   remarkable impact of your contributions.
      to Kaplan Hospital. This was the 445th mother in labor   supplies, your support enables Magen David Adom to      May Israel experience a more peaceful end of summer,
      emergency this ambulance has responded to, all because   possess the necessary equipment to save lives. We warmly   and from the depths of our hearts, we extend our sincere
      of the support the Boca Pointe community has made to   welcome Qualified Charitable Deductions and Required   gratitude to the residents of Boca Pointe who remain steadfast
      safeguarding and delivering lives in Israel.       Minimum Distributions, as American Friends of MDA is a   in their commitment to saving lives in Israel through your
                                                         registered 501(c)(3) organization. Additionally, communal   unwavering support of Magen David Adom. Your dedication
                                                         and group gifts further amplify our impact and create a   is immeasurable, and we are forever grateful. Wishing all of
                                                         lasting difference.                               your and your families a L’Shana Tova – and a sweet, smooth
                                                            Moreover, you now have the opportunity to sponsor   and meaningful New Year. 

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      Latest Activity Report from the 2012 Boca Pointe MICU

         If you have not
      visited Israel yet
      during its 75th
      Birthday,  consider
      joining American
      Friends  of  Magen
      David Adom  for  an                                 Scott Cohen is Here to Help!
      exciting mission this Fall, Oct 27th – Nov 2nd. We’ve
      been hard at work adding exciting enhancements to our fall   Your fellow Boca Pointe Resident is available to
      mission, making this already high-end, intimate trip feel even   help with Property Insurance Claims to ensure
      more special and unique! This will be an opportunity to have   your insurance company treats you fairly!
      a boutique trip experience, while seeing the immeasurable
      impact of Magen David Adom first hand.               Do You Have an INSURANCE CLAIM?
         The trip includes:
      Access to High Level Speakers and Spaces            ●  Water damage?               ●  Fire?
         • Participate in a briefing with internationally acclaimed   ●  Roof leak?      ●  Mold?
      Israel commentator Neil Lazarus.
                                                          ●  Damaged floor tile?         ●  Storm damage?
        Vehicle Information                               ●  Plumbing leak?              ●  Kitchen/Bathroom damage?
                                                          ●  Cabinet damage?

          If you have purchased a new vehicle within the past             Scott Will Get You the Settlement YOU Deserve!
       6 months, please make sure the Boca Pointe Community   Closed, Denied, Underpaid Claim? He can help! Call for a FREE no obligation inspection!
       Association management office has a copy of your current
       vehicle registration on file. Your gate transponder is linked                         No recovery? No fee!!
       to your vehicle so it is important that we have accurate        Your insurance company has experts on their side – SHOULDN’T YOU?
       information in our system. Please fax it to (561) 395-5936         Call Scott directly (954) 937-1224 /
       or email it to
          Thank you for your cooperation!                                     

          BPCA Management team                          Policyholders who hired public adjusters for non-catastrophe claims received 574% more money than those who did not hire a P.A, Filing a claim can
                                                                  not legally affect your coverage. This is a solicitation if you have filed a claim and are happy with your settlement please disregard this advertisement.
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